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WWYD Unwanted Phone Calls

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We are getting phone calls at the rate of 3 or 4 a week, usually in the middle of the night. The name and number show up on caller id, but we don't know the person. If we answer, no one is there. Everytime we call back, the line is busy. We've had these calls for about two years now. They'll stop for a few months or more, and then they'll start up all over again. I am so sick of being woken in the middle of the night. We've talked to the phone company, but dh is irate that we would have to pay to block someone's calls when we don't even know them, and he will not do it. We can't turn off the phone every night because dh is on call. What would you do?

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It sounds like a computer generated thing to me. Can you do a reverse look up online for this phone number? If it came up with something, I would send them a registered (or is it certified) letter telling them to remove your phone number from their files.


If that didn't work, I would just pay the money to block them (or at least pay for specialized ring service if available to have it not ring). My sleep and peace of mind is worth more than the money.

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I agree with Ellen. I would send them a letter clearly stating that the calls should stop. Second letter would be stating that I'd take legal action if the calls don't stop. At that point, I might look into it.


This is all based on hubby being against blocking the number. I certainly wouldn't just put up with it.


But maybe if all that failed, hubby would consent to the block?

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Make it clear that you're not answering phone calls after a certain hour and it's now your husband's responsibility. If he doesn't want to block them fine, he can take responsibility for dealing with them.


It's not that he doesn't want to answer them and I have to. I just wanted to make clear that that's not the situation. He's not like that.


The problem is that the ringing phone wakes up the house.

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Thanks, everyone. I'm going to call our phone company again later today after I get these kids in order. We only have one choice for a phone company here. I know dh will NOT pay the fee to block. Not that we can't afford it, we can. But he can get pretty stubborn on "the principle of the matter," just like I can, and I like that about him. Whoever mentioned changing the number -- thanks. I think that might be our best option.

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Have you tried calling them back during the day? It could be a kid or someone drunk dialing. Either way, if it's a residence and you call them, they'll probably be embarrassed enough to stop.


I have tried calling that number during the day. It is ALWAYS busy, which makes me think it is computer generated somehow. And the number is associated with an insurance company, which appears to have gone out of business. :confused: But the name that appears on caller id is Sherry Krueger. I know we are not the only ones getting these calls because there are other complaints registered online for the same number and name.


I have googled the name and come up with someone whose name and area code match. How many Sherry Kruegers (spelled that way) could there be in one area code? That's not a common name. So I called the home phone that came up on a google search for that name and left a message on an answering machine begging the person to remove our number from their calling list. After that, the calls stopped for months. (Coincidence? I don't know.) I thought I had solved the issue, but now the calls have started all over again.

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It seems like the Better Business Bureau or the Federal Do Not Call List could help then. How does a company that is out of business call your house???? That is something I would think the phone company could tell you.


When we had all the election phone calls, we found out that if we didn't say anything, the call would finally start (otherwise it would just hang-up). You could try that and see if there's a 'push two to be removed from our list' option. You could also do what my parents did when the telemarketers got to be too much. Since your family is already awake, ;) , put a whistle by the phone and blow out all your anger and agression into the mouth piece. If there's an ear near the phone, or retrieving the messages later, they will remove you from their list.

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