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would you eat this?


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I bought some Velveeta Cheese a while back and put it in my pantry.  Today I take it out and notice that the "Best by" date is March 08, 2022.  Would you still eat it?  If so...for how much longer.   I have 2 loaves....not sure how that happened...we rarely eat this...but.....

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Shelf stable foods are, well, shelf stable. The "best by" dates are put there by the manufacturer and have no real legal meaning. The manufacturer just estimates that that date is when the quality will begin to degrade a little... but that can mean that the color or taste is a little off, or for a velveeta it might mean that there is some slight separation. It doesn't mean the food has gone bad or is even noticeably unpalatable.

So long as the food looks and smells fine when you open it, and the packaging isn't obviously suspect (bulging or damaged) you can trust that it IS fine.

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