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If you have graduated a student... (math related)

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Mine wasn't crazy about math but never complained either. We did Saxon then switched to Teaching Textbooks mostly because I didn't like Saxon for Alg II. After that, he went to dual-enrolled college and took trig and did just fine. He never complained about that either. I probably won't get that lucky with my girls. ;)

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Please tell me what math curricula you used and if your student now would say, "I like math" or "I don't like math."


I'll start:


Saxon and he doesn't like math




We started out with Saxon in 5th grade and followed through with it until 9th grade. After that I went with the Teaching Textbook for one year, then Lial's.

He is doing fine in math and will take more in college.


If one book does not work, look for something else. I always felt this was one of the distinct advantages of homeschooling. We get to choose how we learn.

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He tolerates math. He did CLEP out of College Algebra after completing Alg II.


I really don't think at that age it has anything to do with what program you use. My son loves history. Not math. Not science. But he applied himself equally in all. At that age, I think it is just a maturity thing of just doing your best whether you love it or not.


Now, I only had him do odds unless he started slipping on his work, and then I had him do the evens too.


Also, at that age, if they're only doing odds and they still hate it, I think it's often b/c they're having a hard time with it and need the extra practice.

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My oldest dd is currently taking Calc 2 at Community College and really likes math. (She has joined the CC Math Club) However, she does not intend to pursue it as a career or as a college major. :001_huh:


We did not use a math curriculum for elementary. I used some text books as reference but we mostly played games, did verbal problems and used a lot of manipulatives. We did use multiplication flashcards and chanted the tables when she was in 3rd and 4th grade.


In high school she did an online Algebra I and Geometry (Florida Virtual School), but she doesn't really recommend them. As a Junior she switched to Community College, and has taken College Algebra, Pre-Calc, Calc 1 and now Calc 2.

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My daughter says she likes math. But her math career was odd as she started incredibly early and went in spurts and mom believes in two math programs.


Basically, she did Dolciani as a young child. She did Lial's (Alg I, II, College) in 8th/9th. And she ran through Life of Fred (Geo, Adv Alg, Trig, Calc--focused more on Geo and Trig).


She's 16 now and used the college last term (and will this coming term...see below). She's officially graduating in May.

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