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If you have an iphone....

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What are your favorite applications? I'm trying to figure out what to put on mine. I would love some sort of app that would allow me to plan menus and keep to do lists, etc. in an easy way. Not sure if something like that exists. I was also thinking about a calorie tracker type thingy....


What else do you all use and love?


The phone was quite the surprise. Dh went to Trader Joes last night and came home with a bunch of groceries and two phones for us. :glare: Such a stinker!

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I'm cheap. All of these apps are free. I know that for some of them, you could find better if you pay (I'm thinking of the shopping list, especially), but there is just so much free stuff! I have a plethora of games for the kids to play in waiting rooms, and other situations where I need them to be distracted. Here are some of my favorites-


Say Who- voice recognition dialing, works wonderfully.

ShopShop- shopping list

i.TV- gives you full tv listings, very handy if you don't have digital cable

Google mobile- great search app. Does voice recognition searching, but it's not always accurate. Gives you maps from your location to whatever you are searching for- handy.

AP mobile news I get a lot of my news from here


* I gotta tell you, in the middle of writing this, we just had a little earthquake. Yay adrenaline rush!*


Back to your regularly scheduled programing-


Bible I have no idea which specific app I used.

Pandora I LOVE this app. Free radio based on the artist you put in. If you like music, get this app.



Have fun, I love free apps!

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* I gotta tell you, in the middle of writing this, we just had a little earthquake. Yay adrenaline rush!*


When we were moving to FL from CA we had an earthquake! LOL, DH was at the bottom of the empty pool doing repairs and the whole deck was rolling. I was pulling into a parking spot at WM wondering "what the HECK are those people doing in that van" (you know, it was rocking and rolling!).


That was this week too - we closed escrow the 24th.


Back to the iPhone :D

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My favorite app, which has nothing to do with what you are looking for, is Shazam. If you hear a song and want to know what it is, you press the tag it button, it will listen for 15 seconds or so and then come back and tell you. Not only does it give you the name and group, but also what album it's on and links to iTunes and YouTube for it. My dd has even just hummed a tune and gotten it to work. I'm just amazed by it. I also like the free Ebay app and my dd uses the Facebook and MySpace apps on it. I also like the Lightsaber, NYTimes and Mobile News. All free.


I have about 8 pages of apps on mine, most of which were free. My ds downloads a lot (with my permission, of course). I can't play Crash Kart on it as it gives me motion sickness but the rest of the family likes it - I think it's around $6 now.


There is so much available and even though I feel like I have a lot downloaded on my phone, I still have tons of space to add more! Off to look at Tracey's links now.

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grocery iq




The Weather Channel (actually like this much better than WeatherBug and the weather app that comes with the phone)

Big Tipper

Showtimes & Now Playing





iPeriod - nice to be able to know when Aunt Flo is coming & chart my moods

World Wiki+

Air Sharing - I think this is free right now - awesome app - turns your iphone into a wireless drive so you can place files on it.

Cubes - I can play this for hours and have seriously considered taking it OFF my phone

Hanoi - great logical game. My dh said it's also a traditional comp sci problem.


iBird Yard is nice

Margins for book notes

Shakespeare - free


iSort - a nice mini databse app

USA Manual




Finger piano - very, very cool - especially if someone else has an iPhone and has the app

Amazon.com app is great


Carpenter - just used Friday when I was trying to put some vinyl lettering up straight.

Speed Brain



Christmas Shopping List - huge help for this holiday.

iFlipr - great flash card app.


I have a lot more (hard to believe). I purchased a lot of the Beam It Down Software's book collections. I love their format - the text scrolls and you can control scroll speed, font, size and background color. I got the Jane Austen Collection and several others.


Enjoy. There's so much out there. Just when you think you don't need another app, a friend will email you with a suggestion of some kind.

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Google shortcut

BookLibrary (I put my homeschool inventory list on this)





Duel Level




This Day (history factoids)




BeamItDown books--Jules Verne, Sherlock, Christmas Carol, American Lit, Homer, Politics, Bunyan, John Milton

Other books--Secret Garden, Gulliver

Solebon solitaire

Labyrinth LE


Accel Break

BClassic Lite


Skippy Lite

Rain Stick


Spinner Free



Most of my apps are free or very low cost. No expensive stuff here.

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