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12/27, Saturday exercise check-in

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How is everyone doing?


DH and I went out and ran 6 miles this morning. All in all it was a good run. Tummy issues started before the run so of course they are still an issue now. This happened last week as well - tummy issue before and after the long run of the week. The iPhone was fine today. The gps and iPod will together last about an hour.


47 degrees - skort, tshirt, running hat.


Time Taken: 00:59:26

Total Distance: 6.34 mi.

Burned: 658 (kcal)

Pace: 09:22 (avg)

Speed: 6.4 (mi/hr) (avg)


OH! No weight gain over Christmas! How about you?

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I made myself walk a very fast 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning. I move my arms alot also. Luckily I had started to slow down and was holding on because someone must have hit a telephone poll. You could hear the town generator go off and everything shut down for a few seconds. I would have been on my back. :glare: Boy, that would have hurt. ;)


I have really noticed I've lost alot of "fat" in my back and upper front area. I'm very thankful for the support on here even though I don't post so much.


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I'm able to hobble so I don't think I tore terribly badly which means I should be up and jogging again in 2 weeks. I have gained 2 kilos over Christmas though so I'm not sitting around doing nothing. Today I tried swimming. Ugh. The sea was REALLY rough (we generally don't swim in the winter because it is so cold (by comparison to the summer) - much rougher than summer. I hobbled down the beach and managed to swim for 20 minutes (pretty sure) and thought I could just swim around our bay, but it was so rough i just tried picking out a line (that was deep enough not to get scraped on rocks) and went back and forth freestyle and breaststroke. I got out when I felt like throwing up from the salt water. My arms weren't tired so I'm pretty sure I could have kept going. It was interesting - many times I was swimming in place due to waves and current.


Tomorrow I'll try a deeper spot and just swim out to the reef and back and forth that way - I need deeper water when it is so rough. I got back to the palapa and did 100 crunches (in 5 sets of 20) interspersed with 5 sets of 15 wall pushups.


I'm now icing my leg and elevating it and hope this injury clears quickly. I've definitely learned my lesson though and will NEVER exercise without stretching first!

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Great job Cheryl!! I'm impressed at how your times keep improving! Sorry about the tummy issues though. Yuck.


5 Knights - I'm so glad you didn't end up on your back! I never thought about that as an issue with a treadmill - the electricity thing. But I guess that could be dangerous!


jam - I sure hope your leg heals quickly!! Sounds like a nice swim though!


I went 5 miles this morning - 48 minutes. It was pea soup foggy out there! But, it was nearly 60!!! What a change from last week when it was -11!! Anyway, I felt great - tshirt and capris. LOVE that. Came in and did abs and buns for 15 minutes.

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Great job Cheryl!! I'm impressed at how your times keep improving! Sorry about the tummy issues though. Yuck.


5 Knights - I'm so glad you didn't end up on your back! I never thought about that as an issue with a treadmill - the electricity thing. But I guess that could be dangerous!


jam - I sure hope your leg heals quickly!! Sounds like a nice swim though!


I went 5 miles this morning - 48 minutes. It was pea soup foggy out there! But, it was nearly 60!!! What a change from last week when it was -11!! Anyway, I felt great - tshirt and capris. LOVE that. Came in and did abs and buns for 15 minutes.


I read about the tummy issues. I remember you get them as well. The overwhelming thing was no dairy. It also said to not eat 2 hours before running and watch the fiber for a day or 2 beforehand. I'm trying the dairy next week.


That is a HUGE change from last week! How long will the warm weather hold? Or are you visiting and not home anyway? Great job on your run!!

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I went 5 miles this morning - 48 minutes. It was pea soup foggy out there! But, it was nearly 60!!! What a change from last week when it was -11!!


Wow, that IS a big temperature swing! Someone in another thread mentioned that the 20+ inches of snow they received in Mass. is all gone. Are you snow-free now, too?

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Ahem. Four hours after returning home from my feeble attempt to run, I am still cold and aching. Not because the temperature itself is so low. On the contrary, it's warmed up a lot here and was in in the mid- to upper-30s when I was out there. The snow is melting, but it's going to take it's good ol' time and involve some flooding. So it's rilly, rilly mushy and icy and just plain GOOPY (what? that's not a word?:tongue_smilie:) out there but I couldn't bear to go one more day without a run.


So I headed up to town. And just as I pulled up to the library (where I often park while running), my car died yet again. (This has been an ongoing issue.) I spent some time dealing with that, e.g. finding guys who could help me push the car into a parking space such that I wasn't sitting smack dab in the middle of the parking lot. I phoned my husband, who already was not a happy camper. Farming and weather events do not make happy campers. He has a lot of Not Good Stuff going on and the last thing he needed to hear was that the car was dead. ("Dead" meaning a jump start alone won't do the trick.) He said he'd be up to get me in a half hour or so. Just enough time for me to get in a short run!


Approximately 17 seconds into my "run" I realized how ridiculous it was to assume I could "run" out there. I kid you not, at that point I was already soaking wet up to mid-calf. And that slush/ice/water was COLD. The only place to try and run was in the middle of the road, which didn't make the drivers very happy, given that the roads are essentially one-lane right now. So I alternately ran in the road and jumped off into the slush/snow on the side and stopped and started and never worked up a sweat but did lose all feeling in my feet. After which I returned to the library and waited for my dearly beloved.


