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Baby today? Maybe? Possibly? Please?

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So, I made dh stay home, we've got a call into the midwife and birth assistant... now we just sort-of wait. Everyone should be here in about 1-2 hours. Could be a couple of hours... could be longer. Or, everything could stop and we wait some more.


Each of my labors have been very different, except for one thing. Actual "pain" doesn't start until delivery is imminent. I just wish my water would break or something... it's so much easier to give a "yeah, this is IT" statement.


Well, back to monitoring the situation. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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So, I made dh stay home, we've got a call into the midwife and birth assistant... now we just sort-of wait. Everyone should be here in about 1-2 hours. Could be a couple of hours... could be longer. Or, everything could stop and we wait some more.


Each of my labors have been very different, except for one thing. Actual "pain" doesn't start until delivery is imminent. I just wish my water would break or something... it's so much easier to give a "yeah, this is IT" statement.


Well, back to monitoring the situation. Keeping my fingers crossed!


If the pain hasn't started and no water break, what's happening?


Praying for a very good delivery for you.

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Well, we just sent everyone home.:( I got busy doing things, went and lied down, and the contractions were coming a lot less frequently. The baby is posterior, so I've got some work today to get her to turn appropriately, or this is going to be one loooong painful day.


Oh well -- if I can avoid a weather event, it will be a good thing.


But, man, I hate feeling foolish -- but they say to call! I just don't like wasting anyone's time.

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