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Urgent prayer request

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I just got an e-mail from a friend in South Africa. I spent 3 months there in 2007 and this friend brought me into some of the townships to distribute food. She and her husband were in the process of trying to get a ministry started to reach the kids there. They had adopted a teenage boy and we would often go to visit his older sister to give her food. She had a little girl and a baby boy. The girl was about the same age as my youngest (now 4 1/2) and the boy was the age that my 5th child would have been if I hadn't miscarried. The girl had been abuse (burned with a cigarette) by her mother who was a prostitute and like many young children in the townships was allowed to roam free even at 3yo. I absolutely fell in love with these two children and if we had been in S.A. longer would have wanted to adopt them. I still think of them often.


The e-mail from my friend was to inform me that the 4 1/2yo little girl has been missing for the last 5 days. The police won't look for her without a picture and my friend was asking if I have any. I don't unfortunately, but please join with me in praying for her safe return. My heart is breaking for this little girl. I know there are so many others like her there. Even when we were there a year and a half ago, we were told that girls were being kidnapped to 'train' them as prostitutes for the 2010 World Cup. Heartbreaking.

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