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Weekly Goals: October


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I've had a super busy, stressful summer season.  I'm tired and cranky and sad and have lost a lot of motivation.  I miss the Goals thread, but I'm not as organized as Granny Weatherwax.   I can't do the daily tackling thread without spending too much time online.  So, here's my compromise: a weekly goals/tackling mash-up that anyone is welcome to join. I might check in every day or once a week. Welcome Autumn and turning inward...

This week's health goals: consistent exercise, healthy eating, morning strength and stretching routine. Tomorrow and this week I will do my morning routine, walk or hike every day even if it's just a mile then visit the well trained bodies thread, and eat vegetables and lean protein.  I will skip gluten, sugar, corn, and cheese plates for this week.  I will take B12 every day.

When I've accomplished the above goals ie by the 8th I will lay down some new goals. I need to be able to trust myself and build on success to go any farther than this.

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Ooh, yay! I miss Granny WW’s Goals threads too, even though my posting about goals slowed to a trickle…and then evaporated completely. 

I have done many of the “23 things in 2023” goals I wrote down last December. Also, I did some cool things that were not on my list at all. One of the things on my 23 list I am happiest about was planning and creating a pollinator garden in my yard. Maybe I can stick a photo in here. Two things not on my list but which were great adventures were: doing a cold plunge in The Fairy Pools in Scotland; and hiking ~ 42 miles of the Appalachian trail, with plans forming to complete other sections. 

I have gotten a lot of the clean up/declutter/prépare my house for eventual sale completed. If I have off work this coming week, I plan to paint the “studio” - the space above the garage that used to be our homeschool room. I have chipped away at decluttering and off-loading materials but there is rather a lot to still do. 




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6 hours ago, Ginevra said:

One of the things on my 23 list I am happiest about was planning and creating a pollinator garden in my yard.

Nice.  This was also on my list for this year and it really started - I got dh to give up mowing a serious amount of lawn and landscaper ds brought home some lovely plants to get it going.

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16 hours ago, Ginevra said:

Ooh, yay! I miss Granny WW’s Goals threads too, even though my posting about goals slowed to a trickle…and then evaporated completely. 

I have done many of the “23 things in 2023” goals I wrote down last December. Also, I did some cool things that were not on my list at all. One of the things on my 23 list I am happiest about was planning and creating a pollinator garden in my yard. Maybe I can stick a photo in here. Two things not on my list but which were great adventures were: doing a cold plunge in The Fairy Pools in Scotland; and hiking ~ 42 miles of the Appalachian trail, with plans forming to complete other sections. 

I have gotten a lot of the clean up/declutter/prépare my house for eventual sale completed. If I have off work this coming week, I plan to paint the “studio” - the space above the garage that used to be our homeschool room. I have chipped away at decluttering and off-loading materials but there is rather a lot to still do. 




Beautiful, thank you for the photos!

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My big goal for this week is to get Dd’s room finished and her stuff moved back in so she can relax and enjoy it over her long weekend. 

Making progress on this by doing something about a window shade and, later today, discussing what’s left to do with Dh. 

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13 hours ago, Eos said:

Did everything I intended yesterday, huzzah.  Also made a quart of pesto and picked the rest of the basil but ran out of olive oil so will finish today.  Also today: 12 pies and a hike.

What are the 12 pies and what are they for? So curious!

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22 hours ago, Ginevra said:

What are the 12 pies and what are they for? So curious!

Our seasonal business was off early this season due to the weather so I made 24 pies 3 times per week for a farmstand.  They've cut way back, so now just 22 per week.

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I guess the last time we had this goal group was July and I was so incredibly unrealistic, especially since I was there by myself and have no self-discipline at all when I am by myself.  Ok, so here it is:

So these were my original Yearly Goals
Lose 40 pounds.
Publish Devotional somehow
Make a podcast  done
Continue to declutter the House


October Goals
I have no clue where I am on my weight.  We are still on our RV trip.  I will weigh first thing Monday morning and put where I am.

Declutter the house- So we discovered a water leak and we shut off the water.  The plumber is coming Monday and we are having all of our pipes redone since this was the second leak. So...  all that to say, not sure exactly what decluttering I can do this month.  How about just my middle son's room, ie my study now.  I have done quite a bit in there.  I will just finish up.

