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March 2020 Well-trained Bodies


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Victory at the stores, I got everything on my list, except chicken ramen noodles for ds (which are hardly a necessity). I came home and went ahead and did 15 min of Plyo - HIIT. 

I'm getting ready to do a little walk, the weather is already gorgeous outside.

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A two mile walk with the dog, some house cleaning, and I'll do some yoga in a bit.

Food is back to normal: porridge, berries and yoghurt for breakfast; lentil sprout salad and paprika chickpea veggie soup for lunch; olive oil mash, roasted beetroot with yoghurt and tahini, Brussels sprouts with sesame oil, and toasted almonds for supper.

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I got in my push-ups, strength/stretch exercises and a nice hike in the woods with the dog. Sadly, I had to cut the hike short due to a bathroom emergency. 🤪 I'll go for another walk later today. It's probably best to keep the hike short during my 'recovery-from-extra-long-tennis' period. 😉

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So, ladies, can't believe I'm actually typing these words, but this morning I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.   I can't believe I'm pregnant for the first time at 40.  I'm 95% terrified and 5% in awe.  Financially and emotionally and in all other ways this was not in the plan to say the least.  But I know God wouldn't send us this baby against all odds (12 years of unexplained infertility in my pervious marriage, me preventing and tracking and being OLD) if it wasn't all going to be ok in the long run so I'm clinging to that.  I guess we will all have some interesting discussions about staying active during pregnancy....?  I don't know.  Ladies, I know absolutely ZERO about being pregnant!  Send help, lol

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19 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

So, ladies, can't believe I'm actually typing these words, but this morning I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.   I can't believe I'm pregnant for the first time at 40.  I'm 95% terrified and 5% in awe.  Financially and emotionally and in all other ways this was not in the plan to say the least.  But I know God wouldn't send us this baby against all odds (12 years of unexplained infertility in my pervious marriage, me preventing and tracking and being OLD) if it wasn't all going to be ok in the long run so I'm clinging to that.  I guess we will all have some interesting discussions about staying active during pregnancy....?  I don't know.  Ladies, I know absolutely ZERO about being pregnant!  Send help, lol

Wow!!! Congratulations! That is incredible, I'd have mixed feelings now at 40 and I have had kids before, I can't imagine how it feels for you to be doing this for the first time now and for it to be a surprise at that. 

Activity in pregnancy is so individual, my activity level with my 4 varied greatly. With my last one I had undiagnosed thyroid disease and getting off the coach was a chore, I couldn't hardly do anything, it stunk. With #2 and #3 I didn't have much change in activity until towards the end, with #1 I had some bleeding at first so dialed down my intensity but kept with yoga and walking throughout. The big thing is to listen to your body, watch your heart rate and your hydration, make sure you are taking in enough food (with a smidge extra to account for pregnancy). 

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Wow, Ivy, wow wow wow!  I'm so excited for you!  I LOVE pregnancy.  I am a doula, though I don't do much anymore, because I just love the entire process of it all!  Exercise during pregnancy is healthy and encouraged, and the only limit is to follow your body's cues.  Expect fatigue in the beginning and let yourself sleep or rest if you body is telling you to!  


Big news, yesterday I ran a 5k with sub 10 minute miles.  I know that's not exactly Olympic level speed yet, but it's the fastest I've gone in quite a while!  

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@IvyInFlorida  Wow and congratulations!!  You were definitely right to question the weird things happening with your body. All the best with your pregnancy! Big hugs!!

The very first thing I did after confirming each of my pregnancies was to sleep and feel completely exhausted for a few days. I'm pretty sure it was more a mental than physical state of being overwhelmed. You can try this if you like. 😉  After getting out of bed again, I was more able to take on the new challenge.  

I was 39 for my last full-term baby. I did some water aerobics, walking and yoga for exercise. The yoga was the most relaxing and enjoyable by far. 

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@IvyInFlorida congratulations! We thought we couldn't have children, then I fell unexpectedly pregnant after 8 years with my husband. It was a big shock. Husband really didn't believe it until after the birth.

I went to step class until seven months with my second child, and with the first I commuted two miles each way on foot. Talk to your midwife/doctor, but you will probably be able to be pretty active.

I was 37 with my second - it was fine.

