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Video of Aslan (formerly known as Roland) going for a walk and also goes to PetSmart


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What I expected he would like about PetSmart:  seeing the birds and rodents and fish and smelling the smells and getting admired by all the people.

What he actually liked about PetSmart:  the pallet of deconstructed boxes, a large dust bunny, the dangling price tags, attempting to enter the employee only area, and trying to climb the shelving.  

What he was terrified of at PetSmart:  the automatic doors.  

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1 hour ago, stephanier.1765 said:

That is a loud and proud tail going on. Only very confident cats can carry those off. He is just so gorgeous and makes me miss my orange boy a lot. Does he give lessons on walking to his fellow felines?

No, I think it’s just who he is.  He would prefer to go outside without the harness.  He does a lot of darting towards the door. But he is pretty much lacking in suspicion, which is not a good characteristic in a kitty that goes outside.  He is convinced everyone and everything will love and adore him.  He is very confident.  Inky, his BFF, is terrified when we’ve tried to take her outside, so I don’t think he’s giving her walking lessons.  

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3 minutes ago, Terabith said:

No, I think it’s just who he is.  He would prefer to go outside without the harness.  He does a lot of darting towards the door. But he is pretty much lacking in suspicion, which is not a good characteristic in a kitty that goes outside.  He is convinced everyone and everything will love and adore him.  He is very confident.  Inky, his BFF, is terrified when we’ve tried to take her outside, so I don’t think he’s giving her walking lessons.  

That's too bad because 2 of my 5 would probably benefit quite a lot by being allowed outside on a leash but they are also my most fearful ones. That's probably why they survived so well outside until we brought them to live inside with us. Oddly enough, they are also the 2 sweetest of our cats. The one who was actually born inside the house and should be the most friendly to humans is an entitled a**hole. LOL

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10 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

That's too bad because 2 of my 5 would probably benefit quite a lot by being allowed outside on a leash but they are also my most fearful ones. That's probably why they survived so well outside until we brought them to live inside with us. Oddly enough, they are also the 2 sweetest of our cats. The one who was actually born inside the house and should be the most friendly to humans is an entitled a**hole. LOL

I’m not sure that fearful temperament correlates to willingness to walk on leash.  Inky is very confident inside.  And walking Aslan, there’s no “I decide where we go and we proceed at a steady speed towards that destination.”  It’s a lot of standing in the bushes and then running somewhere.  Give it a try!

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