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Tackling Thursday Together, 2.8.24


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Good morning!

I get to see both kids today, so that makes me happy! 

  • dh's food for the whole day is packed (he works at the night school during dinner)
  • exercise
  • Bible study
  • 1 Zoom session
  • Saturday Sacks (go to church to get food bags we deliver to an elementary school with a lot of at-risk kids)
  • meet dd so she can borrow my car
  • eat lunch out with her and she'll bring me home
  • Ds comes down and will take me to the bank (He needs a travel form signed/notarized because he is under 21.)
  • school work
  • pay bills/update the big budget book
  • tidy house
  • do some deep cleaning
  • find a new series to watch
Edited by mom31257
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Good morning!


  • took ds to school
  • laundry - he had another nosebleed last night on a white blanket.
  • work out
  • violin
  • dinner: I'm thinking leftovers
  • hockey practice

It's a mostly light day, I think.  I may run out and do a few errands, but might push those off.  It's a nice day out and I'm really enjoying the sunshine.

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Good morning! 

Now that I'm finally feeling better (knock on wood...), I need to do school prep for next week. So that's the biggie. 

Let's see....

...school prep for K
....school prep for 1st

....school prep for 2nd
....school prep/check my prep stash for Open House flyers for next week 
....prep for tutoring this afternoon
....make sure DS is working on his music class, and his creative writing class
....check w/DH about dinner - who's cooking? 
....go tutor
....cook/eat dinner
....go to fencing??? - this depends if I'm still feeling well by then
....rest in there as needed

So, we'll see how today goes. I feel pretty good this morning, so, we'll see. 

Edited by TheReader
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Good morning! The sun is struggling to get out and I think today will be mostly cloudy here. Warm, though.

Boy is at school, I have made coffee.

Prayer meeting ✔️ 
Visit mom ✔️ 
Electronic chores/deskwork
Grocery or Costco? ✔️ 
Figure out dinner! ✔️ 
AHG tonight. ✔️ 

Ds leaves for a youth retreat tomorrow evening. I should nudge him along in prep - initial packing, laundry, etc. He has tomorrow off from school so  we will do some errands - haircut, visit my mom, buy new running shoes. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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I got an hour outside today!  It was so nice and sunshiny, even if it was still a little cold in the shade.  That means I got in both a high intensity workout inside and a 3-4 mile walk outside.  And I feel great. 🙂 I mean, it helped that I did this after listening to the Supreme Court arguments, so I got the time to think things over and digest it properly.

Did laundry.  DS14's blanket came clean.  His nose is still bleeding off and on so I've banned him from wearing a white jersey tonight.  We'll see how the weekend goes.

I also realized some acquaintances of mine tend to exhibit mean girl behavior.  They posted a picture and caption that was basically a way to exclude a very small number of people in a very public way. I'm not close to them (we just move in the same circles) but I do know the context. It's icky and weird and not something that 30-40s should be so comfortable with, and I realized.......I wasn't.  And I think I'm happier not seeing that sort of thing in my feed or interacting with it when it does touch over.

Up next: dinner.  I think I'm going to repurpose two leftover baked potatoes and a sad avocado into deluxe spicy chicken sandwiches and potato wedges.

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@HomeAgain, I just don't understand the mean girl mentality, especially in grown, supposedly mature, women. I'm glad it isn't close friends! 

Dd and I got breakfast together and played a new game, Morels, at her girlfriend's house. Then she brought me here, and we played Raiders of the North Sea.

Ds got here in time to see dd, and then we went to the bank. He's taking a power nap and going to stay for dinner. I wasn't going to be cooking dinner tonight because Dh is working at the charter school, so I'm not sure I have something to cook he will like. We can always go out. 

The co-op job is definitely happening! I'll teach Algebra 1, Geometry, and Conceptual Physics on Thursdays next year. I'll have Zoom sessions for the math classes on Tuesdays. 

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38 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

@HomeAgain, I just don't understand the mean girl mentality, especially in grown, supposedly mature, women. I'm glad it isn't close friends!

Same.  My friends are kept nearer and dearer and, well, I don't have regrets.

Your co-op sounds like it's going to be rewarding!  Higher math classes are always in demand here, so I'm sure you'll be very popular!

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4 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

Your co-op sounds like it's going to be rewarding!  Higher math classes are always in demand here, so I'm sure you'll be very popular!

I hope I will be a good fit with these families! I already have 27 students lined up for online classes Mon/Wed next year. As of now, there are 13 students in the two math classes at the co-op. Back when I started teaching a few kids at my kitchen table, I never dreamed I would have 40 students someday! 

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That's incredible, Amy! So excited for you! 

@HomeAgain, yea, the mean girl stuff is ridiculous. Sheesh.


Got home from tutoring - that went well; the mom had me stay while she ran her MIL home, and ended up being gone a bit longer than expected. I thought maybe, so no big deal; I didn't have anywhere to be (It was only about 10 extra minutes).

Dinner was good, heading to fencing!

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AHG was good! 
Planning some Pi day fun for the mathematics badge. 

No deskwork or budget done today and tomorrow is too busy, but hopefully Saturday?!

No school tomorrow! Woohoo for a day I don’t have to get up when it’s dark! 

Tidied the kitchen and started the dw. Next up: read!

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