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Critical Thinking Co logic options, any recommendations?

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It's always good to check what Timberdoodle recommends, because they sift/prune pretty well.

We've been doing the Balance Benders and enjoy them (middle school). The Mind Benders are good when they're ready for something more systematic. And the James Madison Logic course is good in high school.


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Agree, we have enjoyed balance benders and Mind Benders. Also the Balance Math & Balance Algebra subseries of Balance Beners. The Building Thinking Skills book is good, not great-not as fun and game-y as the others.

You can sign up on their website for a "Free Puzzle Every Week". After a month or so, you have a pretty good idea of some of the types. 

And, if you want to spend even more money 😄 there are some great games out there for critical thinking: colorku, anything by age from smartgames.eu, thinkfun logic games (https://www.thinkfun.com/products/type/logic-games/), marble circuit, mindware's logic links booklets;  

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