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Child named Adolf Hitler and sibs removed from home

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Why should they be removed from the home? I also can't see why the bakery couldn't put a 'name' on the birthday cake....so what if it has negative connotations.... I am sure a lot of other things written on cakes probably do too, LOL. I think the whole cake thing is a bit much. I also think if they removed those kids solely because of their names....well....I would be shocked.

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In cases involving children in state custody there is usually not very much information available as protection for the children. Honestly, we'll probably never know why the kids were removed. I will say that the protocol for removing a child from the home is pretty stiff and is related directly to harm or explicit risk of harm physically or s@xually.

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Really now...wouldn't you expect the parents to be a bit ummm...what is the word I can use here on the forum??? messed up...to name their kids that??? Who knows what else they do. That is all just a bit twisted. I'd say the cake thing stirred up the controversy and brought in the state. As much as I hate state involvement, in this case...you just never know how warranted it was. I have to wonder if naming your kids that just shows some kind of sick sense of humor or if it is much, much more than that???


It will be interesting to see what develops further.

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I, too, wonder why they should be removed from home. As stated earlier, the article did not provide the basis for removal. One can't help but wonder whether it has something to do with the unusual names.



There was another thread on this earlier this am. Towards the end of the article I read, it talked about how death threats were being made towards the family-now grant it, the threats were sent to the wrong Heath Campbell, but they were intended for little Adolf's family.


There really is just too much that isn't being said for us all to jump to conclusions. Maybe the family asked that the kids be removed for their own protection....Okay it's a stretch, but we just don't really now.

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I, too, wonder why they should be removed from home. As stated earlier, the article did not provide the basis for removal. One can't help but wonder whether it has something to do with the unusual names.


As I remember from online articles I read when this all started, this was the third year in a row that he asked to have Hitler put on the cake, and one year he even requested a swastika.


God only knows what agenda he's trying to forward (but I have some ideas).


I do know that his wish for publicity and the way he did it show that he's not very brave about it...naming your children Adolf Hitler, Aryan Nation, and Honslynn Hinler while keeping the names "Heath" and "Debbie" is a great way to thumb your nose at the world (figuratively speaking) and get people talking about you and your cause while still having poor, sweet, cute, defenseless children to use as shields.


I certainly hope that they wise up, and soon.:glare:

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Did I miss something? Where was the "many here responded that the children should be removed from the home?" :confused:


That thread was close to 20 pages long, and only 2 or 3 people said the children should be removed.



Most said something akin to "Clearly the parents are idiots, but they have the right to name their children whatever they like. Poor kids!"

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Really now...wouldn't you expect the parents to be a bit ummm...what is the word I can use here on the forum??? messed up...to name their kids that??? Who knows what else they do. That is all just a bit twisted. I'd say the cake thing stirred up the controversy and brought in the state. As much as I hate state involvement, in this case...you just never know how warranted it was. I have to wonder if naming your kids that just shows some kind of sick sense of humor or if it is much, much more than that???


It will be interesting to see what develops further.


*shrug* There are people that think to homeschool parents must be messed up. Controling, ultra-religious, domineering...


I find the choice of name blindingly stupid and thoughtless but I'm not going to guess at anything further then that.

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