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Strong Heart Beat

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What can make you become more aware and feel your heart beat? I've been much more aware of it in the last few months, especially the last few weeks. I got my husband to check it earlier this week and it was only 80. I just felt like it was strong and rapid, checked it and it's 90. I don't think those numbers are considered high since I saw normal anywhere from 60-100. I've never had a slow heart rate to my knowledge, I'm 20-30 pounds overweight, and don't get regular exercise. When I do exercise I get a little winded at first, but then once I get past it with good breathing, I feel like I could go a long time. I have some reflux issues because the valve at the top of my stomach is weakened quite a bit (take zantac as needed).


I am in some stress right now (going to work doing taxes and been doing a lot of training outside the home; homeschooling the kids; staff at church with a few stressful changes very recently). I also have been having irregular periods the last year or so (starting early mostly). I'll be 42 next month. Is this just part of perimenopause?


Thanks in advance!!

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I am not sure what palpitations are? I thought that was a racing heart rate. As far as blood pressure, I checked it in a store the other day (can't remember if I could feel my heart beat strong then or not), and it was 124/76. I had a physical last August and all my blood work was good. I was having some feelings with my heart then (this happens while I'm asleep and I wake up feeling it). He checked my thyroid and it was okay. My cholesterol was only 147. He said my heart sounded good, but he didn't do any tests on it. It has come and gone since then. I feel like it's been more often the last 2 weeks. I do not feel like I'm sick. I generally have good energy all day long. I don't ever get sick with colds or viruses, either.

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I am not sure what palpitations are? I thought that was a racing heart rate. As far as blood pressure, I checked it in a store the other day (can't remember if I could feel my heart beat strong then or not), and it was 124/76. I had a physical last August and all my blood work was good. I was having some feelings with my heart then (this happens while I'm asleep and I wake up feeling it). He checked my thyroid and it was okay. My cholesterol was only 147. He said my heart sounded good, but he didn't do any tests on it. It has come and gone since then. I feel like it's been more often the last 2 weeks. I do not feel like I'm sick. I generally have good energy all day long. I don't ever get sick with colds or viruses, either.

What's your caffeine intake like? My mom had symptoms that sound similar to yours and her dr. said it was caffeine-related. Frustrating, for sure!



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Well, today I've only had a diet coke with caffeine (about 2:30 this afternoon at a restaurant). I normally have coffee in the morning. We use the 1/2 caffeine kind, don't make it strong, and I have about 1.5 cups first thing. Usually, I don't have any other caffeine at all. We don't keep any soda in our house, just water, juice, and milk.

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What can make you become more aware and feel your heart beat?


Stress, caffeine, reflux, pregnancy can all increase heartbeat awareness. And most frustrating of all...a few episodes of heartbeat awareness can increase heartbeat awareness. It can kick of an unnerving cycle that goes: episode of heartbeat awareness ---> stress about heartbeat awareness --->increased heartbeat awareness ---> more stress about heartbeat awareness ----> you see where this is going?


Never hurts to bring it to your physician's attention if for no other reason than peace of mind. :001_smile:

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Stress, caffeine, reflux, pregnancy can all increase heartbeat awareness. And most frustrating of all...a few episodes of heartbeat awareness can increase heartbeat awareness. It can kick of an unnerving cycle that goes: episode of heartbeat awareness ---> stress about heartbeat awareness --->increased heartbeat awareness ---> more stress about heartbeat awareness ----> you see where this is going?


Never hurts to bring it to your physician's attention if for no other reason than peace of mind. :001_smile:


Yep, the more you think about it the more you notice it and the more you try not to think about it, the more you do! I've had times like that in the past and nothing was wrong.


However, it never hurts to ask your doctor!

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I am a little stressed about it, so maybe I am making it worse. My mother was in her early 40's when she started having heart rhythm problems. She has high blood pressure and was about 100+ pounds overweight at the time. She still takes medication for her heart rhythm, too.


I had read that heart palpitations/racing can be a common complaint of perimenopause. I didn't have my pap at a gynecologist's office (just at a family practice) last year, so they couldn't test any hormones.


Thanks for all the responses so far. It's nice to know I have somewhere to come and ask for the advice of others.

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we have no history of heart problems in my family. But I haven't been to the doctor since my youngest was born (he's six now!). I do get my regular "female" check-ups every year but haven't had a physical. I finally changed doctors this month and plan to do so.


Anyway, I have had the same "sensations" when I am sleeping. I wake up to feel/hear my heartbeat. Often I can change to sleep on my back or on my other side, and it will stop. I also have been attributing it to perimenopause because of some other minor symptoms I am having. I am 41. I agree with the other posters that *we* should get these symptoms checked just to be safe. My heartbeat thing comes and goes. Sometimes I will have it for a couple of nights and then nothing for a few months. Stress could very likely be part of the problem. My diet is good, but I do drink coffee in the morning.


I just wanted you to not feel too concerned thinking it was very unusual. Something to be checked out, for sure, but don't stress about it too much in the mean-time.





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My concern would be with heart disease. If you have arteriosclerosis- hardening of the arteries then your heart has to pump harder to push the blood to the periphery.


If you are overweight, with limited aerobic activity I would be concerned. How is your cholesterol?


I think 90 bpm is high, btw. Your heart is telling you something.


You should definitely investigate further. I hope all is well, but check.



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My cholesterol was 147 in August, which he said was good. I don't eat a lot of meat high in cholesterol, but I do like cheese. I LOVE peanut butter and nuts (especially walnuts and pecans), so that is a lot of fat, but I thought those were better for you fats.


I just researched a little about reflux and heart rate since someone said that it can make you more aware it. I found several places saying the vegus nerve controls heart rate and is connected to digestion and that it can be irritated by reflux. I've only been taking zantac, as needed, and honestly I should probably take it more than I do. My family doctor had mentioned trying OTC Prilosec if it got worse, so I think I'm going to try that for a week or two and see if it improves. If not, I'll go to the doctor. I really want to improve my physical activity as well. I'm not sure how easy that's going to be going to work doing taxes, but I'll only get lots of hours through mid to late February and less afterwards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to the doctor last week. He drew blood and did testing on my hormones, thyroid, etc. That has all come back great. He did an EKG in the office that was just fine. He sent me to a cardiologist who did an echo-cardiagram and that was "beautiful" according to the doctor. He put a 24 hour monitor on me and I did have palpitations this morning about 7:00 while I was still in the bed so I wrote down the time.


I hope this is just stress or something that I can learn to deal with. I'm glad that nothing has shown up so far, but I do want to know. I need to lose about 20-25 pounds at least, exercise more, and eat better. I'm going to try and focus on those and see if I can have any improvement. My blood pressure has been slightly higher when I've been in the offices (yesterday is was 132 over 84), but I don't think those are numbers to get super alarmed over. Maybe I'm worried that something is wrong and that's causing more symptoms.


Thanks for the advice and encouraging me to go on and see about it.:)

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