And waited.


And waited some more.


Called home and learned from 8 yo son that there were problems with the heifers. Since cows trump people, I knew I'd be waiting a while longer. And since I was unbearably cold, I decided to head out and "run" some more in an effort to warm up. This time, I headed for the park, thinking the trail would be do-able. Um. No. The "trail" required me to sink hip-deep into the snow. So I spent a mile trudging through that, making my way back to the library. (Important note: Running shoes are not snow boots.) By the time I arrived and hooked up with Hans I swear I was about to admit myself into the ER. I have never felt like such utter carp in my whole running life. I then "drove" the car behind the truck while we towed it to the mechanic and when I arrived home, spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 hours in a hot shower, trying to warm up.


All so I could "run" what probably totaled 2 miles.


Good grief, Charlie Brown!

Edited by Colleen
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I walked/ran in our subdivision (and adjoining ones) for about an hour w/my oldest 3, two of whom were biking and one rollerblading. We had a great time going up and down the hills and watching for aluminum cans to pick up. It was a beautiful morning--upper 60s. Christmas morning was mid-teens!


Good job, everybody! Way to hang in there even w/struggles!



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I would definitely make sure my boardie friend Colleen had a top-of-the-line Land Ice Treadmill on her doorstep, and super-soon.


The dead car, "tried to run but only made it worse", waiting forever day would have done me in. I'd be home sucking my thumb under the couch.


Hope a nice cuppa tea (the real tea) and a hot shower helped you feel better.




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I wore my yak traks and they faithfully keep me from landing on my butt! It was sunny and relatively warm (-4 C). Life was good.


I do feel a bit sore tonight. I guess those extra muscles keeping my balance must not get a lot of use on bare pavement.


I also managed some weights tonight.


Good job Rose! It's good to hear that the yak trax really work.

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I walked/ran in our subdivision (and adjoining ones) for about an hour w/my oldest 3, two of whom were biking and one rollerblading. We had a great time going up and down the hills and watching for aluminum cans to pick up. It was a beautiful morning--upper 60s. Christmas morning was mid-teens!


Good job, everybody! Way to hang in there even w/struggles!




Great job Chelle! It's great to get out there with the kids too!

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All so I could "run" what probably totaled 2 miles.


Good grief, Charlie Brown!


That was an adventure Colleen! I'm sorry your run didn't amount to what you would have liked and that cows trump people. (At least your 8 yo was in the house to answer the phone!)


I hope your snow melts faster than you think and that your running takes off again!

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Ahem. Four hours after returning home from my feeble attempt to run, I am still cold and aching. Not because the temperature itself is so low. On the contrary, it's warmed up a lot here and was in in the mid- to upper-30s when I was out there. The snow is melting, but it's going to take it's good ol' time and involve some flooding. So it's rilly, rilly mushy and icy and just plain GOOPY (what? that's not a word?:tongue_smilie:) out there but I couldn't bear to go one more day without a run.


So I headed up to town. And just as I pulled up to the library (where I often park while running), my car died yet again. (This has been an ongoing issue.) I spent some time dealing with that, e.g. finding guys who could help me push the car into a parking space such that I wasn't sitting smack dab in the middle of the parking lot. I phoned my husband, who already was not a happy camper. Farming and weather events do not make happy campers. He has a lot of Not Good Stuff going on and the last thing he needed to hear was that the car was dead. ("Dead" meaning a jump start alone won't do the trick.) He said he'd be up to get me in a half hour or so. Just enough time for me to get in a short run!


Approximately 17 seconds into my "run" I realized how ridiculous it was to assume I could "run" out there. I kid you not, at that point I was already soaking wet up to mid-calf. And that slush/ice/water was COLD. The only place to try and run was in the middle of the road, which didn't make the drivers very happy, given that the roads are essentially one-lane right now. So I alternately ran in the road and jumped off into the slush/snow on the side and stopped and started and never worked up a sweat but did lose all feeling in my feet. After which I returned to the library and waited for my dearly beloved.


And waited.


And waited some more.


Called home and learned from 8 yo son that there were problems with the heifers. Since cows trump people, I knew I'd be waiting a while longer. And since I was unbearably cold, I decided to head out and "run" some more in an effort to warm up. This time, I headed for the park, thinking the trail would be do-able. Um. No. The "trail" required me to sink hip-deep into the snow. So I spent a mile trudging through that, making my way back to the library. (Important note: Running shoes are not snow boots.) By the time I arrived and hooked up with Hans I swear I was about to admit myself into the ER. I have never felt like such utter carp in my whole running life. I then "drove" the car behind the truck while we towed it to the mechanic and when I arrived home, spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 hours in a hot shower, trying to warm up.


All so I could "run" what probably totaled 2 miles.


Good grief, Charlie Brown!


Oh Colleen!!! That is insanity! Can I invite you down for some Caribbean cheer? You've had such amazing runs lately that just must have stunk for you. Here's to a short winter up there (I'll take a longer winter though).

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