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update on my wrist


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It got slammed into a door frame by 200lbs of energetic dogs back in January. Was in a splint for a month, with various experts saying either broken or bone bruise or soft tissue damage. wAs doing better, but it is still causing pain, so went back to the hand/wrist specialist for a follow up. Xrays don't show a break, and based on the pain he was able to elicit (ouch!) but given that I have full movement, he thinks it's a bone contusioun/bruise that still needs more time to heal. He said give it another month, and if still hurting call and they will schedule an MRI. He did say we could do the MRI now, but given that anything it shows (bone bruise, etc) will still have the same recomendation of tincture of time, he advised just waiting. 

I looked it up, and bone bruise is basically microfractures of the bone, and can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 months to heal. It has been 3 months, so I'm guessing that is why he said give it one more month. I mean, it was really gnarly when it happened, huge hematoma, bruising all into my hand, swelling so that I couldn't move my fingers fully, etc. So I can see it taking longer than most to heal. 

So, that's the update. And I gotta say, it hurts way worse after he poked and prodded and squeezed! 


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I'm sorry.  I got bone bruises on my face and nose once when I was attacked by a patient. From the bleeding we (me & the ER doctor) thought my nose was broken. I also got a severe concussion, which was much worse. I think the tender feelings were completely gone in 6 months, but obviously you move your face less than your wrist.  I hope you feel better soon.

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