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WWYD about DD6's hacking cough?

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DD6 has had this dry, annoying cough for awhile now--maybe a couple of months? I didn't really register it because it increased so slowly, and because I usually have a small, constant postnasal drip of my own through most of the fall and winter. I guess it just seems like a normal thing to me. Lately, though, she's coughing with increasing frequency. It's not a wet, loose cough--more like she has a tiny tickly drip in her throat and does one loud cough/throat clear every few minutes. She doesn't do it at all at night while she's sleeping, but otherwise it's constant. Her nose and chest are completely clear. Her ears are not bothering her.


I hate to give her any kind of OTC medicine for it, but it's really starting to drive her nuts. I can't make a doc appointment until Monday, and even then I don't know how quickly they'll see her. I'm imagining it's allergies of some kind, but this has been going on through the change of seasons, so I don't know what the trigger would be--maybe dust in the house? I haven't been able to pinpoint anything that makes it increase or decrease.


WWYD? Warm humidifier? Try Claritin to see if it gives her any relief until we can see the doctor? Nothing at all before seeing the doctor? There's no way she'll use a neti pot, and I don't think she'll let me use a nasal spray either.



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DD6 has had this dry, annoying cough for awhile now--maybe a couple of months? I didn't really register it because it increased so slowly, and because I usually have a small, constant postnasal drip of my own through most of the fall and winter. I guess it just seems like a normal thing to me. Lately, though, she's coughing with increasing frequency. It's not a wet, loose cough--more like she has a tiny tickly drip in her throat and does one loud cough/throat clear every few minutes. She doesn't do it at all at night while she's sleeping, but otherwise it's constant. Her nose and chest are completely clear. Her ears are not bothering her.


I hate to give her any kind of OTC medicine for it, but it's really starting to drive her nuts. I can't make a doc appointment until Monday, and even then I don't know how quickly they'll see her. I'm imagining it's allergies of some kind, but this has been going on through the change of seasons, so I don't know what the trigger would be--maybe dust in the house? I haven't been able to pinpoint anything that makes it increase or decrease.


WWYD? Warm humidifier? Try Claritin to see if it gives her any relief until we can see the doctor? Nothing at all before seeing the doctor? There's no way she'll use a neti pot, and I don't think she'll let me use a nasal spray either.




You should have her checked out. It could very well be a cough, but is it possibly that it could be a tic? My nephew has tourettes and one of his tics is coughing and clearing his throat. He doesn't do it when sleeping though. I don't say this to throw you in a panic, but it's just something to consider. I'm sure it's something much simpler to remedy, but bring it up to your Dr. and have he/she give some input. HTH!

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You should have her checked out. It could very well be a cough, but is it possibly that it could be a tic? My nephew has tourettes and one of his tics is coughing and clearing his throat. He doesn't do it when sleeping though. I don't say this to throw you in a panic, but it's just something to consider. I'm sure it's something much simpler to remedy, but bring it up to your Dr. and have he/she give some input. HTH!


Ack!!! I just googled that. Probably not the best idea :D I don't think it's a Tourette's kind of thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a habit cough now, which is another reason I didn't pay much attention to it until now--just thought I could help her break the habit. We've talked with her about suppressing it or finding other ways to clear her throat, but she says the other ways don't clear the tickle she's feeling. And since I have the same tickle... Maybe we all need a good allergy panel run, eh?


Thanks for the info, though. I'll discuss the habit/tic issue with the ped when we get in to see him.

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I would try Guaiafenisen syrup. It is a mucus thinner and is pretty safe. It is sold sometimes by the name Tussin. Make sure that you get just the guaiafenisen syrup and not the DM kind that has other medicine in it (that isn't considered safe for kids).


Thanks for that! I'm considering a pharmacy run in the morning, if only to try to convince her to use a saline spray to see if it helps. I'll see what they have.

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I would rub eucalyptus (or, if you are so inclined, Vick's VapoRub) on the soles of her feet. Put socks on to keep it off the sheets/furniture/etc. Traditional Medicinals makes a kids' Throat Coat tea (there's a cartoon giraffe on the box) that may help with irritation. My kids like it with honey, which is also nicely soothing.


Over the counter pharmaceuticals are NOT effective and are now being considered unsafe for people under 12 (or maybe 16, I can't remember). They have side effects including heart arrhythmia.


I would also recommend a warm mist humidifier in her room. It is likely that her sinuses are simply compensating for being dried out by the heated air (and low outdoor humidity) of the season. I don't particularly care for cool humidifiers because they don't seem to put much water in the air (it often just falls on the floor, ew) and they also like to develop bacteria and whatnot in the wicking filters. Also, ew.


I would doubt she's sick. I think she's just dried out. If it were one of my kids, I would hesitate to go to the doctor because the combination of irritated mucous membranes and warm, germy air is sure to result in some sort of actual illness. Plus, there's not much they can do about it.

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Our littlest had a cough for a couple of months. I finally decided to take her in to the pediatrician. He listened to her lungs, ordered chest x-rays and less than an hour later we had a diagnosis of bronchitis. When that cleared up, he diagnosed her with allergies and she uses an inhaler and a liquid med for that.


I'd take the child in to see the doctor.

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