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A poll about how many shoes you own


Numbers of shoes of all kinds  

97 members have voted

  1. 1. How many shoes, sandals, boots, slippers, flip-flops, etc. do you own?

    • Less than 5 pairs (minimalist living)
    • Between 5 and 10 pairs
    • Between 10 and 15 pairs
    • Between 15 and 20 pairs
    • Between 20 and 30 pairs
    • More than 30 pairs (no judging!)
    • Kittens & kilts
    • Obligatory other

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7 hours ago, RootAnn said:

winter boots, dress boots, work boots, tennis shoes, walking shoes, flats, heels, slippers, flip-flops, sandals, etc.

Not cold enough here for dedicated winter boots. I don't own dress boots. I guess technically my garden shoes that I wear to garden and take care of animals on our property would qualify as work boots/shoes. I have one pair of tennis shoes, no separate walking shoes. No flats because I haven't had to wear any in a long long time. I can't wear heels due to back and joint problems. I prefer slipper socks so no slippers that qualify as shoes really. I have one pair of flip flop style leather sandals.

Dh literally has to force me to go shoe shopping for myself. I hate shoe shopping for anyone but especially for myself. Even as a teenager I was very minimalistic when it came to shoes. I will wear a pair of shoes until they literally fall apart. My sister however makes up for my lack of shoes tenfold. She has always needed a different pair of shoes for every occasion.

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2 hours ago, StellaM said:


I also can only wear half sizes, but all the cheaper shops only sell full sizes, which is another reason I can't buy cheap.

When I was a school kid, I would stuff my school shoes with tissue paper in front because of the half size issue. My parents bought me many pairs of Nike running shoes for school PE when we went to Bangkok on vacation in the 80s because it was much cheaper there. 

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I chose between 10 to 15.

In reality, I probably own 25. I wear maybe 10 of them.  5 pair are for special occasions or I only wear 1 time a year. The last 10 pair, are newish, in a tote in the closet, but could be tossed. They aren't a style I wear now, or had something awkward about the way they wore.  They are still wearable, but don't get chosen over more comfortable, stylish options. It has been so long since I looked in the tote, I can't even tell you what is in there.  There are a few pair that were over $100 each, so I save them for dd21 to pick through when she needs something I may already own. I should take them to a woman's consignment store. Even if I only got $10 per pair, at least I would enough to buy a pair I could wear. LOL

ETA: I live in the PNW. I think those of us who live in a state with 4 distinct seasons, make it more likely that we have multiple styles to go with the seasons. 

Edited by Tap
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