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Homeschooling your child, without their bio parent agreeing

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I got lucky. Even though my ex was adament that I could not homeschool while we were together, when I started homeschooling after our separation he never said a word about it, and now while he is not completely supportive of it, he makes a point to help with the costs, by giving big items(like a telescope) for gifts or helping me pay for curric at the start of the year.


I really thought he was going to try to drag me to court over it and so thankful he didn't. I did have my ducks in a row so to speak just in case though. Because my kids had previously been in ps we had had testing down showing they had learning disabilities, as well as a letter from the school stating they would not accomodate those disabilities because we were non-residents. The ped was on board with me homeschooling as was their shrink. Plus in my province you have to register each year, so in my case if he took me to court I had support in my favor.


Of course if you have a perfectly normal child or no experience in the ps system you likely wouldn't have all of that. However, you can start gathering dovuments to support your case. Support from your ped, test scores to prove to the courts your children are doing just as well as their ps counterparts. If you have specific concerns about the local ps documentation of that. Of course if it has already been to court and you won just ignore me :)

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Just wondering if I'm by myself in homeschooling without my child's other bio parent agreeing. Have many of you had to go to court over homeschooling??




Depends on your custody arrangement - who has legal custody. I have joint legal and could not homeschool without his permission.

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My ex tried to put up a fight at first. Then he realized he still pays me $600 a month in child support when he should be paying me $1362.50 based on his current income. He pulled the "we will go to court card" and I pulled the, "oh yes, let's do...I can get more child support!" Oddly enough, he became compliant to my wishes. I am so confused by his turn around....aren't you? :lol:


ETA: my ex sees my son about 30 days a YEAR and I have custody unless he moves close enough to me to share custody. Thus far, no effort to do so has been made.

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Hi Christina and all:-)

Yes, I have custody, but I really don't want it to come to court. SO, he hasn't been told. Yes, he would owe me more $$$ if we went to court, but I might have to send her to his house more... Right now she goes 3 times a year, for 2 wks. She likes to go, but he already makes comments about her 2 siblings being SO smart....and her 7 yr old brother being smarter. It's not like she's stupid. She's pretty smart, but he'll ask her obscure questions...and this is with him thinking she's in PS. I can only imagine if he knew that I was homeschooling her.


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I've been fighting the battle out of court for over 3 years now. I live in PA, but our case is in our home state of NJ (easier location for everyone), and NJ courts don't have a great homeschool opinion. I've been afraid to take it to court, where I would have to try to educate a judge on the differences between regulation-free NJ and insanely regulated PA, and pretend that it's a good thing!


Plus, ex and I do agree that the prospect of having a judge proclaim what is best for our child is much more distasteful than butting heads on our own until someone gives in!


With an enormous amount of time and effort, I was finally able to convince my ex to sign off on cyber schooling. Technically, ds is a public school student, but he is home and I have more control over his education than I ever have.


I do think the experience may be softening my ex, and I believe there's a good chance ds could wind up traditionally homeschooling in the fall. It hasn't been an easy road, but it's been worth it!

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I could be facing that this year.


I have a back-up plan in case he starts in on it (the only WORD he has mentioned was while waiting for the police to show up a week ago, not a great time to start the negative). Technically, the kids are private school students. I have a stricter private school i'd enroll them in should it come to that.


I won't be so lucky as to have him out of the area either.



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Legally I have primary custody so there isn't anything he can do about it but he cut off all contact over six years ago when I remarried. That was before we began HSing. I had discussed it with him previously and he was not supportive of the idea, but since he hasn't spoken to his son in over six years now I am guessing he doesn't really care all that much.

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