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Do you have a nose stud? I've got a few questions...

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#1 - How long do you need to leave the nose stud in after piercing?


#2 - Is there any way to mask it (seriously, my folks would die and my Amish aunts, uncles & cousins would think I've lost it) during the time you must leave it in????


#3 - Does it matter which side you get pierced?


#4 - Anything else I need to know?


I've been contemplating this for a while, and a few friends and I may do it at the same time. My *one* thing holding me back is my parents and my relatives. If I knew I could dab a little make up or something on it to cover it for an evening, I'd go for it!

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I want one, but my oldest daughter told me that I am not cool enough for it


Too funny! I love them, but I'm afraid I'm not "cool" enough for it either. :) I'm a 35 year old mother of 4, in a very small conservative town where I'm already different b/c I homeschool my kids. I guess I can stand out in another way too. :)

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I want one, but my oldest daughter told me that I am not cool enough for it. :)


It seems like someone here got one recently. I'm sure she will chime in!


Nakia you are TOTALLY cool enough for it!!! Go for it girl!


I had one on the left side. I took it out when I got this "professional" job. :D I LOVED IT. It didn't even hurt that bad to get it. I changed from the "starter stud" they used to a smaller cute one about a week after they did it (I actually went back in and had them change it though). You can get clear studs that hide it better but if you leave it out it will close up quickly.

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Too funny! I love them, but I'm afraid I'm not "cool" enough for it either. :) I'm a 35 year old mother of 4, in a very small conservative town where I'm already different b/c I homeschool my kids. I guess I can stand out in another way too. :)


I don't know. You sound really cool to me!


Nakia you are TOTALLY cool enough for it!!! Go for it girl!




Thanks Heather!! I really do want one. I got a tattoo last year, and I don't think a nose piercing could hurt more than a tattoo. Hmmm....

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Mine's on the left. I haven't worn it in years, but I'm revisiting it as soon as I find a new jewel. :D


If you do it, please go to a reputable body piercer. The studio where I was pierced was very edgy, and the multi-pierced piercer was bizarre-looking. But he was very soft-spoken, gentle, and professional. I felt nothing!


When done properly, this piercing heals quickly, but do follow your piercer's instructions on when you can change out the jewelry. I think it looks lovely and tasteful on the right person. :001_smile:

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If you do it, please go to a reputable body piercer. The studio where I was pierced was very edgy, and the multi-pierced piercer was bizarre-looking. But he was very soft-spoken, gentle, and professional. I felt nothing!


When done properly, this piercing heals quickly, but do follow your piercer's instructions on when you can change out the jewelry. I think it looks lovely and tasteful on the right person. :001_smile:


I went to a piercer like this one. He was really good, but slightly wierd looking. BUT, he told us 6 mos for a complete healing for cartilages. 2 of us got noses, and 2 got the upper ear things. I had a lot of trouble with mine until I took the original one out and put a gold ring in. Apparently, surgical steel doens't agree with me, but of course, GOLD does. :glare:

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I think it looks lovely and tasteful on the right person.


Debra -


O.K., I must ask - who is the right person??? Does an overweight, t-shirt and jeans 35 year old mom of 4 fit the right person??? Seriously, am I going to look like a dork? Inquiring minds need to know.... Oh, and is there a special reason for getting the piercing on the right or left?

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I don't have one, but both my older dd's do. One has 2 of them - on each side. Anyway, My oldest dd wears what she calls a retainer for work; I can't even tell her nose is pierced. And yes, go to a reputable piercer.


I too chicken to get my nose pierced, but my ears are 'well pierced'.



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#1 - How long do you need to leave the nose stud in after piercing? Answers are per my youngest kiddo. At least six weeks.


#2 - Is there any way to mask it (seriously, my folks would die and my Amish aunts, uncles & cousins would think I've lost it) during the time you must leave it in???? You can purchase a clear retainer to put in in place of stud. Retainer is less noticeable but still visible to those who look closely. The hole will grow over and seal very quickly.


#3 - Does it matter which side you get pierced? No unless you are doing it for certain Indian cultural reasons.


#4 - Anything else I need to know? Clean 2x per day with piercing solution or antibacterial soap. Don't touch it or mess with it.


I've been contemplating this for a while, and a few friends and I may do it at the same time. My *one* thing holding me back is my parents and my relatives. If I knew I could dab a little make up or something on it to cover it for an evening, I'd go for it! Makeup does not cover it. We tried stage makeup but it did not adhere to the stud.


