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Does anyone actually eat Christmas pudding?

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We received a lovely gift basket full of English goodies. One box in the basket said "Christmas Pudding" on it. I was thinking that probably meant the fruit cake thing and I stuck it in the cupboard thinking we likely would not get around to eating it.


Then I saw one in the store today, same brand, for $25! I don't think I can leave a $25 dessert in the cupboard - I should probably eat it, right? Is it good?

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We always have plum pudding and mince pie both! Many people find the taste a little strong. You can add brandy sauce to give it an added zing.


It also keeps forever and ever so don't feel like you have to eat it right away. It'll be good next Christmas, too, if you don't get to it! :D

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Well, I'm half English, so I grew up with this traditional Christmas dessert. The thing to do with this is heat it in a way that allows it to stay moist, and then serve it with hard sauce. The hard sauce is something I've never made, but it's basically icing with rum in it. There are probably recipes online. I don't like the taste of rum, so my mom used to make one with rum, and one without. Hmm... maybe it's not an English dessert. My mom's mom made it too, and she's Irish/German.


I don't make this, since my family hates it, but my mouth is watering just thinking about it right now! I miss the Christmases where my grandparents and parents did all the cooking, and I did all the eating.:sad:



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I **love** Christmas pudding. We steam ours...it's made in a ceramic bowl, so we cover it with some waxed paper and tie it on with a string or elastic. Then sit it in a pot of boiling water with a rack in the bottom and cover. Steam for a few minutes. I'm not sure what kind of container yours is in, but you get the idea!


We serve it with either English custard (Bird's is a nice custard powder) or lemon sauce (something like this).

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Well, this is turning out to be more exciting than I thought.


Ours is in an "earthenware basin with cloth" and I had no idea it even needed to be warmed; now I know - thanks!


And that's what that bottle of Hard Sauce is for!


We'll have whipped cream for the pumpkin pie so we'll be able to eat it with hard sauce or with cream. I'm actually looking forward to getting into this pudding now.


LBC - you're welcome to come over for a piece :001_smile: We've got some fantastic sledding and skating happening over here, too - it would be fun.

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LBC - you're welcome to come over for a piece :001_smile: We've got some fantastic sledding and skating happening over here, too - it would be fun.


That sounds like fun! We're long overdue for a visit. Maybe we'll wait until it warms up a bit, though. Brrrr! Is your lake frozen? Are you able to skate on it? The kids and I are going skiing tomorrow, and it's going to be cold up there!



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She has since moved back to the UK but two years ago for our Christmas dinner she shared a pudding that had been drenched in whisky daily then covered in cheesecloth. She heated it in the oven ,poured brandy over it and then flamed at the table proceeding to serve with heavy cream. I miss her so very much. She actually lived in Jiddah (sp?)Saudi Arabia for part of the year teaching art(no human figures as it was a Muslim school) and then spent a month here in the US with inlaws and then a stint in UK .Finally, she has been able to retire and runs a pub in England with her dh. In any event that pudding was a force to be reckoned with . I was intoxicated from the fumes alone. Good woman that one.

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