Edited by Laura Corin
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28 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Sadly, we just found out that all outdoor tennis courts (public and private) are shut down in the city. 🙁  I'm so thankful for those 3 hours of wonderful tennis.

I guess I'm back to just walking, hiking and eventually biking. 

People probably weren't keeping a safe distance.

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38 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

People probably weren't keeping a safe distance.

No one was outdoors playing yet. No nets were up, and there was still snow on the courts. I guess there is a chance of the virus being transmitted on the surface of the balls. And if groups of people eventually did gather when it warmed up, there would be the potential for physical distancing issues. 

What gets me is the so-called "essential" services still open, such as liquor and beer stores and pot shops (was have legalized pot in Canada unfortunately (don't get me started!). The doctors already know that the virus stays longer on glass surfaces, such as liquor and wine bottles. Since when is alcohol essential? And wine and beer are already available in many grocery stores. There are some obvious political decisions about what defines "essential."  

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@Monica_in_Switzerland Way to go on your running!  That's impressive!

@wintermom  I think my husband may be trying your method of handling pregnancy news, lol.  Also, I'm sorry to hear about the tennis courts, blah. 


Today I'm planning a bodyweight workout, just to kind of get back in the groove and feel things out.  Energy levels yesterday were good, but I didn't sleep very well last night (worrying about stuff) and so I don't anticipate feeling A+ today.  Plus I will have to reduce/eliminate my caffeine intake, so...  *yawn*

I feel that it is providential that everything worked out that I've been on this fitness journey for the last 2 1/2 years and am now stronger than I ever have been and at a healthy weight.  I think that's going to help me deal with the physical aspects of this huge change a lot better.  And I expected to be upset at the prospect of gaining weight, but miraculously I just feel this confidence that my body's going to do what it's supposed to do and that part's gonna be alright.  I'm writing this down now so I can refer to it later when my confidence wanes, as I'm sure it will.  🙂

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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@Monica_in_Switzerland Way to go on your running!  That's impressive!

@wintermom  I think my husband may be trying your method of handling pregnancy news, lol.  Also, I'm sorry to hear about the tennis courts, blah. 


Today I'm planning a bodyweight workout, just to kind of get back in the groove and feel things out.  Energy levels yesterday were good, but I didn't sleep very well last night (worrying about stuff) and so I don't anticipate feeling A+ today.  Plus I will have to reduce/eliminate my caffeine intake, so...  *yawn*

I feel that it is providential that everything worked out that I've been on this fitness journey for the last 2 1/2 years and am now stronger than I ever have been and at a healthy weight.  I think that's going to help me deal with the physical aspects of this huge change a lot better.  And I expected to be upset at the prospect of gaining weight, but miraculously I just feel this confidence that my body's going to do what it's supposed to do and that part's gonna be alright.  I'm writing this down now so I can refer to it later when my confidence wanes, as I'm sure it will.  🙂

Ahh, it must be a big shock to him as well as you. My dh was 'kind' enough to gain weight along with me during my pregnancies. Unfortunately he didn't lose it after the babies were born. 🤪

I forgot to mention 2 other obvious things I did when I learned about my first pregnancy; 1) confirmed it at the dr's with a blood test (not sure if they'd bother anymore depending on the reliability of the test you already did), and 2) bought a week-by-week book about being pregnant. This was extremely helpful for my sanity! 

I believe that you are right about the timing of you being fit and healthy for this pregnancy. You may have to (be offered) genetic counseling due to your age. I found this extremely upsetting, quite unexpectedly. Hearing the stats on genetic problems with 'old eggs' and such because of my age was not something I found helpful at all - especially once I already was pregnant. There are risks with every pregnancy, and navigating through it all can be really challenging. You can do this!! Big hugs. It's an exciting adventure. 

Edited by wintermom
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@wintermom Thank you!  Yeah, I think my husband is concerned about the potential problems with us both being older and genetic problems, etc.  One of the many things I think he is worried about, lol.  I did check out a digital copy of one of those week by week books and started up a pregnancy tracker app.  Apparently I'm 4 weeks, 6 days pregnant and due approx. November 29th.  Lord have mercy, lol.  ALSO, awesome on your pushups!


