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OT question. Slings anyone?

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I have a friend who wants to know what slings are best. She is pregnant with her first. I loved my Over the Shoulder Baby Holder. However, it has been about 4 years since I last used a sling. Anyone have any recommendations for me to pass on?


Well, Hotslings are widely regarded as one of the best brands, and are pretty easy to find used, though I've never had one. I did have a Kangaroo Korner fleece pouch that was stretchy and snuggly, but it might depend on the season for her. OTSBHs are still in use as well, and have a pretty devoted following. I could never get very comfortable with a sling, personally, though I tried several, but when my DD2 turned about 6 months, we started using a Kozy Karrier mei tai that I LOVED. She practically lived on my back in the thing--it made life so much easier. I hadn't heard of them before then, but many mamas use them with teeny babies on their tummies and just cross their little legs in front of them.


The best thing for her to do would be to hang out at TheBabywearer and just learn as much as she can. She can look at pictures, watch tutorials, read reviews and discussions, and get a real feel for what she's looking for.



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I love*love*love my wrap. Mine was handmade, so it's technically not a Moby though it is made the same way. It was perfect when he was just a wee little guy, holding him all snug on my tummy. It worked better for us than a sling because he had such reflux and was more comfy being held upright. Now that he is bigger, I use my New Native sling on my hip. However, I will tell you that we just flew from MS to CA and the wrap was WONDERFUL for traveling, even though he is older (7 mos). Even dh, who was skeptical when I first purchased it, commented that it made the trip so much easier. I even caught him raving about it to his sisters. :)

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I tried several and my friend lent me her 'Wilkinet'. It looks tricky but it was actually the simplest to take on and off. The best thing was that you can take it off without waking the baby. It was so much more comfortable for my back too. The baby is held in a good high position and so finally I didn't get back ache.

I suggested it to my sister who promptly ignored me and bought another. Next time I saw her she had a 'Wilkinet' too!

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Well, I'm a sling junkie. I used the OTSBH for my first and was never truly comfortable. I'm tall and thin and I couldn't ever get the sling tight enough because of the padding. So, I switched to the Maya Wrap for my next one and LOVED it!!! I could tighten the top separate from the bottom.


With my fourth I discovered Taylor Made Slings. They have organic cotton and silk slings (as well as others). I bought a lot of them! I still carry my now-2 year old in it.


I also bought an Ergo for this one. I LOVE it for when I know she'll be in it for a while. If she may want down to walk around a bit, the sling is just easier and less bulky. But, I love that it puts the pressure on both my shoulders instead of just one. It puts her up high on me and I can wear her on my back or front. I can't say enough good about this carrier! (But, I never wore her in it as a newborn, so I can't address that.)


Have fun searching!!!

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I honestly don't think there is one best sling/wrap. I'm using a Maya and an Ultimate Baby Wrap right now and both are useful in different situations. And some people never get used to adjusting a Maya, and others hate wraps. I personally don't like padded slings since they are so bulky and usually are pretty limited in how they can be used.


You might try looking at consignment places because your friend can pick up new wraps and slings for a lot less and then have several options, because really, you don't know what will work with your baby till you've had one.

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I have a Hotsling and love it. It's not the greatest for the newborn carry, but once you are into the hip carry, it rocks! I recommend the kind with a bit of stretch it's more comfortable, imo. I am looking at getting the Kangaroo mesh one that Amy in Orlando mentioned, because it's so hot here in TX and we spend a lot of time in the pool in the summer.

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the Baby Bjorn carrier with our infants and loved it. This is a bit on the pricey side but very comfortable. Then we used the Nojo. Our first son LOVED the Nojo. He constantly needed to be carried. We have pictures of my dh cleaning the house and repairing things with ds in the Nojo. LOL!


I plan on using both again with #3.



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