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Grammar 7 Workbook Help


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I'm looking for a workbook for 7th grade grammar for my ds. We have been trying CP B&P and I am worried it will not get done. He needs too much direction from me. I think it would be great for him but am worried I don't have time. Grammar and writing are his weaker subjects so he needs a good year.

He did FLL then the last couple years did IEW and FixIt. He did well with these but is also tired of the same thing, and I still don't think his grammar skills are strong. I think he would do well with a drill type worksheet that he could do independently. I'm seeing Abeka or BJU as options and I guess I would lean toward Abeka. I don't like the look of Easy Grammar or Analytical Grammar much. Or Shurley. Abeka appears to have a lot of diagramming, which is great. I don't want to use their writing component so think I would maybe go to an IEW theme book, like Narnia. I just need it to get done at this point. And something low effort for me.

I love the lit selections in B&P and than it has lit analysis. It could be wonderful but he doesn't seem to either understand or want to take the initiative to follow the instructions on his own. I don't know how to get him to do this. 

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What about Growing With Grammar?

If you want a cheaper, non-pretty option, I would check out Climbing to Good English.  You don't have to do the writing assignments if you're perfectly happy with what you have (and I like writing programs with more assistance for struggling students), but the daily grammar exercises have them working with both diagramming and fill in the blank style, as well as doing corrections.

I'm going to say this, though.  7th grade is one of those very uneven years.  Finding the initiative to do something that they don't want to do isn't exactly a high priority for most 12-13yos.  It takes a bit of maturity on their part, and you won't find that too often when they're in the middle of puberty.  Our method for getting through those years involved a lot of coffee, not nearly enough patience, and just being consistent with routine, rewards, and consequences.  Eventually they move into finding their own structure to help them along.  My youngest ds right now is 14 and in school.  He's just hitting the other side and came home excited to tell me about a new system he set up on his chromebook to keep track of homework......and it's basically a fancy spreadsheet that lets him type in the assignment and check it off.  Like we've done for years.  I mean, YEARS.  But this is his, he built it, and he's thrilled it's working for him because it stays on top of his screen, so I'm taking this as a small win.

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@Servant4Christ, Cottage Press Bards & Poets.

He can be very motivated. He likes to get up first and get right to work. But he doesn't like to figure out complex instructions.

I think we are both a bit tired of the pattern of IEW but he did know what to do and could go ahead with tasks. It seemed to be his least favorite last year and was also not always getting done. I never much liked Fixit and I feel like his grammar is weak. He doesn't always define grammar terms correctly. I feel a workbook with lots of repetition would be more formulaic or mathlike for him.  And I'd like to rip out a sheet and give him a page a day rather than him being overwhelmed with a book. I'm just looking at Hake but I think he would just work in the workbook rather than a worksheet. I like the example sentences I'm seeing in Hake, just basic facts. I don't really like Abekas example sentences. I used Landmark grammar with dd for a time and liked that it taught geography at the same time. 


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Growing With Grammar is written to the student and super easy to use. 👍 It's divided into clear daily lessons with a manageable workload. The grade levels have been reliable. An average 7th grader is probably fine the with the 7 book. 

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