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I am SO done with e-bay. Where do I sell?

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I have tons of homeschool books I meant to sell on e-bay.


I sold 3 things with no problem. On the 4th item, the seller said it wasn't as I listed it. I don't even want to explain the dispute. But the bottom line is, if the buyer pays through Paypal, Paypal will refund their money AND their postage. OR I had the option of refunding her the full purchase price (but not the shipping) and letting her keep the book for free. Seller has no rights. And that's where I am.


I cannot afford to have this happen again. It would be cheaper to throw the books away.


I do not have the temperament to argue (and lose) over one out of four sales.


Is there a happy place or a happy way to sell things?

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

I don't know where you are but in Texas we have a store called Half-Price Books that pays for used books. If that's not an option, look into used book stores in the area and ask about their rates. You can also sell homeschool related books on these boards.


I would also check and see if any local homeschool groups do used curriculum sales. Some people love PaperbackSwap.com but when I signed up, I really felt like I was so far down at the bottom of the list for stuff I wanted that I would have too long a wait for most of it.


I have also found eBay to be too much of a pain to bother to sell anything on a regular basis.


Good luck!



Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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I've had the best luck selling old hs books the same places I like to buy them. Here, homeschoolclassifieds.com, homeschoolreviews. As for ebay, yeah. I had a similar experience as a buyer this summer. The seller conned a bunch of people at ebay closed him down, but paypal still judged in his favor in the dispute I opened. My theory is that he had no more $ in his account and they didn't want to be responsible for paying. I fought it for months, but in the end, because I used my bank account and not a cc, I had no recourse and lost my $. I always tell people now, if you buy, make sure you pay with your cc, then you can just go through them and paypal has to give your $ back. Sorry you got burned :(

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I have had good experiences with homeschoolclassifieds.com. I do make extra sure, though, that I go through everything I sell very, very carefully, documenting every little thing that a buyer might dislike about a book or other item. I don't post that in my listing, but I do send it to anyone expressing interest, so they'll know exactly what they are getting. It takes more time, and sometimes people decide they don't want my "imperfect" items, but usually they don't care about a few bent corners or whatever the problems are. I've had only happy buyers.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
marketplace yet, but I've sold quite a few things on Homeschool Classefieds and on Half.com. Never had a bit of trouble with either one.... but Half.com doesn't allow you much for shipping and packaging, so you should price to cover that expense if you sell there.




Oh yes! I can't believe I forgot this one. I've sold a few things and I regularly buy from Amazon Marketplace. I've very seldom been burned as a buyer and then it's just been overstatement of the book's quality and it's never been a big enough deal to make a fuss over. When I've sold, I look at what others are charging for the same book and undercut them a bit. My books have usually sold in just a couple of days. They give you 3.99 to ship but of course Amazon takes it's cut. I don't know if it's any more than eBay and PayPal though. It's worth checking out and easy as pie if you already have an Amazon account.


Now you've got me thinking! I haven't sold anything in ages and I need to clear some shelf space.



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I've listed a bunch of old videos and stuff and there were some orders within hours of my listing. As far as I can tell, Amazon does not take more of a cut than ebay / PayPal, and they process the payments so you do not need to upgrade your account like you do on ebay, so they can charge you vendor prices for every cent you move.


Plus, Amazon doesn't care if you sell teacher manuals, whereas ebay will cancel your listing.


Amazon also gives you 3.99 shipping for books, $2.99 for dvds. The dvds I shipped first class, with delivery confirmation, and they were only $2.04, so...

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