Brand Goals for the year:

  • Redo my website  (Just met with someone yesterday)
  • Continue posting 2 newsletters a month
  • Write another devotion (1/3 of the way through)
  • Sell my advent devotion for those who are grieving in audio format (In the middle of revising it. Need to finish revisions this month)


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On 10/2/2023 at 8:14 AM, ScoutTN said:

My big goal for this week is to get Dd’s room finished and her stuff moved back in so she can relax and enjoy it over her long weekend. 

I accomplished this goal! Still a few finishing touches left to do, but the room is cozy and pretty and I think Dd will be happy to come home to it. 

Pondering my goal for next week. Weird week bc Dd is home til Tuesday, then gone for two days and back home with a friend the next weekend. Ds and I are both on Fall Break with few commitments this coming week. 

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Last day of the week with a quick goal for today: it's going to rain like crazy here so I will make a boatload of applesauce and clean the back part of the house.  Ds comes home tonight, the girls and oldest next weekend so my brief weepy week of empy-nesting is almost over!  I am a ninny.


On 10/5/2023 at 4:44 PM, TexasProud said:

So we discovered a water leak and we shut off the water.  The plumber is coming Monday and we are having all of our pipes redone since this was the second leak. So...  all that to say, not sure exactly what decluttering I can do this month. 

So sorry!  Pipes redone seems like a fine accomplishment. Decluttering the infrastructure, if you will.

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I've come to peace with the fact that until we close the business at the end of October I won't make any new resolutions or decisions that I'm ansy to make.  This week's minigoals have taken the edge off the hunger to move forward.  

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On 10/5/2023 at 10:46 PM, ScoutTN said:

the room is cozy and pretty and I think Dd will be happy to come home to it. 

Yay! Making the house cozy and pretty when the kids are heading home is the best feeling for me.  I will also shop and stock the pantry.

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For the week upcoming, dh and I are headed out to [Beautiful Western State] to see dd and dsil and Grandkitty. At the moment, we are in town where youngest Ds is in college; we will meet up with him today to give him a bunch of “Oh, and I forgot my flannel sweatshirt…” kind of things. Get to hug the baby bird before we fly out. 🙂 

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My goal for the coming week is to finish Dd’s room, which means painting a bookcase and a chair, then moving her books and knick-knacks back onto the shelving. She is here this weekend and can discuss and make some choices, which is great.

And continued decluttering and general organizing. That is vague but I really have made progress this week (for the first time in a loooong time!) and I am inspired to keep working on the house.

We cannot afford to remodel or do big updates (like the kitchen or move walls), but redecorating is proving more manageable than I had previously thought, so ideas are percolating.  Doing the kids’ rooms has been a good place to start. If you give a mouse a cookie….

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A week on and I feel happy with meeting my goals for this week.  I decided not to post in the well trained bodies thread but did exercise every day, I managed to avoid sugar, wheat, corn, and cheese plates (until yesterday) and did take B12 every day.  I didn't do my morning routine every day but the amount of exercise I got every day made me not worry too much about that - I'll get back to it when I'm not doing so much menial work.

I made a boatload of applesauce, pesto, and some dried apples, and pulled out a bunch of the garden.  Dh and I split and stacked wood.

Today I'm adding a few more goals: drinking a little nettle tea every day, pull out the rest of the garden and lay down some compost, and make apple leather and pie fillings.  I will continue to avoid sugar, wheat, corn, and cheese plates plus try a mindfulness pause when the mid-afternoon snack urge arises.  I'll walk or hike every day and take B12 every day.

Ds came home for the next month or so, both daughters and oldest are coming home this weekend - oldest just for next weekend (with ddil) and the girls for a week and three respectively.  I am really glad they're going to be here, I don't like the empty nest at all.  A few little projects will be to keep the house clean, vacuum upstairs, and attend a committee meeting on Wednesday.

I'm visualizing the "big ticket" goals coming at the end of the month, and people's responses to the when do you read thread is helping me see them more easily.  

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On 10/9/2023 at 5:07 PM, Eos said:

Today I'm adding a few more goals: drinking a little nettle tea every day, pull out the rest of the garden and lay down some compost, and make apple leather and pie fillings.  I will continue to avoid sugar, wheat, corn, and cheese plates plus try a mindfulness pause when the mid-afternoon snack urge arises.  I'll walk or hike every day and take B12 every day.

