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Motivated Moms: Jan 4/09 -- Jan 10/09

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Hope no one minds I went ahead and started this. I searched and didn't find one for this week.


My priority today is to inventory the pantry and freezer, plan our meals for the month and make up a shopping and errand list. I do this the Sunday or Monday before the first Tuesday of the month--as THAT's the day I usually buy 50% of our groceries. The grocery stores around here have 10% off everything the first Tuesday of the month.


So, I plan on doing that AND--if these lazyheads ever get out of bed--start school!


(To be fair neither slept well last night as both have bad colds.)


What are your plans?

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Our week is blissfully empty. We have art starting again on Friday, but there is nothing else at all on our calendar; I could, literally, weep with gratitude because I am so strung out, wrung out and just plain exhausted from the frenzy that stared Thanksgiving week that I could probably be a candidate for a cozy, padded room. :)


This week, I have to finalize my food order (online - it goes in Saturday) and plan some meals. Oh, and send my retirement rollover check to Schwab.


Today, my plan is to, very simply, check things off today's MM list. That's it. (The children have already been edumacated for the day.:tongue_smilie:)


{deep, cleansing breath}

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I'm really enjoying the MM checklists. I think the only thing to do yet beside the kitchen stuff is the vacuuming. I've gotten to everything else. We've done about half our school work and will come together about 2ish to finish up. Things are going really well today. Hopefully this trend will continue because my dh leaves tonight and will be at sea for about 3 weeks to a month.

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Most of my daily chores are done. Once I finish schooling my youngers and run errands I'll do today's chores and maybe some of tomorrow's. I like how simple this is. There aren't a ton of chores to do and so I am really trying to concentrate on keeping the place picked up. I have boy scouts, girl scouts, piano and guitar lessons this week. Soccer hasn't started yet thank goodness. Doing all this and being busy will be the real challenge. So far so good.

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I'm not exactly sure what happened to me today. I somehow wound up baking blueberry muffins (planned), making meatloaf and mashed potatoes for supper (planned) but then, somehow, I got it in my head to make chicken stock (oh yeah, picked off the last bit of meat off the carcass for lunch) AND banana bread (bananas badly needed using up). And we needed chocolate syrup--so that's gettting done too--all this and I looked after my 12 month old nephew for 9 hours today. He's 30+ pounds. Oy, yoy, yoy, my aching back!

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I'm playing catch up from the weekend but hopefully will be caught up soon.

I spent 3 hrs at the local college today so that took up a lot of time. I want so desperately to steam clean my living room floor (the only floor besides the children's bedrooms that has carpet). I hate carpet!:lol: I can't wait to jerk this stuff up. DS 9 has so many allergies.


I am now organizing my home binder and logging in grades for my high school son. I need to find some organizing things such as shelves and storage carts for our school area (our dining room). I reorganized a bit this weekend and changed our guest/coat closet into a storage area for our school supplies. Much roomier!


I have many tidbit things to do and errands but it's slowly making progress. Have a great week! :)

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I'm not exactly sure what happened to me today. I somehow wound up baking blueberry muffins (planned), making meatloaf and mashed potatoes for supper (planned) but then, somehow, I got it in my head to make chicken stock (oh yeah, picked off the last bit of meat off the carcass for lunch) AND banana bread (bananas badly needed using up). And we needed chocolate syrup--so that's gettting done too--all this and I looked after my 12 month old nephew for 9 hours today. He's 30+ pounds. Oy, yoy, yoy, my aching back!



Your poor back! :grouphug: Was he fun to play with? It sounds like you had one of those days that kept you in the NOW. Those are really cool days. If you are behind, don't worry you'll quickly catch up.

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Yeah! Yesterday was my first day back with the MM schedule since the whirlwind that was December. SOOO having a newborn really made the schedule more difficult, but we did it. I completed everything on the list, but there are still entire areas of the home that I can barely walk into. I am not going to stress, just work the schedule. My dh was home for two weeks when the baby was born and we packed in the festivities and a trip out of town. He started back to work yesterday and it hit me that I am now in charge of three very young children, a house, a job. The two older ones were in pj's until about 2:00 (honestly, so was I). But, all in all we did ok and today will be even better. Today's goals are to feed and dress the kids, do my MM schedule, excercise, and do about 15 minutes of school.



