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Here's my dog......

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I think I'd be tempted to leave the treadmill off at first & get the dog on it with 4 paws first. Then turn it on ever so slowly while having them target your hand & c/t for each target. They'd need to walk to stay close to your hand.



BTW, Pam Dennison & her dog Beau http://www.positivedogs.com/staff.html were in I am Legend.....


I (heart) Pam Dennison.

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I was just going to post the EXACT same thing!

Does he target? Have you tried a target stick? Take a 4 foot dowel rod and put a tennis ball on the end; teach him to "target" the ball. Then you can hold the ball over the treadmill. I often find using a target stick enables me to give the dog some space to figure out the behavior so I can shape it more readily.


Looks like you're off to a great start, but don't forget to proof him to the sound of the treadmill--- have it on when he's in the room, just hanging out so the sudden sound of the motor doesn't freak him out. Of course, I don't know your dog; he may be fine with the sound, I"m just tossing out suggestions here.


And ahhhh.....a cattle dog! I totally see why you want to teach him to burn off some energy on the treadmill! :-)



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Astrid and Hornblower, bear with me a bit and let me sound you out.


She's really used to the treadmill noise. She can already stand on it with all four paws, will sit on it, blah blah.

The problem is when I start it, it goes too fast, and to slow it down I have to hit the speed thing several times and it takes a few seconds to slow it down. I tried that at first, but she would jump off the side every time before I could get it to a slower speed. Even if someone else stood there and hit the button it would take too much time to slow it down to where she isn't jumping off.


So what's the next best thing?

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So, if I understand this correctly, this treadmill when it initially turns on, does so at a higher speed than 'dead slow' ?


What I'd do in that case is keep it off & train about a 100 times to just get 4 paws on it & walk forward one or two steps. I'm lazy so I'd lure this instead of shaping :001_smile:


Once you've got that on cue, I'd have her sitting beside it, then turn it on & get it to the lowest speed you can set it & then give the cue to get on.


By then, if the cue is strong enough, it should mean 'get on and take a step or two forward' so it should work. I'd have my hand full of hot dog right in front of her nose. I'd stop after only a few steps. (always quit while you're ahead LOL). Get her off & do it again to let her process that she's now taking more than just one or two steps.

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So, if I understand this correctly, this treadmill when it initially turns on, does so at a higher speed than 'dead slow' ?


What I'd do in that case is keep it off & train about a 100 times to just get 4 paws on it & walk forward one or two steps. I'm lazy so I'd lure this instead of shaping :001_smile:


Once you've got that on cue, I'd have her sitting beside it, then turn it on & get it to the lowest speed you can set it & then give the cue to get on.


By then, if the cue is strong enough, it should mean 'get on and take a step or two forward' so it should work. I'd have my hand full of hot dog right in front of her nose. I'd stop after only a few steps. (always quit while you're ahead LOL). Get her off & do it again to let her process that she's now taking more than just one or two steps.


I'm checking back in late, right before bed, but yes, this is what I'd do as well, but first, make sure you have A LOT of the highest-value food treat you can find for her. If it were my dogs, I'd use my sure-fire, no-fail, "HEY JUDGE!! PICK ME! PICK ME! " Tuna Brownies. Stinky, smelly, soft and pliable, made from ingredients you have on hand, and WAAAY too irresistable for most dogs. I can't even use them very often with my dogs because they are TOOO motivated by them.

Seriously--- this is the ONE treat that my dogs, and even other dogs that I've worked with who are NOT food motivated, will do freaking backflips for.


Here's the recipe, in case you're interested:


2 cans water-pack tuna (the cheap kind)

1 egg

2 t. garlic powder

Enough flour (I use whole wheat, but white is fine too) to make a gloppy dough


Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Drain tuna and mix with egg and garlic powder in a med. bowl. Add flour until you have a thick, gloppy dough. Plop the ball of dough on a greased cookie sheet, cover with a piece of waxed paper or plastic wrap and witha rolling pin, roll the mess out to about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. Bake for about 20-25 minutes until dry, but pliable. Allow to cool, cut with pizza cutter into small pieces. Store in refrigerator.


Good luck, and keep us posted!



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