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OOOH! Nanny electronics irk me!

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I am not an idiot. I know better than my printer tyvm!


Tonight, for the first time since I got my new printer, I ran out of ink in ONE of the ink cartidges - the yellow one.


The printer is threatening to completely shut down on me if I do not replace the cartidge in a timely manner - even if all I'm trying to print is black text.


Seriously. I get a *warning* every time I try to print out a page of black text informing me that the printer will *shut down* if I don't replace the yellow ink cartridge *very soon*. I can't believe I have so offended the universe by not installing another yellow ink cartridge yet.




I don't like it that the printer refuses to print just because it thinks it's out of one color of ink. I personally, don't believe it is out of ink. On my last printer, after it would warn me that it was "out of ink" of a particular color, I got anywhere from 50-100 more pages perfectly printed. I happen to believe I would get the same results now - if I could get the printer to just print!


But, no. Mr. Ink Sensor rules the roost around here. And apparently he is incapable of allowing the other ink cartidges to perform their duties if just one of the ink cartridges is unable to do theirs.


Well, Mr. Ink Sensor, I'll have you know that I believe that if I'm stupid enough to ask you to print 100 pages of yellow flowers after you tell me I'm all out of yellow ink that that is my right. I should be able to do it if I want to!


Stupid Nanny Electronics :mad:

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Epson printers do the same (at least they did when I got rid of mine) If one color was low, no printing at all.


I once read of a man who bought a shopping cart full of $27 printers at Walmart because it was cheaper than buying cartidges.


His policy was use and toss. I can understand his point, but what environmental waste.

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Consult this month's issue of Make mazagine! Quick! It's the spy issue. There's a make for invisible ink. You run out the yellow, remove and clean the sponge, soak it up with . . . something, and then you can print in invisible ink! Why don't you try it? Maybe when you refill that sponge, the nanny will shut up.


If you actually do want to try that, check out their website. If the directions arent there, I'll post them for you. lmk.

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Consult this month's issue of Make mazagine! Quick! It's the spy issue. There's a make for invisible ink. You run out the yellow, remove and clean the sponge, soak it up with . . . something, and then you can print in invisible ink! Why don't you try it? Maybe when you refill that sponge, the nanny will shut up.


If you actually do want to try that, check out their website. If the directions arent there, I'll post them for you. lmk.



Then you can put subliminal messages on all of your print outs!! :lol:

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Oh, I've got to try this! I've got a 9yo dd who is crazy about spies, secret codes, etc. Now I've just got to start printing like mad to get an empty cartridge! Off to look up the site.



Try lemon juice :) And then hold it up to the light. (It was lemon juice, wasn't it, that we used as kids??):D

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