This mornings I did the following workout: pull ups 3x4, 1 leg Romanian deadlifts 10x4, pushups 10x4, and shrimp squats 10x4, and some jump rope.  It took a whole hour because I was not very efficient.  I kept getting distracted by the kids' bickering, etc.  But it felt good. 

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After all the schoolwork was completed I got in a very short bike ride and a very long (2 hour) walk with the dog. It felt so good to be out on my bike again. The shortness of the ride was because I couldn't find my tune-up equipment (air pump and chain and wheel lubricant). I'll have to hit a hardware store tomorrow, finish the spring tune-up, and then go for a much longer bike ride! 😃

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12 hours ago, wintermom said:

After all the schoolwork was completed I got in a very short bike ride and a very long (2 hour) walk with the dog. It felt so good to be out on my bike again. The shortness of the ride was because I couldn't find my tune-up equipment (air pump and chain and wheel lubricant). I'll have to hit a hardware store tomorrow, finish the spring tune-up, and then go for a much longer bike ride! 😃

I've yet to get on a bike ride here, haven't managed the time when the weather has cooperated. I'm sure the dog loved the walk, too! Great job on the push-ups, you are moving right along.

19 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom Thank you!  Yeah, I think my husband is concerned about the potential problems with us both being older and genetic problems, etc.  One of the many things I think he is worried about, lol.  I did check out a digital copy of one of those week by week books and started up a pregnancy tracker app.  Apparently I'm 4 weeks, 6 days pregnant and due approx. November 29th.  Lord have mercy, lol.  ALSO, awesome on your pushups!


This mornings I did the following workout: pull ups 3x4, 1 leg Romanian deadlifts 10x4, pushups 10x4, and shrimp squats 10x4, and some jump rope.  It took a whole hour because I was not very efficient.  I kept getting distracted by the kids' bickering, etc.  But it felt good. 


On 3/27/2020 at 5:49 AM, IvyInFlorida said:

@Monica_in_Switzerland Way to go on your running!  That's impressive!

@wintermom  I think my husband may be trying your method of handling pregnancy news, lol.  Also, I'm sorry to hear about the tennis courts, blah. 


Today I'm planning a bodyweight workout, just to kind of get back in the groove and feel things out.  Energy levels yesterday were good, but I didn't sleep very well last night (worrying about stuff) and so I don't anticipate feeling A+ today.  Plus I will have to reduce/eliminate my caffeine intake, so...  *yawn*

I feel that it is providential that everything worked out that I've been on this fitness journey for the last 2 1/2 years and am now stronger than I ever have been and at a healthy weight.  I think that's going to help me deal with the physical aspects of this huge change a lot better.  And I expected to be upset at the prospect of gaining weight, but miraculously I just feel this confidence that my body's going to do what it's supposed to do and that part's gonna be alright.  I'm writing this down now so I can refer to it later when my confidence wanes, as I'm sure it will.  🙂

I'm glad you had a good day yesterday. I was never happy about gaining weight but as you said the body does what it needs. I was careful to keep a healthy diet with all of them, with #1 I really ate more than I should have and gained 55#, with the other 3 I was more careful yet still gained 30-35#, evidently that is how much I needed. I started all of them fairly slim and they say you are going to gain more when you start small.  I gained 5# to start with every single pregnancy, hormones I guess but it was unbelievably quick, it was slow and steady after that. I lost my weight with all of them, some took longer than others and you know this last one it has taken a while to get back and stay in my old maintenance zone but that was with thyroid disease added on. You've lost the weight before you can do it again and there will be changes to adjust to also.


I had another busy day yesterday. I can't remember if I even posted. Friday we washed the house and yesterday dh worked on caulking. I had to cut these metal pieces, 80 of them, with tin snips took me hours. Then I cleaned around the yard and weeded flower beds.

I did 25 min yoga in the am and then my last day of W1 in Integral Strength. I felt nice and strong. 

Back in Feb I videoed my push-ups and was not thrilled with my form (I hadn't been regularly been doing push-ups for awhile and it showed), so I moved back to doing them on an elevated surface and have been doing that since. Yesterday I had dd video me doing regular push-ups and I can see much improvement, I'm much stronger in the shoulders, arms where they need to be. They aren't perfect but getting there, I was much pleased with the improvement.

