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Publishing Questions and Ideas


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I was sharing my meal-planning method with a friend, and she loved my ideas. She mentioned I should make it into a planner to sell. I have no idea how to go about something like this as far as publishing it, selling it, etc. 

Has anyone done anything like this before? 

I think I'll start working on the page layouts. I could make a pdf file, I suppose, but do people want to buy something already printed? I don't like printing things myself. 

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I made an ebook years ago of my baby play ideas and put it up on Amazon and sold maybe a hundred dollars worth. I ended up taking it down as I no longer buy or support Amazon, but there are other ebook companies such as Kobo that basically help you format your document to become an ebook and host it on their site for free. Then you just have to publicise it. A lot simpler and easier than printing it out. If you got a lot of interest, then you could look at 'print on demand' - so the company only prints out a copy once someone orders it. 

I didn't make much money from independently publishing, but that was ok, I was just glad to help other new parents. With publishing, if you want to make money from it, you have to work really hard on promotion, basically marketing has to be a full time job. But if you're just happy to have your work out there without selling a lot, it's easy enough using existing online platforms. 


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I haven’t done it yet but what about Amazon KDP and let them print it? There are a gazillion videos on YouTube. I’m toying with creating low to medium content books to sell. Journals, puzzle books, etc. I’m just watching YouTube videos and playing around to figure it out. I’m going to start with something that is very easy like a lined journal to learn how to create the pages and put the book together and get it uploaded. It probably won’t sell but I’ll have gained know-how.

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