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Is Mathematical Reasoning a sufficient stand alone curriculum?


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I am considering using The Critical Thinking Company's "Mathematical Reasoning Level F" for my rising 5th grader's primary math curriculum. She used Level E at the end of last year and loved it.

However, I am concerned that the book is not "enough" by itself and that she would have trouble transitioning to a more standard math curriculum if/when she attends a traditional school for middle or high school (this would likely be Saxon, MathUSee, or Singapore for middle school).

Has anyone had experience with this curriculum? If so, is it "enough?" How/when did your students transfer to a different curriculum?

Thanks so much!

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My son is also loving it.  He likes the layout, the lines are big enough to write on, and he enjoys the spiral.

I am using it to introduce concepts. Then, we play math games (Prime Climb, Heck Meck) on a regular basis to develop mathematical thinking, though he thinks we play them for fun. Also, he does a couple of pages of Beast Academy each day, but on concepts he already is familiar with. Finally, he does a page of Singapore Math Sprints daily, one grade behind.

So, we're not using it as a true stand-alone, but it is 80% of his curriculum.


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I think the big questions are:

1. Is there enough practice for each concept?

2. Is there enough explanation for each concept?

3. Is your child retaining the material and able to apply previous concepts to newer ones?


We used a non-traditional program.  There was no workbook so I made our own for 5th grade.  It was 36 pages long.  It's not a program that works for everyone or has a lot of support, but it worked well for my kid.  I wouldn't hesitate to use it with him again, but I can answer each of the above with an affirmative for this particular kid.

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We used C or D with the oldest early in our home education. He liked that it was 'easy', but didn't feel there was enough practice in newer concepts. He also prefers routine, so the new concept every spread annoyed him. We switched to CLE, which prepared him well for Saxon. Then I used A for my youngest in Kinder. He liked the variety but blew through the book by November. At that point, I put him in CLE, too. I personally decided CTC MR is good for summer math or as a supplement, but it can't be a full program in our home. I am considering their algebra book for my oldest to use as a supplement when he needs a break from Saxon.

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