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This past week I was trying to get a jump on spring cleaning. I had just finished cleaning the bathrooms and had decided to take a break with the kids. The older 3 and I were playing a board game (ds1 won) and then we all said, "Where's dd2?" dd2 was upstairs. She had gone into my room and rooted around until she found her rain boots. Then she went into the bathroom and investigated the lower cabinet. She found the cat scoop.:eek: There was used cat litter all over the bathroom floor, in the hall, down the stairs and in her boots by the time we got to her! Dd2 was rewarded for all this hard work with a spanking and a nap. And, of course, I discovered the mess right about the time I needed to make dinner - on the only night of the week we have to have an early dinner. I was not happy.


Friday we had to go down to the doctor's to see if ds1 had a broken wrist - he didn't. While we were waiting around for him to get x-rayed dd2 snuck off and went exploring. Think 2 1/2 year old in a hospital complex. We tracked her down and found her talking with the custodial staff. She was absolutely not worried at all. When we found her she was busy telling them, "and my dad has black hair..." She never has understood the order to stay put. Sigh:rolleyes:

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When my very bold, inquisitive kids were that age, I put them on a leash. There are different kinds. The one I liked was a vest with a leash attached to the middle of the back. It gave a tiny bit freedom (about 3 feet) but I could talk to someone or take care of some business without being worried that my dc would get into trouble or in a dangerous situation.


In the home, I do recommend closing doors. It keeps Mom a bit more sane to have the messes confined to the room we all were in. It was hard getting my older child trained to close the door after himself but it really was worth for the safety of my toddler (and the safety of my house!)


Good luck! These toddler years can put a lot of gray hairs on our head! (Good thing God made them so cute!)

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I understand the frustration. My brand new 3 yods gets into more things than his two older brothers did combined. Last night he grabbed the pine wood durby car that my husband had painted an hour earlier and had been told not to touch. This morning he pulled down his pants and peed on the floor. :eek: He also picked up his chocolate milk, that he is only supposed to drink at the table, and accidently spilled it all over the living room floor. The little ones need a lot of supervision. It is important to tell the difference between willful disobedience and exploration. Sometimes it is hard to tell in the heat of the moment but it doesn't sound like your daughter was being willfully disobedient. She was exploring and playing quietly by herself. It also sounds like you need to figure out how to get her to stay with you or an older sibling or keep her confined to a stoller even if she screamed about it. It would be scary to loose a child because of their wondering.

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I was frustrated at the time. Now I am amused. I probably do expect too much from dd2. I expect her to act like her siblings did at that age and not like I acted at that age.:) I did use a leash with ds1 when he was 2 and we were going through O'hare. You should have heard the comments I got with that - or not.;) At any rate, thanks for the advise.

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I'm sorry, but I agree with the PPs. Your dear toddler doesn't know any better! I'm normally against spanking, but I really think this was an inappropriate situation to spank. Your girl just didn't know any better! I know it's hard. I have gates up all over the house so I can keep my toddler away from stuff and safe when I'm tending to my other kids. And I would never let her roam free without me. I've been in that waiting room situation and it's hard, but even when it approaches tantrum stage, I keep her right there.

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