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Tackling Saturday Together!


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Good morning! 
Dd and I are headed out shortly to the Farmers’ Market.

Quick visit with my mom ✔️ 
Put away groceries ✔️ 
Prep food for dinner. Some!
Make sure housework gets done

Friends are coming for dinner. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

Today I don't have much tackling:
....work on the baby quilt -- I should be able to get the quilt top together, I think
....shower/shave for wearing shorts later
....head to niece's Bday party (wrap gift? if DH isn't)
....bday party, maybe dance class after
....come home, veg out -- most likely, DH & I on our own for TV as the boys will all be peopled-out by then

Also, try not to obsessively check FedEx tracking.....

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Good morning! Hope you all have a great day! 

We enjoyed being with the family for the game last night in spite of the heat. He has another game mid-day today. 

I made breakfast for us all, and I need to get a shower. 

We are going out to dinner with BIL and SIL after the game and after he is home from work. 

We go home tomorrow afternoon. 


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I have a question for those of you who have been on the board a long time. Do you feel the education boards are less active than they used to be? 

I just looked at the Logic Stage board and the FIRST page has threads dating back to April 1st. I feel like when I was active on that board, it was never like that. The first page was always current topics being discussed. The high school and K-8 aren't that far back, but I still feel like they seem less active. 

Just wondering if newer homeschool parents aren't coming here as much as people in my day. They are really missing out if they don't! 

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1 hour ago, mom31257 said:

I have a question for those of you who have been on the board a long time. Do you feel the education boards are less active than they used to be? 

I just looked at the Logic Stage board and the FIRST page has threads dating back to April 1st. I feel like when I was active on that board, it was never like that. The first page was always current topics being discussed. The high school and K-8 aren't that far back, but I still feel like they seem less active. 

Just wondering if newer homeschool parents aren't coming here as much as people in my day. They are really missing out if they don't! 

It definitely seems less active, but I also wonder if that's summer-related? Like, perhaps it picks up during the school year? I'm not sure.  

I did post a question over on the K-8 board not long ago, and had replies quickly, so I think people are there.....just maybe on an as-needed basis or something...? 

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2 hours ago, mom31257 said:

I have a question for those of you who have been on the board a long time. Do you feel the education boards are less active than they used to be? 

I just looked at the Logic Stage board and the FIRST page has threads dating back to April 1st. I feel like when I was active on that board, it was never like that. The first page was always current topics being discussed. The high school and K-8 aren't that far back, but I still feel like they seem less active. 

Just wondering if newer homeschool parents aren't coming here as much as people in my day. They are really missing out if they don't! 


More people on FB. Fewer real academic homeschoolers and fewer people homeschooling without a tutorial.  

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Got the glass recycling done. It’s been piling up for weeks and I keep forgetting about it on Saturdays when an elementary school near us has drop off. We have curbside for everything else. 

Started the dog blankets in the wash. They are gross and take two washes. 

I have done some picking up and tidying and will do a bit more. Kids will clean bathrooms and Dh will vacuum. 

Thinking that I will do paper plates for dinner, need to check and see if we have some. The rest of the food prep needs to be closer to meal time. 


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Morning all! I was up with mom several times last night, tired this morning.   Except for laundry, house is clean!   I just need to start organizing some drawers, cupboards.  

To do today:

coffee, breakfast shake

finish reading book

We may/may not go out to lunch, depending on how things are

work on reading pile, reading journal

watch some tv or movie

read, relax

Have a great day!


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Ordered French snd theology books for Dd for the coming school year.

Got bigger, heavier paper plates.

Cleaned my phone and phone case. 

Had a snack.

Reading and relaxing now until about an hour before our guests arrive. 

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We had a great time at the game! They came from behind to tie it and then win in the last inning. It was hot and sunny, but I'm glad we came! 

We went out to eat with BIL, SIL, and MIL. We went to Texas Roadhouse. I had never been and really liked my food. 

We were very tired from the heat, so we came home and rested. I hope the nap won't keep me from sleeping tonight. We are going to the early church service so we can get on the road earlier. 

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