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What is your favorite American history for Middle School???


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I'm trying to put together a serious, yet fun study for my two boys in 7th/8th grade. They haven't had much American history so I definitely want history, but with it being an election year some civics would be fun too. I tend to prefer things that are streamlined and simple, but like I said, I kind of want to bring history alive for them. This will be our 1 year sweep before they go to HS.  I will definitely use Memoria Press's 200 questions to cement whatever program I go with. Also would love to hear about supplemental resources like documentaries or any other visuals that could add to our study.

So, what do you love? And thanks :-)

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Artner Reader's Guide to American History  I use this as a loose spine to help with American history for 3-8th grades at my house.  The book lists and facts sheets are great.

We love American Experience (from PBS). Here's the wiki listing of the episodes that you could easily pop into your schedule..

The John Adams miniseries was well liked, too.




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History of US concise edition (4 volumes) are excellent

I did it with my 2 DS's when they were in 8th and 6th and they still remember stuff we read feom those books! (currently ages 20 and 18)

We were able to have some great discussions since it was the 3 of us instead of just 2 and there was a little bit of healthy competition about who could impress me the most during those discussions 😉

We did The Hewitt syllabus with it, but I don't know if that's still available.

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We didn't use one program. We did library books, original source work, biographies, state history, field trips, writing projects, SOTW4 projects, and mapwork from The Geography Coloring Book.  There are so many great books on each topic of American History that it was easy to pick a few from the library and use one that I liked for each major topic as a spine. I particularly liked finding diaries and journals to read from each time period too. 

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