Today I have planned BodyCombat and hopefully a walk. We've had gorgeous weather the last two days but I've not walked much as I've been so busy. I've got to clean house and do laundry but should have plenty of free time (and it looks like the rain will hold until the afternoon).

Edited by soror
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Ok, I'm going to say it because it's true, but know that I mean no disrespect, nor do I minimize the tragedy of current world events.

Covid19 is doing great things for my running.  

There I said it.  Nothing like telling a person they should stay home to make them absolutely DESPERATE to go out and run.  Our confinement rules allow for exercise outside as long as social distancing and no groups.  I wonder how many others are suddenly cherishing their walk outside, when before they avoided it.  I hope many people come to appreciate the beauty of a simple walk out of doors, it would make some good come out of the bad.  

I officially told the family I was going meat free.  I've been close to meat free for 3 months now, but I hadn't really discussed it.  Now it's "out there".  


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30 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Ok, I'm going to say it because it's true, but know that I mean no disrespect, nor do I minimize the tragedy of current world events.

Covid19 is doing great things for my running.  

There I said it.  Nothing like telling a person they should stay home to make them absolutely DESPERATE to go out and run.  Our confinement rules allow for exercise outside as long as social distancing and no groups.  I wonder how many others are suddenly cherishing their walk outside, when before they avoided it.  I hope many people come to appreciate the beauty of a simple walk out of doors, it would make some good come out of the bad.  

I officially told the family I was going meat free.  I've been close to meat free for 3 months now, but I hadn't really discussed it.  Now it's "out there".  


Nothing wrong with taking the positives. A lot of us have more time now, I told someone the other day if we can't make time for exercise (or activity) now we have no excuse. I am appreciating the down time.I thought you were already meat free, how did the family take it, had they not noticed??

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1 hour ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Ok, I'm going to say it because it's true, but know that I mean no disrespect, nor do I minimize the tragedy of current world events.

Covid19 is doing great things for my running.  

There I said it.  Nothing like telling a person they should stay home to make them absolutely DESPERATE to go out and run.  Our confinement rules allow for exercise outside as long as social distancing and no groups.  I wonder how many others are suddenly cherishing their walk outside, when before they avoided it.  I hope many people come to appreciate the beauty of a simple walk out of doors, it would make some good come out of the bad.  

I officially told the family I was going meat free.  I've been close to meat free for 3 months now, but I hadn't really discussed it.  Now it's "out there".  

Get out there and run/walk while you can. Many of our local trails are closed as of yesterday, and apparently we'll get fined if we use them. We are still able to go outside and walk in the neighbourhoods - for now. I am definitely cherishing my walks! It's amazing how many different birds there are chirping away in the suburbs. 

With you being meat-free, do you find family dinners more challenging to plan and prepare over time?  I haven't been eating beef, and my family loves it. I have to admit that my motivation to cook beef has decreased greatly. 

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56 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I'll be walking and hopefully biking today. I've decided to add to my push-up routine by doing extra push-ups throughout the day. I would like them to be a little more 'effortless' than they currently are, and once a day was not enough. 

Yes, that is my aim with pushups (and pullups too) I want them smooth, easy, and top notch form. I can't do training every day, it is too much on my shoulders, I always end up hurt, very slow and steady. 

I did 15 min of BodyCombat, I thought about doing more but the weather is so nice I decided to do my bare minimum. I'm eating breakfast now and getting ready to head out and find some outside work to do before the rain comes.

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I woke up with a sore hand yesterday - it's slightly swollen near the thumb. I've no idea what I did. Anyway, so yoga yesterday included lots of adaptation and I didn't push it. Then I walked five miles in our local private/public access woods.

Today: I'm about to do some weeding, then I'll try for some adapted yoga later. I was at the supermarket this morning, which was eerie but fairly civilised.

@IvyInFlorida, one thing to watch out for is not putting stress on your joints, as the relaxin hormone that prepares the body for childbirth causes the ligaments to loosen. It's easy to stress a joint or to lose balance and fall. I fell hard on steps at seven months pregnant - I didn't trip, but my joints just didn't compensate well for my changed centre of gravity.

