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What area of school rights? anything more specific you can provide?
Really I can think of only two guaranteed school rights in California.
1) No school fees in California or mandatory fees for books, field trips, etc. 
2) if your child is in special Education or has a 504 plan are you guaranteed rights; such as you are supposedly guaranteed a free an appropriate public education. One very important right is due process so there are ways to file complaints with the state or file for due process and/or mediation. 
Are you talking about a general education student? Often you have to advocate by being vocal and thinking ahead of what roadblock you will find. 

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Depending on what state you're in, assuming the student isn't in (or being evaluated for) special education, there may be no particular academic rights. For example, I believe a Michigan court has ruled that even though there's compulsory attendance, students do not have a right to learn. In North Carolina, grade placement is at the discretion of the principal, so there's not a right to be in a particular class.

Local resources might be more helpful to you than anything else.

Edited by 73349
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If the question is regarding IEP or 504 rights, a lot of the parents in the learning challeges forum here have kids in public school (or have in the past) and can help answer that.  I might be able to answer some things but because my child's IEP team has been pretty accommodating I really haven't had to fight over much, so I'm not as knowledgeable as some. 

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