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That sounds quite realistic Larel T--and enough! After having looked after my nephew for nearly the whole day yesterday, I have a new and profound respect for women with little ones constantly underfoot.



I got everything on Monday's list done except vaccuuming the furniture (and the couch and chair really need it).


We MAY get 3 hours of school in today--if I'm lucky and the kids cooperative. I'm trying not to stress, cos, really, what's the point of stressing?

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Ok, I was right on target at the beginning of the week and then...


Mead explosion.


Did anyone know that, when you're done fermenting mead and bottle it, that it will explode? Yeah. It does. Discharging half a litre of high-velocity fermented honey syrup all over my kitchen, in fact. All. Over. (Thank goodness I had finished clearing the "stuff" off the counters on Monday). So, after spending a couple of hours cleaning the kitchen - ceiling, lights, counters, walls, windows, cabinets, appliances, "stuff" - my husband got home and took on the floor while I cleaned me. (OH, good! I see where I can check that off Thursday's list, as well as cleaning the stove and faucet.)


Anyway, I'll be back on track in a bit and probably check off a bunch of Thursday stuff so I can move the Friday stuff there - we have art class starting back up on Friday.


OK, wish me luck. I'm going in!

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How is everyone doing with MM? Adding school to this has been the challenge but I'm really happy with how nice my house looks. Since I only have so much cleaning required of me I make sure we do plenty of tidies. Today, we have 3 hours of music lessons along with a full school schedule. I may have to reevaluate our Wed. workload and I don't want to.


I did decide to paint my living room on MLK day. Oldest is doing an Eagle project with one of his friends and so no school for us. I just need to pick the paint and prep from now to then. Hopefully, I can squeez this in.



How about all of you? Are you on track? Do you feel like MM is making a difference? Is it hard to do school, activities, and MM? Any new projects planned or accomplished?

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My goodness--mead explodes once it has fermented? How does one keep it bottled then? Did you use a cork?


Well, my mother has complimented me on my progress with the house and The List. It's nice feeling eight again and Mom says, "Well done!" But, seriously, my Mom has always had the gift of encouragement.


Yesterday was almost a complete wash, so I got up early this morning to get the dishes done and get started before the kids woke up.


I cleaned the crumb tray for the first time since I don't know when. I emptied it into the sink--and then I scooped all that out--THAT MUCH would clog the drain!


Cleaned the bathroom light fixture too. That felt good. It was filthy. The fan is right above it--so that may be a factor, I don't know.


What do you all do about your kids' rooms? I notice we are supposed to dust in there today. Um--that would be exceedingly difficult, to say the least--the surfaces in both kids' rooms are absolutely covered with all sorts of things. My daughter cause she's messy, my son because he's "working on" some building project(s). (There's one he's been "working on" for several months. It could easliy take all day to supervise both of them cleaning off and sorting out their shelves, desk and dresser tops.


What should I do?

Edited by Alana in Canada
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My goodness--mead explodes once it has fermented? How does one keep it bottled then? Did you use a cork?


Well, my mother has complimented me on my progress with the house and The List. It's nice feeling eight again and Mom says, "Well done!" But, seriously, my Mom has always had the gift of encouragement.


Yesterday was almost a complete wash, so I got up early this morning to get the dishes done and get started before the kids woke up.


I cleaned the crumb tray for the first time since I don't know when. I emptied it into the sink--and then I scooped all that out--THAT MUCH would clog the drain!


Cleaned the bathroom light fixture too. That felt good. It was filthy. The fan is right above it--so that may be a factor, I don't know.


What do you all do about your kids' rooms? I notice we are supposed to dust in there today. Um--that would be exceedingly difficult, to say the least--the surfaces in both kids' rooms are absolutely covered with all sorts of things. My daughter cause she's messy, my son because he's "working on" some building project(s). (There's one he's been "working on" for several months. It could easliy take all day to supervise both of them cleaning off and sorting out their shelves, desk and dresser tops.


What should I do?


Can they dust around stuff? 3 of my 4 kids recently organized their flat surfaces so I'm going to have them dust. My one kiddo that is very creative and very messy I'm going to ask to work one flat surface area a day until done.


If they are in the middle of a project I wouldn't worry about it. Dusting will come back around. I think the idea is little by little making a difference and it really does make a difference. Sound like you are doing great btw!

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Ok, I was right on target at the beginning of the week and then...


Mead explosion.


