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Grammar for 5th grade


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We have used FLL since 2nd grade and love it. Since there won't be a 5th book, I'm looking for something for 5th grade. I've searched this subject here and a lot of recommendations are for R&S. I would prefer to use a secular curriculum.


I've looked at Voyages in English but they have become expensive and writing intense. I'm already using WWE and don't want to waste the money since I don't need a writing intense grammar. I wouldn't use half the curriculum.


I saw that Growing with Grammar is an option someone mentioned. I'm not sure if I want to go with it. I've got nothing against a homeschooling mom filling a need, but I couldn't find anything on their website that says what her an her husband's background is in.


I'm not trying to be a grammar snob, I just don't want to have to change midway through again. So I suppose I'm looking for something that is proven to work.


So what I want is something that we can use the remaining 8 years, secular, fairly simple to implement and gets great results. Does anything like that exist?

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Actually, I dont know where I read this, but I think the author of GWG has a background (either majored or minored in English or something similar). I'm pretty sure it's her field of study.


I don't remember the details. I'm not up on those liberal arts degrees, so I don't remember the specifics.



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We are using this and so far so good.

My only complaint: I want more repetition.

You cover a concept and do the worksheet - which my dd loves - and then you move on to the next concept. I want more worksheets on the one concept to reinforce it. No problem though, I just create some of my own.


You can call the number and speak directly to her. I would suggest that.

I like her program and highly recommend it.


ETA: MAybe these concepts ARE review though.....

For people who have been doing this program since book I.

We just started this program in book 5.

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I ordered GWG 4 for DS who is coming home from PS, but has done most of R&S 3 in homeschool a year and a half ago. It looked way too easy. I've not seen GWG 5.


Having said that, I also ordered CW Aesop B for him to do this semester. I think it has the perfect amount of grammar. I'm not so sure we'll be supplementing it with any other program. I feel confident enough that I can fill any gaps that we may come across as we work through the course.


I'm sorry I'm not much help. I wasn't entirely impressed with what I saw of GWG, though I know it works great for some. I have never seen WWE, so I don't know how much grammar it includes.

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GWG is solid. We started with 3, and are using book 5 now. Each year repeats important concepts and builds a little. I plan to stay with it until the series runs out.


My son does GWG lightly, doing only three to five problems in each section of the lesson. If he gets those wrong, we review the lesson and I assign more. We do all diagramming together on the white board.


We are also doing Latin and Spanish. Grammar helps the languages, and the languages help the grammar.

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I ordered GWG 4 for DS who is coming home from PS, but has done most of R&S 3 in homeschool a year and a half ago. It looked way too easy. I've not seen GWG 5.


Having said that, I also ordered CW Aesop B for him to do this semester. I think it has the perfect amount of grammar. I'm not so sure we'll be supplementing it with any other program. I feel confident enough that I can fill any gaps that we may come across as we work through the course.


I'm sorry I'm not much help. I wasn't entirely impressed with what I saw of GWG, though I know it works great for some. I have never seen WWE, so I don't know how much grammar it includes.

Thanks. CW is my next stop to see what they recommend for grammar. When I looked at it this past summer I remember they had a grammar book recommendation.


So far with the first book there is no grammar with WWE. I really like WWE and want to use it all the way through. Most of the grammar programs I'm coming across have a lot of writing. I may end up having to get one and just skip all the writing. The search is becoming frustrating.

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You might check into Analytical Grammar here: http://www.analyticalgrammar.com/


It was put together by a teacher of 30 some years teaching grammar with the help of her daughter. Her website has a ton of videos that lays out the program quite nicely. I even called her and talked to her directly before I bought. I had several questions to ask and she very nicely answered them all. My 5th grade ds is doing Junior Anatylical Grammar and my dd 7th is doing Analytical Grammar. We love it. And it is a purely grammar course.


It might be something you would like to check out.


HTH Felicia

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I just wanted to add that generally as a rule I use secular materials, but I made an exception for R&S and I'm glad I did. I'm not sure what your particular objections would be, but I've really had no problems with the content. We either skip the sentences that reference things that my ds wouldn't understand because he has no bibilical point of reference or I explain it to him and we move on. It' really a great program and at the least I'd see if you can find a copy of it someplace to look at.

BTW I've used it so far for 4,5,& 6.

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You might check into Analytical Grammar here: http://www.analyticalgrammar.com/


I will second Junior Analytical Grammar, although I've never used it. We are using Analytical Grammar for 6th-7th-8th, and I love it. It is clear and concise. You can read my review in this http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63660&highlight=analytical+grammar.

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We also educate secularly, and have been using R&S 4 and I think it's a great program. We skip over religious material which isn't a problem because there are so many exercises, we're still left with a rigorous assignment.


Today, I looked at Harveys from cw's website and I liked the look of the samples. Not sure what we'll do next year for 5th. I hesitate to change when we've had good success, but I'm always wondering what's out there......

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Okay, I think I've made up my mind. A couple of things came in to play here - availability and thoroughness were the main two. As much as I like SWB's WWE we are a little ahead of her production schedule. I'm going to continue to buy the core books as they become available, but I need something that is going to be ready when we are. So I'm going to go with Classical Writing for writing, grammar and poetry study.


We will be able to follow CW all the way through to 12th grade. One of the main reasons we homeschool is to ensure consistency with dd's education. I'm a navy brat and remember very well how hard it was to go from school to school, curriculum to curriculum. With dh's job we are subject to move once every 3 years or so.


I like everything I saw on the website. Those people here that use CW have great things to say about it. I like that there are workbooks available for Harvey's Grammar too. And even with everything I have to buy to really implement everything properly there isn't that much of a difference between what I've been buying with FLL's TE and student books, and WWE and any workbooks that may come available in time for us.


So that is what I'm going with. Thank you all for you help.

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