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Blogging Vets, Advice Please

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I am on my second blog... my first was a flop. I thought I wanted to just blog about my homeschooling and my family. But it turns out I don't. lol. So more than a year later I started my second blog. I love to blog about my faith, about politics, about history, about honoring our military... and I like to blog about family and homeschooling. My blog is as eclectic as I am and now I rarely run out of things to say.


If you look in the blogosphere you will find every kind of blog imaginable because people are so different. You can have a blog on one topic and blog occasionally. You could blog about your daily life. You can blog about anything that motivates you to write.


If I tell you how I write, it may not help you. For me, I do not try and come up with things to blog about. I do participate in some memes... like Word filled Wednesday and Thankful Thursday that dictate in part what those posts will be like... but even on those days I often post on other things. I read the internet, watch news, live my life, look at art, study history, study God's Word... and then when something hits me I blog about it. Some rare days I have nothing to say... but often I have lots to say. People who know me are not surprised by this. lol


Oh and I don't worry about whether or not people will be interested in my blog. I think if I did that too much I would stop writing because of stress. I blog because I love to write and talk about what I think. And I am glad when someone is touched by it, but I would blog if no one came and read my blog. For now. Maybe next year I won't. :)

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There's usually plenty going on in our lives to give me stuff to talk about. I like to include a lot of photos which helps me write. Sometimes I'll take photos just because I see something to blog about. Kind of like "Wait, don't move! I want to blog that!" as I get the camera.

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OK, I thought you were asking for advice from veterinarians. :lol:


You see, people get mixed about when I write. :001_smile:


I don't blog, I'd run out of things worth reading pretty quickly, though I never seem to tire of talking. ;)


That's just it, I can talk forever. It seems logical that I could type one of my soliloquies into a blog, but it doesn't seem to flow like talking.



Inflected Form(s): plural so·lil·o·quies Etymology: Late Latin soliloquium, from Latin solus alone + loqui to speak Date: circa 1613 1 : the act of talking to oneself 2 : a dramatic monologue that represents a series of unspoken reflections

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I write about everything. Books, writing, homeschooling, life in general. Weekly meme's help alot because they give you a subject to write about. It changes as I change.


Having a blog has really helped me with my writing skills also. I think.


Pick out something that interests you the most and write about it consistently whether it be books or movies or politics.


Just a quick glance at your blog and what you have linked to tells me you are interested in jane austen. Write about her books - what you thought of them, etc. That could lead to reviewing other books. There's a huge contingent of book bloggers out there.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
Wanted to add something.
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Just a quick glance at your blog and what you have linked to tells me you are interested in jane austen. quote]


I've worked on my website for almost a year now. Right now it is the best it's ever looked I think. It gets so cluttered after a while, I give up. I like taking pictures and just got it where I can feature my favorite picture.


When I try to write about politics, homeschooling, my son or family it seems so intense, emotional and convoluted when I read it back. Editing and rewriting then becomes a chore.


Thanks for idea about Jane. I think I'll give it a try.:001_smile:

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I tend to run out of things to say too, my favorite posts to write are the ones on faith or a deep thought, but those take so much time and often research to write- so lately I haven't been writing posts like that.


I like to post updates on our homeschooling, photos and book reviews are fun to do.


I think if you just share what is new around your house, what you find interesting or funny, that you will find you enjoy the sharing.

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I have 3 blogs. Not that I have that much to say, but I like to keep them separated by topic. One is for school. I really started it to help our parents, who live many states away, keep up with our activities. One is for me being goofy and the other is for my personal writing and self-education. That one is more of an online journal than anything.


My parents read my blogs so that is always in the back of my mind when I write.

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I blog for me. Well, really for my mother so she knows what is going on in our schooling and life. I write about what the kids are doing, things we do as a family. Sometimes I have a lot to say and sometimes I don't. I try to post something every few days otherwise I have to answer to my mother that we must not be doing much because there is nothing on the blog.

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