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Math U See?


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I use MUS for all of my kids. The big kids are in Gamma, my Ker is in Primer. We really enjoy it, my oldest son, always struggled in math, but now has no troubles at all. For us this program is great. Lots of hands on work, 6 pages to practice the skill(not everyone does all 6 pages of each chapter but we do), free online drill for practice. And very inexpensive imo once you have the blocks.


On that note though wth a K child and a PreK you don't need to be doing a formal math program at all. Play games, play with manips like pegboards,or pattern blocks etc. At this stage you just want o be introducingmath concepts, if they are thrown into a formal program before they are ready they will start to see math as a frightening subject and have struggles with it for some time. This is what happened with my son. He struggled with it, thought it was too hard, a course to make him look stupid and that made him struggle more. When I brought him home from ps, we did not do a formal math program all year, we went back toplaying games, exploring with manips etc. And now he is a new boy.

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I'm new to this board, so hello!


Has anyone tried Math U See? I am thinking about it as I"m not thrilled with Saxon Math, but not sure about making the switch.


Help! Good or bad reviews welcomed.


I have a Kindergarten child and one in Preschool.






Welcome, Janine. Every time I've looked at Saxon, it has looked horribly tedious to me. Realize that it was created for schools. That means that it provides lots and lots of busy work for children who pick up math quickly and lots and lots of practice for children who do not pick up math quickly.


We've used MUS from K and are now in Algebra. You can read my review in this thread.


Here's another thread with lots of opinions.

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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Hello and welcome! :seeya:


I use Math U See with my boys. We have used Saxon, Bob Jones, and Rod and Staff in the past, but MUS suits them best.


What I love...




  • no fluff
  • uncluttered pages
  • logical
  • sequential
  • true mastery
  • dvds
  • light teacher prep
  • workbook (lessens amount of physical writing)
  • support (Mr. Demme, MUS and Yahoo forums, WTM board)



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Hello and welcome! :seeya:


What I love:




  • no fluff

  • uncluttered pages

  • logical

  • sequential

  • true mastery

  • dvds

  • light teacher prep

  • workbook (lessens amount of physical writing)

  • support (Mr. Demme, MUS and Yahoo forums, WTM board)



:iagree: What she said!!!


I've used it w/ all 4 boys since Primer (pre-K) and my oldest is in Pre-Algebra.


The best advice someone gave me many years ago when I was thinking of switching to Saxon was when it comes to math find one you like and stick with it! Consistency is key! I tried Saxon for 6 months (back then) and quickly switched back to MUS...been w/ it ever since!

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I'm new to this board, so hello!


Has anyone tried Math U See? I am thinking about it as I"m not thrilled with Saxon Math, but not sure about making the switch.


Help! Good or bad reviews welcomed.


I have a Kindergarten child and one in Preschool.






Love, love, love it! We switched ds13 from Saxon to MUS and it was the best thing we ever did for him. It completely changed his attitude and understanding of math!

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I like what I purchased for my son http://www.nurtureminds.com/ It takes the child all the way through addition, subtraction multiplication and division. I also let him play with cuisenaire rods and unifix cubes. He loves to connect legos...and we do oral math all the time. He'll go around saying....1+1 is 2...2+2 is 4....all the way up to?? I'm not sure how far he's gone. He also skip counts to School House Rock and Classical Conversations' cd, which is the once a week homeschool program that we go to. He also likes to write/draw on the whiteboard that's on our wall. (It's actually a shower wall that we bought for $15 plus a back board at Home Depot. If you get one, make sure to get the low odor markers)


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