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Let me be an instrument of thy peace (Butterfly library)


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I plan to leave the annex out during the day through Easter Weekend. We also bought more eggs (in fun shapes) and things to fill them with. 


It's what my mom would have done. She was SO good at returning love even when it wasn't appreciated and of understanding that mission isn't what you say, it's what you do and show. 




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What an amazing way to honor your mom's spirit.  Thank you for sharing that little piece about her.  It makes you fixing the library and standing up to whoever did that even more special and meaningful.  I loved hearing about the kids in your neighborhood who love your little library and get so much joy from it.  They are lucky to live in a neighborhood like yours. I am glad you didn't let the damage squash what you are doing.  It must bring you so much joy every time you see someone enjoying that special spot.  You are doing a beautiful thing and making the world a little brighter.  

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