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@soror @wintermom   I've been about 90% meat free since January.  I'm going to try to go the last 10% from now on, though I don't plan on requesting special treatment if we eat at another person's house or if my kids make a non-vegan dessert or similar.  I'm still eating some tiny amounts of dairy, like a spoonful of sour cream on top of Mexican black beans.  I'd like to slowly eliminate that as well, but it isn't my top priority.  They are all perfectly oblivious people, so no one had noticed.  🤣  Evening meals are a little complicated... For some, I try to make about 3 vegetarian meals per week, then another 2-3 that are pretty easily modified, like a veggie burger for me or a pizza with mushrooms instead of salami.  And for a few dinners a week, I do early time-restricted eating and just skip it.  This has been working ok.  

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Happy day! I just discovered that we're allowed to use trails that we can walk or bike to gain access. And the dedicated bicycle pathways are going to be cleared from ice/snow asap so that people can use them. They're trying to avoid masses of people flooding into parks, but local residents are still allowed access. Now I really need to get my bike in good condition! 😉

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I went on a 2 hr bike ride on some pathways and trails. They were only partly clear of snow, so every 20 feet or so I had to bike over snow/ice. It took a good bit of confidence and focus to keep my balance. It was a very good whole-body work-out, though! It was fabulous to be back on my bike again! 

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22 hours ago, soror said:

Yes, that is my aim with pushups (and pullups too) I want them smooth, easy, and top notch form. I can't do training every day, it is too much on my shoulders, I always end up hurt, very slow and steady. 

I did 15 min of BodyCombat, I thought about doing more but the weather is so nice I decided to do my bare minimum. I'm eating breakfast now and getting ready to head out and find some outside work to do before the rain comes.

This is probably the best thing, to just keep it slow and steady. There definitely is improvement, as the first 20 push-ups are 'easy' and with good form. The last 5 are tougher. I don't want to over-do things though. There is plenty of time to do a gradual build up. 😉

Hope you enjoyed your outdoor time in good weather! It's rainy and cloudy today. I want to get my walks in at some point, and there is more painting to do.

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22 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I woke up with a sore hand yesterday - it's slightly swollen near the thumb. I've no idea what I did. Anyway, so yoga yesterday included lots of adaptation and I didn't push it. Then I walked five miles in our local private/public access woods.

Today: I'm about to do some weeding, then I'll try for some adapted yoga later. I was at the supermarket this morning, which was eerie but fairly civilised.

Sorry about your sore hand. Hope it clears up soon. Is it a strain from something you did or related to outdoor gardening (a sliver or allergic reaction)? I often end up with 'gardening injuries' due to slivers/prickles, allergies or over-use. It's a dangerous activity! 😉

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17 hours ago, wintermom said:

I went on a 2 hr bike ride on some pathways and trails. They were only partly clear of snow, so every 20 feet or so I had to bike over snow/ice. It took a good bit of confidence and focus to keep my balance. It was a very good whole-body work-out, though! It was fabulous to be back on my bike again! 

Nice! I am looking forward to a nice ride, hopefully this week I can make it happen.

47 minutes ago, wintermom said:

This is probably the best thing, to just keep it slow and steady. There definitely is improvement, as the first 20 push-ups are 'easy' and with good form. The last 5 are tougher. I don't want to over-do things though. There is plenty of time to do a gradual build up. 😉

Hope you enjoyed your outdoor time in good weather! It's rainy and cloudy today. I want to get my walks in at some point, and there is more painting to do.

It is nice to see the improvement however slow. WE've had off and on rains for weeks now, it is much wetter than usual this year.

23 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

@soror @wintermom   I've been about 90% meat free since January.  I'm going to try to go the last 10% from now on, though I don't plan on requesting special treatment if we eat at another person's house or if my kids make a non-vegan dessert or similar.  I'm still eating some tiny amounts of dairy, like a spoonful of sour cream on top of Mexican black beans.  I'd like to slowly eliminate that as well, but it isn't my top priority.  They are all perfectly oblivious people, so no one had noticed.  🤣  Evening meals are a little complicated... For some, I try to make about 3 vegetarian meals per week, then another 2-3 that are pretty easily modified, like a veggie burger for me or a pizza with mushrooms instead of salami.  And for a few dinners a week, I do early time-restricted eating and just skip it.  This has been working ok.  

