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Baby Update... because I know someone is going to ask...

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So, after falling down the stairs last night (thankfully, on my back...), no baby yet. The baby is moving just fine. I traded phone calls with the midwives for a few hours monitoring everything.


But, if I thought I was sore before... oh my! I'm spotting a bit, and feel like something is happening (or happened) in the cervical area (my cervix burns when I stand or sit, or go to the bathroom).


I'm a bit grateful I didn't go into labor right after the incident, but I may need to go in today to be checked out.


Oh, and yes... I was up half the night sick too.:tongue_smilie: I was actually afraid to fall asleep, because I wouldn't know how close the contractions were (they never went past 7 min. apart, although they were 45 sec. long).


Thank you for any and all warm thoughts.

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Oh, dear! You poor thing. That must have hurt and been frightening and all that horrible stuff. Not the way you want to go into labor!


You're already effaced and dilating pretty good, right? I can't imagine that a head to the groin while bumping down the stairs can feel great.


Here's hoping you have a more restful night tonight.

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