Ds came home for the next month or so, both daughters and oldest are coming home this weekend - oldest just for next weekend (with ddil) and the girls for a week and three respectively.  I am really glad they're going to be here, I don't like the empty nest at all.  A few little projects will be to keep the house clean, vacuum upstairs, and attend a committee meeting on Wednesday.

I'm visualizing the "big ticket" goals coming at the end of the month, and people's responses to the when do you read thread is helping me see them more easily.

Yes to nettle tea, yes to food goals, yes to keeping the house clean and the little projects.  I used a good number of the apples this week and will get the rest processed soon.  Lovely to have all my peeps here for this weekend.

What's hard this week is that my most beloved sister's cancer has begun to progress after 4 years of stability.  She was originally given 3 - 6 months and has lived and thrived for four years.  We knew this day would come but I am devastated anyway.  I may travel to see her soon, all other goals and desires have paused.

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My house goals for this week are to get Ds’ room ready to be painted, to take at least one load to thrift, and to finish the winter clothes switching/assessment.

Health goals are to eat as close to keto as I can, get three walks in, and go to the Y twice.

Reading goal is an hour a day. 

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5 minutes ago, Eos said:

I'm curious if you like the way this makes you feel?

I have eaten low carb for decades, but since a viral infection in 2019 I am T2 diabetic, not insulin dependent. I take Ozempic, but even with medication, I need to eat low carb to keep my a1c where it should be and have been allowing too much leeway lately. 

When I eat keto, I feel fine. My version includes loads of not-starchy veggies, healthy fats, moderate servings of protein, and some fruit. If I eat too many carbs, I feel poorly with some typical symptoms of high blood sugar - tiredness, thirst, etc. 

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I've lost the thread this last week, I think hearing my sister's bad news and seeing the end of our season coming into sight has caused me to just kind of ditch everything and not care.  Rebooting this week without self-judgment:

A little nettle tea each day

No sugar, gluten, or corn

Finish the apples, carve pumpkins today - it's early but youngest is heading back to college and requested this activity

Clean and turn the coat closet over to winter

Plan and pack for my trip with dd on Wednesday





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Apples, pumpkins, quince all done.

Nettle tea and foods mostly fine, though I did have some crackers and cheese to eat with my fresh membrillo.

Did the closet and the last pantry cupboard that needed help.

I'm leaving today for four days and I have a lot of goals for my trip - stress reduction being one of them!  I need to write a new chapter of my life's book and hope to get an outline this weekend.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/25/2023 at 3:10 AM, Eos said:

  I need to write a new chapter of my life's book and hope to get an outline this weekend.

Narrator: "In fact, Eos did not complete her life's new chapter outline."

Instead I've been traveling and visiting my sister whose terminal cancer diagnosis and subsequent stabilization has now shifted to progression.  We've had a really good week of hiking and hanging out.  She's begun a new chemo regimen that either will or will not show results in a few weeks but the research holds nothing good. I supported her as she hit send on an email telling her boss she would be taking leave and I felt like I had done one thing right.

I'm heading home today.  My November goals are to call my sister, hike, eat 800 g of veg, and be kind to myself every day. Anything else is optional.

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It's happening.  Today is the day. Today I am home for the first time in 34 years with no kids, no homeschooling, no job, no plan.  I've already walked 5 miles, put compost on the garden, vacuumed the downstairs, and did the dishes.  Instead of rushing into town to mail two things, I'm about to curl up on the couch with some mint tea and a very large book I've been wanting to read for months.

On 11/14/2023 at 8:34 AM, Eos said:

My November goals are to call my sister, hike, eat 800 g of veg, and be kind to myself every day. Anything else is optional.

Three days since I wrote this and yes, I've managed to do all these things each day, woohoo 🙂.  Shouldn't seem like such an accomplishment but it is.

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On 11/14/2023 at 8:34 AM, Eos said:

Narrator: "In fact, Eos did not complete her life's new chapter outline."

Instead I've been traveling and visiting my sister whose terminal cancer diagnosis and subsequent stabilization has now shifted to progression.  We've had a really good week of hiking and hanging out.  She's begun a new chemo regimen that either will or will not show results in a few weeks but the research holds nothing good. I supported her as she hit send on an email telling her boss she would be taking leave and I felt like I had done one thing right.

I'm heading home today.  My November goals are to call my sister, hike, eat 800 g of veg, and be kind to myself every day. Anything else is optional.

I really wish we had a heart or hug emoji on the likes button. ❤️

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