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And I may be the one who was referred to in an earlier post. I had mine done in early June of this year, and I made a huge deal out of it 1) Because it was a huge deal for me to do it 2) It was a really huge deal for me to do it, LOL!


#1 I guess information will vary from place to place. I had mine done in a very respected, established place. The gal who did mine said it is a very rare person who can remove theirs and it not close quickly for EVER. Even after having had the piercing for years, a cartilage piercing can close very, very quickly. I had a little accident with a towel and ripped mine out. By the time I got back to my piercer, it was almost completely closed. I had had the piercing for about 3 mos at the time, and pretty much had to have it re-done.


#2 If you need to hide something, I think you need to seriously consider not doing it, but that's my own personal opinion.


#3 I chose the left side because in Ayurveda, it's a pressure point for female related issues. I don't believe there is any hidden meaning for or against either side though.


#4 I have really had a lot of trouble with mine. Before I ripped the thing completely out, I bumped it pretty hard having forgot it was there. I developed a keloid bump. I spend a fair amount of time keeping the thing under control. It stays red a lot, even 6 mos later, but is definitely not infected. The piercer says she has seen that occasionally in very fair skinned people. I am looking into having a real piece of gold jewelry made, though. I, (like Cin I believe) am begining to wonder if my body just doesn't like the titanium in the stud. Of course, there's no telling whether you might have similar or different issues.


As for what some other posters have commented on, I am definitely not "cool." Never have been, never will. I'm overweight and 39 and I just don't care! I did it because I wanted to since I was a kid and read my first National Geographic. My husband for some reason thought it sounded like a great idea ;) but I talked about it for years before I was brave enough to do it. I added the pic I posted in June to my album at my profile.




Even after all of that I can still say go for it!:)




#1 - How long do you need to leave the nose stud in after piercing?


#2 - Is there any way to mask it (seriously, my folks would die and my Amish aunts, uncles & cousins would think I've lost it) during the time you must leave it in????


#3 - Does it matter which side you get pierced?


#4 - Anything else I need to know?


I've been contemplating this for a while, and a few friends and I may do it at the same time. My *one* thing holding me back is my parents and my relatives. If I knew I could dab a little make up or something on it to cover it for an evening, I'd go for it!


Edited by Lisa at Home
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I've spent my entire life hoping no one would notice my nose...I just don't get it. I've got my grandma's German nose...think Karl Malden. To my dismay, eldest dd got hers pierced last year. She was 25 and has a lovely nose. She lost the stud during her first headcold misery, all that noseblowing and she didn't notice or care that it fell out. whew!

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The retainers are almost completley unnoticiable. A friend of mine had to use one for work and I couldn't tell she had her nose pierced when I was right in front of her. I had mine pierced when I was 16 and had it in for almost a year. I am 28 years old now and you can still see where it was. One month after I took it out I could still get a stud through it but then after about 3 months it was closed forever. I look at it sometimes and for a moment consider having it redone then I remember dh didn't like it then and I highly doubt he would now,lol. HTH!

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How soon can you use a retainer?


They told me not to change it for a couple months I believe, it's been quite awhile. I changed mine from a ring to a stud though after a couple of weeks and didn't have any problems. If you had it pierced with a stud I wouldn't see any reason why you couldn't after a week maybe. I would say when it's not feeling as sensitive as it does for the first few days or so. I would def have it pierced on the right side if your right handed and on the left if your left handed for quicker changes between stud and retainer.

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I wrote a little about mine below. I have been thinking about having a nice piece of jewlery made -gold-, because I keep wondering if my problem is the metal (mine is titanium). What you said makes me feel like I need to really go take care of this asap!




It wasn't healing and was appearing to be infected, constantly. After about 2 mos I took the steel thing out and cleaned it thoroughly. Alcohol, peroxide and the whole 9 yds, and left it out overnight. It was looking great. Put the thing back in and it started up again. I finally took it out and put in one of my gold ball studs. It was doing MUCH better, except the post on the stud was a little too short. So, I bought a gold eyebrow/ni99le thing and it is doing GREAT!!! I'll get something else when I am sure it's all healed.

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O.K., I must ask - who is the right person???


I guess for me personally, that's someone who would wear something dainty and not showy. I am not a fan of the wholly outrageous stuff such as large hoops, nose "bones", etc...not that you were going for that at. all! ;) Then again, a confident woman who really wants something different can certainly pull that off, too. Attitude, baby! :D


I'm sure it will look great on you! :001_smile:

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