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Ever feel "obligated" to use a certain curr. b/c you spent too much money on it?...

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even though it's either not working or not what you expected? I'm there w/ Science right now. Bought the God's Design for Life series and CKE Biology. I feel obligated to use both b/c I spent the money on them. My kids just aren't into the Human Body using God's Design (too in depth for them) even though we use a lapbook for it, too. I'm tempted to drop Science until the baby comes and then start fresh w/ some spring-science activities like Caterpillar to butterfly, frog life cycle, plants, birds, insects, etc. Why can't I just put the book away and forget about it!?!

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Yes. For a while anyway. I was really stressed out at the beginning of the yr trying to make CW work for me. It simply drove me crazy to use it. I didn't need that kind of guidance and it was actually inhibiting my teaching. I used it for weeks until I finally said forget it. I am so glad that I did!!! School was much better after I did so. :)

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I am the same way. I hate wasting money. However, as I continue to homeschool, I'm getting better at being able to tell whether or not something will work for me or my boys.


I agree with Heather. Sell it and use this as an experience to help you with future science purchases. Now you know that if something is similar to God's Design for Life, it's not going to be a good fit for your family.

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Whenever I'm tempted to do that, I just remember my business training: Never allow a sunk cost to affect decisions.


That money is spent, no matter what. You need to evaluate potential science programs on their own merit, without considering what you have spent in the past.


Persisting in a bad decision (using curriculum that doesn't work for you) won't 'save' you money; that money is spent and gone no matter what. Don't consider not buying something new to be saving money - - that only 'saves' money if you ignore your original goal (having an effective science curriculum).


The money has been spent; it is gone no matter what you do. If you persist in using something that doesn't work, it's just wasting time and energy as well.


The only way it should affect you is to remind you to investigate curriculum as thoroughly as possible before buying in future, to reduce the chances of a dud.

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I would love to hold on to programs I don't use, but we are busting at the seams around here. I guess it's because there is such a big age diffrence between my first and last, so I don't get rid of any curriculum. I'm always adding a year on without any bookshelf relief!


I have sold a few things and purchased them again, but for the most part, my first impression is usually right.

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