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What are you baking for your friends/neighbors? Forgive me if this has already been

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I've been into baking cupcakes lately. I make a couple different kinds and then mix and match different frostings. It's easy to make them up ahead of time and stick in the freezer and pull out a few of each kind when I need a quick tray of something.


I've been doing pumpkin with cinnamon frosting, dark choc cupcakes with mint/ vanilla/ or chocolate frosting, yellow cupcakes with different frostings, etc.


It's been fun to top them with different candies and makes a pretty presentation.



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Saltine toffee (after 6 batches, I think I have it right now)

pizzelles (despite a pizzelle iron with an over active element)

giant sugar cookies with frosting


That's it. I had great plans for this year, but I was busier with Usborne this year (that is a good thing) and dh's schedule is actually worse for us as a family this year than it has been in the past. So, I am doing everything at the last minute. It has to be easy or it is not getting done.

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I just made spritz cookies in Christmas tree shapes sprinkles with green sugar and Ghirardelli choc. chip brownies from a box, then added some candy in little bread tins with tops I picked up at a party store. Very simple and Christmasy and it still took me like 3 hours to put it all together!

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It can be a little difficult. I'm not sure if there is a secret to getting it out of the press easily - I haven't found out after making them for the past 8 years! Some recipes chill it first and some don't. I tend not to chill it since I never have the time to. I usually end up hurting my hand trying to press them out! The press never works well. But, the Christmas tree is really cute and perfect - when it does come out right. Put sprinkles on before you bake them.

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My neighbor brought us over a platter of all sorts of fancy homemade cookies. She makes them every year, and they are amazingly delicious. They also always bring little gifts for the boys.


I gave away butter to some neighbors. LOL I bought 40 pounds for $22, so I thought I'd spread the butter around. LOL


I planned on making brownies for the library staff, but not I'm not sure if I should bother. If so many peopole are weirded out by "stranger's" baking, I really don't want to waste my time. BJs has these big tins of yunny cookies, maybe I'll just buy some of those. Or maybe I'll just do nothing since it's becoming so difficult to do anything. LOL

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Dawn, if it's up for a vote, I vote for you to take the brownies to the library staff! There will be enough people that aren't "weirded out" by them for them to be enjoyed and appreciated!




Thanks Chelle. I feel like the library staff knows us. They're also always commenting on how organized and together I am, so hopefully they will trust that I just as conscientious in the kitchen. :)

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