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cat feeding . . . .


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 I'm so fed up with giving him half a 3oz can, and him turning his nose up at the bottom layer (sometimes he'd eat it all, sometimes not).   then refusing to eat it later - even if I was quick to cover it back up.  he'd rather starve . . . (or he'd break down and eat the kibble I have always had available.)

So- fed up cat mom gave him less than a 1/4 of the can, then when it was gone, I gave him some more.  This morning, doing that - he at the entire can. . . . For lunch, he left about a table spoon from the entire can . . . 

I also crated him last night (for maybe 20 minutes) to get through - DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU!!!!!  (or attack the toes of the one who feeds you.)  This morning, he was more polite.  he batted at me, and bumped me - but no teeth, and no claws. (which need to be trimmed.)

gratuitous cat pic.



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47 minutes ago, Carolina Wren said:

I think cats have an instinct to reject "old" food in case it has started to rot. Ours will reject even dry kibble that has been in the dish too long.

Your kitty is adorable. Very regal.

is cat.

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ds mentioned studies with rats.  push button - get food.  when they were full, they stopped pushing the button.   push-button - sometimes get food.  they kept pushing the button, and if they were full, they kept pushing the button.   

what's weird is, he's not interested in going outside today.  this is very unusual for him.  usually open door => runs out like a shot.

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1 hour ago, Kanin said:

Do you leave food out all day, or feed on a schedule? 


generally, he's supposed to get 1/2 can wet food in the morning, and 1/2 can at night.  But he'll leave food to rot . . . . and the dogs havent' visited.  (they'll eat it all.) - then he'll come back later and attack me because he wants food.  I'm starting to dangle his feather when he approaches me like that in an attempt to retrain him.  (if I stand up - he immediately runs to his food dish.)

I ordered him a catnip toy that I hope the dogs don't destroy (like they did the last ones.  hard glare.)

I also ordered one of those "lick mats" for wet food.  I'm very curious how it will work for him.

kibble is left out - but he's not much of a kibble eater.  He's not quite a year, and around 10ish lbs.  he's not a big eater.

Edited by gardenmom5
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7 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

generally, he's supposed to get 1/2 can wet food in the morning, and 1/2 can at night.  But he'll leave food to rot . . . . and the dogs havent' visited.  (they'll eat it all.) - then he'll come back later and attack me because he wants food.  I'm starting to dangle his feather when he approaches me like that in an attempt to retrain him.  (if I stand up - he immediately runs to his food dish.)

I ordered him a catnip toy that I hope the dogs don't destroy (like they did the last ones.  hard glare.)

I also ordered one of those "lick mats" for wet food.  I'm very curious how it will work for him.

kibble is left out - but he's not much of a kibble eater.  He's not quite a year, and around 10ish lbs.  he's not a big eater.

He sounds like a character 😍 Maybe just give him half as much food and see if he eats it? I had to scale back my cat's food, too. Now she is generally eager at food time. Still, I could give less food bc she leaves some.

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