Did anyone know that, when you're done fermenting mead and bottle it, that it will explode? Yeah. It does. Discharging half a litre of high-velocity fermented honey syrup all over my kitchen, in fact. All. Over. (Thank goodness I had finished clearing the "stuff" off the counters on Monday). So, after spending a couple of hours cleaning the kitchen - ceiling, lights, counters, walls, windows, cabinets, appliances, "stuff" - my husband got home and took on the floor while I cleaned me. (OH, good! I see where I can check that off Thursday's list, as well as cleaning the stove and faucet.)


Anyway, I'll be back on track in a bit and probably check off a bunch of Thursday stuff so I can move the Friday stuff there - we have art class starting back up on Friday.


OK, wish me luck. I'm going in!


You have a great attitude considering the explosion. That kind of thing really sets me off. I'm moving stuff around, too. I have kids bringing me their sheets today as Friday is a busy one.

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I am so pleased with this plan. I went out and bought new hand towels for the bathrooms and new soap dispensers. (Our towels are all mismatched) Now I have pretty towels to change out. The kids are helping out, too!


Yes, the kids can be such a help! I need to get some new hand towels. Mine are looking pretty thrashed. Thanks for the reminder.

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Ok, yesterday I got generally caught up. My weekly tasks completed thus far:



  • Vacuumed the kitchen & foyer (sweeping isn't really cutting it)
  • Vacuumed the living room (because I was in there)
  • Cleaned toilets
  • Cleaned middle shelves of fridge
  • Cleaned toaster
  • Cleaned computer :ack2:
  • Cleaned mirrors and light fixtures in bathroom
  • Cleaned stove
  • Scrubbed faucets
  • Mopped kitchen


I also, yesterday, made bread and cleaned the oven. (which is, of course, a huge chore, what with turning that knob)


Today, I will be



  • Dusting the hallway / foyer / living room
  • Kids' bedding
  • Sweeping the porch
  • Focusing a lot on laundry
  • Bill filing - they're paid as they come through the door, but I need to file them.


We have art tomorrow (I am probably repeating this - let us say there is a small amount of resentment over having the leave the house) from 12:30 - 2 so I'd like to have the minimal amount of tidying. (And, of course, towel changing.)


I realize we are only on day 12, but I am really amazed by the difference in the house. Even my dishes seem more organized and orderly, sitting in the cupboard.


Speaking of dishes, here's a quandry: I have been setting the dishwasher on delay start before I go to bed. That way, if I find sundry dishes about, I can add them, hit start, walk away. No missed opportunity and all that. Ok, so I had already run the thing earlier, while cleaning out the fridge, and at bed time it had dinner plates, the salad bowl, a gallon jar, a couple of glasses and a grater. I can't decide if it's wasteful that I ran the dishwasher with that little stuff... on the one hand, there was enough so that I'd probably have to run it after breakfast - definitely after lunch - today. On the other, it just. wasn't. full. I don't know how I feel about it. :001_huh:

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Oh, I am so relieved about the hand towels! I thought I must be a real slob for not having known they needed to be changed so frequently!


True Blue--I think you have the gift of encouragement, too! One shelf/surface a day sounds like a great plan.


Crazy house--There's a rhythm to using the dishwasher that may take a bit of tme to figure out. We don't use one anymore, but when we did, I ran it every other night faithfully. (It was a portable and so blocked access to the sink while it was running). It was so wonderful to just have them all done and emptying the thing in the morning while the coffee perked was a luxury. That said, I personally would not run it until it was absolutely full--but then we don't empty our garbage, either, until the bags are absolutely full. (I would put it out--but it's one of those crazy cost saving measures dh insists upon.)


That probably wasn't any help whatsoever. :D

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Oh, I am so relieved about the hand towels! I thought I must be a real slob for not having known they needed to be changed so frequently!




Yeah, I think the every-other day thing may border on OCD.


Our dishwasher used to be a portable, before we re-did the kitchen and installed it under a counter, and I would run it at night for the same reason. And, also, because it would be even more of a pain to have to run the thing in the middle of the day, having to move the sink full of dishes to do it.


Like I said, I'm not sure how I feel about this. Normally, it's essentially full after supper, so it's not a concern. Yesterday, with fridge cleaning and bread making, it filled early... ugh. I think I'll go obsess about dusting now, right after I put the kids' sheets in the dryer.

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