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I need some help!


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I would really appreciate some direction. This year (after deciding a strict CM style homeschool was not right for us) we have been skipping and hopping all over the place and I’ve found a few places that I really need to buckle down with my kids in.  Here is our family makeup

Ethan-12 6ish grade. He is lacking in much in the way of ELA. Currently working through Fix It! Grammer and Explode the Code which he really enjoys. Math Facts that Stick combined with Saxon 6/5. Science and History we do both unit studies and I’m not sure what else. 

Rosalynn-9 2/3 grade. Rosalynn has all the dys- LDs I really think I need to start almost from scratch with her. She is in tutoring to help with her Reading. She is also using HWT and Explode the Code. As well as Saxon 2 (but I’m thinking about also adding Math With Confidence)

Benjamin-5 not in formal lessons at all but has taught himself how to read. 

Katheryn-4 not in formal lessons at all not going to start for a while yet.


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3 hours ago, Lovinglife123 said:

welcome!  For reading, what have you used so far?  Has she had explicit phonics yet?

She has used AAR but got bored with it. We did some Pinwheels but there are so many moving pieces that it got overwhelming. We are doing Explode the Code and she is in tutoring.

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You need Pam Barnhill. Start with her book “Plan Your Year.” You can also poke around her website and get some ideas. She offers a lot of organizational and planning ideas that many people find extremely helpful. She has a podcast if that’s more your style. You may like Pam’s Your Morning Basket plans. With those ages and your bent towards CM, it may be a good fit for you. I have used them in the past and it is a nice way to streamline everything but math & LA. 

I also have a 6th grader that is a bit behind. The biggest factor in moving him forward has been consistency and clear expectations. 

For your 2nd grader, explicit phonics. AAR and Pinwheels are great. If it’s too much, go simple. Something simple like Phonics Pathways or Ordinary Parents Guide will do just fine.  

A tutor can be helpful. I am one, and I know many others on this board are too. Just keep in mind 1-2x a week isn’t going to be as meaningful if she’s not receiving adequate instruction at home/school daily. If you post about her specific LD’s and her reading struggles I am sure someone here can offer more specific advice.

I would not add MWC to Saxon. I’d just finish Saxon and the sample MWC next year. 

Sorry it’s been struggle this year. We were on the struggle bus last year. And then this past fall we got hit with sickness after sickness. It was terrible and slowed us down big time. So I can commiserate! 

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For Ethan, a Lantern English beginner level writing course would be worth looking into. $65/8 wk email course.


Another choice to consider is IEW SSS A Yr 1 since he’s already doing Fix It! successfully. $169 and you own the materials forever. They have a live class option, as well. They offer a 3-week free sample to check it out first.


How about literature for him? We like Memoria Press guides for lit. He and your 9 yr old could do them together. He can do the writing and your daughter can answer orally. Pick a title you think they would both enjoy. The guides have lots of vocabulary built in.


What book is he on in ETC? MegaWords is a great next step.


For Rosalynn, Memoria Press has Simply Classical levels for kids with learning issues of all types. Cheryl is a great resource and personally answers in the MP Special Needs board on their free forum. Or give MP a call to discuss your kids’ needs.

I echo do not add another math. Use one or the other. You might also look into The Good and the Beautiful Simply Beautiful Math levels. Simple and clear, not so many bits.


5yr old- I highly suggest reading or not that he has a phonics course to prevent issues down the road. I would start him on the ETC Primers and let him go as fast as he wants. You might consider adding in the ETC comprehension books, too. For math, all mine loved Singapore Essentials K math books. 2 self-contained books, $12 each. Easy to do.


4yr old- She could start the ETC Primers. Very low key. Leap Frog Letter and Word Factory dvds are worthy and fun investments for letter sounds. Starfall.com’s letter page/app is awesome, too.

Confessions of a Homeschooler blog has some fun preschool and K4/5 materials priced conservatively. Lots of printing, though!


Singapore Essentials Math Bk A might be doable for her, as well.


Edited by Green Bean
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