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Female medical question ...

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I don't know of a bigger group of smart folks and you women always have the answer so here goes.


I have Mastitis for the 2nd time in 5 years. My youngest turned 19 on Saturday, so nope, haven't breast fed anybody in years.


Dr. thought it was strange, nurse said it happens, even in kids.

I thought it was strange one time, but twice??


And it hurts!


Any thoughts on the cause?

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Weird. I've had borderline mastitis (what I would have called a plugged duct while nursing, and treated as such -- managed to avoid getting worse than a low fever and discomfort) since my youngest weaned. I think it was a little more than two years afterward... There was a little bit of milk as well. I thought it was *very* bizarre (and was more than a little worried) at the time, and while my family doctor wasn't much help, my GYN assured me that this wasn't particularly unusual. Sure seemed unusual to me! ;)


They did check my progesterone and other hormone levels and did some basic bloodwork (probably to reassure me more than anything else), and everything seemed fine.


Maybe some of us are just more prone to this kind of thing? I had *frequent* plugged ducts while nursing and a number of bouts of mastitis as well...

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While nursing I suffered from a couple of bouts of mastitis (one I ended up in the ER with a 105 degree temp) and I think I'm prone to it because I also am prone to yeast issues. I think, for me, that the yeast weakens the skin so that bacteria enters where it isn't supposed to (if you are a doc or nurse reading this -- don't laugh at me :tongue_smilie: -- It makes sense to me)


As long as I regularly take my probiotics I'm fine. I'm hoping I won't end up with mastitis since I haven't nursed in over a year.

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I would get a second opinion, preferably with a breast specialist.


I do not wish to alarm you, so take a deep breath before you read this next sentence. You just want to be sure because:


For primary care practitioner, safest to assume all mastitis in nonlactating patient is inflammatory carcinoma until proven otherwise.




This is a matter of being safe. Yes, completely benign breast infections can occur in a nonlactating breast, but please, be sure. I would absolutely get a 2nd opinion.


Best Wishes -


Hornblower - an IBCLC in her other life

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The Dr. pretty much covered this thought and came to a no conclusion. The pics I saw online dn't look like my booKs. :001_huh:But thanks and I will keep monitoring it to be sure there are no changes that would indicate IC..

I did read something that made me wonder if my shower puff thingy might be a source for bacteria..:tongue_smilie:It will be replaced tomorrow!

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I am sorry your feeling bad and to give you a laugh and ;) maybe the reason for your mastitis


I was a ER nurse in the early 90's and had this patient come in during a blizzard with mastitis, so a potential reason is











rough 4-play:D (came in the E/R with bite marks that lead to mastistis)



Then on a serious note, mastitis is very common, usually a clogged duct, possible hormone related. If its just pain, redness, tenderness and no nipple discharge you should be feeling better with around of antibiotics.

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rough 4-play:D (came in the E/R with bite marks that lead to mastistis)




Blizzards yes, bite marks...NOPE!


But thanks for the chuckle.



Then on a serious note, mastitis is very common, usually a clogged duct, possible hormone related. If its just pain, redness, tenderness and no nipple discharge you should be feeling better with around of antibiotics.


Hormones..probably still have them! Thanks for the note. REally, I am feeling like an odd duck here today. Glad someone out there has heard of this!

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I have heard of masitis in non-nursing women. But that is odd to have it twice.


I had mastitis when I was nursing my first DD. She was 13 months old at the time. It was the sickest I have ever been in my life. I felt horrible....so I know where you are coming from. I hope you get some answers!

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Have you been tested for systemic yeast? I had a horrible case of mastitis after my twins were born that eventually led to a six month bout of inflammatory arthritis involving every joint in my body. On a whim my rheumatologist decided to test me for systemic yeast and voila -- the root cause of all my troubles. A four week treatment of liquid Nystatin (the type they use in babies for oral thrush) was all it took to clear everything up.


Hope this helps!

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