LOL, well, I can see my family not noticing I don't know that mine know what I eat exactly either. I'm trying to go dairy free again, trying. I started to weeks ago, which I posted about but didn't do so hot. I'm aiming for 30 days now, my main goal is vanity, tbh, will it help the undereye circles. I know that can be allergies and dairy has bothered me some before (and I was dairy free for years) so I'm trying.

23 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I woke up with a sore hand yesterday - it's slightly swollen near the thumb. I've no idea what I did. Anyway, so yoga yesterday included lots of adaptation and I didn't push it. Then I walked five miles in our local private/public access woods.

Today: I'm about to do some weeding, then I'll try for some adapted yoga later. I was at the supermarket this morning, which was eerie but fairly civilised.

@IvyInFlorida, one thing to watch out for is not putting stress on your joints, as the relaxin hormone that prepares the body for childbirth causes the ligaments to loosen. It's easy to stress a joint or to lose balance and fall. I fell hard on steps at seven months pregnant - I didn't trip, but my joints just didn't compensate well for my changed centre of gravity.

Man, I hate random injuries out of no where, hopefully it goes as quickly as it came. I think parks are open here but we luckily have some trails around here, even if they are not the best.


I ended up being pretty lazy after some weeding in the am. I think I needed to rest after some busy days.

Today we have more prep paint, hopefully finishing the prep so we can start painting next weekend.

Woke up today with a headache and am feeling a little blah, probably working in the wet leaves yesterday, I should know better.

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

Sorry about your sore hand. Hope it clears up soon. Is it a strain from something you did or related to outdoor gardening (a sliver or allergic reaction)? I often end up with 'gardening injuries' due to slivers/prickles, allergies or over-use. It's a dangerous activity! 😉

I think it was a yoga strain. Not sure what from though. 

Yesterday ended up being a light day - just some gardening. Today I took that five mile hike again and came home to eat carrot cake and finish Hilary Mantel's second Cromwell book. Yoga before supper and and early night before back to work (from home) tomorrow.

I hope to hike five miles three or more times a week for as long as we are confined to home and environs, health permitting.

Photos from the walk : the woods and the house on the estate



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@Laura Corin Fantastic photos! That tree looks like it's been under attack from fungus and humans. The house and landscape photo is gorgeous! Love the rolling hills and the stone work. Glad you were able to get out for some nice hiking in the area.

I took the dog for walk #1, did a bunch of painting, and will do another dog walk and more painting after a short break. 

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8 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Fantastic photos! That tree looks like it's been under attack from fungus and humans. The house and landscape photo is gorgeous! Love the rolling hills and the stone work. Glad you were able to get out for some nice hiking in the area.

I took the dog for walk #1, did a bunch of painting, and will do another dog walk and more painting after a short break. 

We're very lucky. Regulations discourage driving away from home, so we are fortunate to have the estate woods to walk to from home.

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11 hours ago, wintermom said:

I just got back from dog walk #2 and I finished my painting jobs for the day. I'm exhausted from the painting! What a work-out. 🤪

We are just working on the prep so far and I'm tired too. I keep having plans for these grand walks but I'm running out of time and energy by the time we finish our tasks.

Yesterday was work outside and cleaning house + laundry.

Laura, thank you for the lovely photos, it is lucky to have land around you. I feel fortunate in all of this to live in the middle of the woods.

Today dh is back to work so no big plans for the house today, although I do have some gardening tasks to do. We also have a half-day of school to finish.

Exercise plans: Integral Strength (bodyweight exercises) in the am; kayaking in the pm (if the temp is ok- looks like it should- I've been saying for days I'd take dd1 but we've been so busy and then had rain so it hasn't happened yet)

Still in maintenance, energy and mood improved. 

I did not meal prep yesterday so need to figure out lunches, I do have some black beans so I need to prep some veggies and brown rice to go with that and see how many days worth I have made.

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14 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I got in dog walk #1, push-ups and my regular strength and stretch exercises. I'm going to get out for a bike ride later today as long as the rain remains very light. 

Good job! 

I did my strength work too. Right now I'm doing timed sets, so I'm not doing a particular number but doing as much as I can within time. I did more reps of push-ups and inverted presses and a harder variation of l-sits and shrimp squat. My bridge was a bit easier. Chin-ups, meh, it is rather up and down but I keep working them.

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5 minutes ago, soror said:

Good job! 

I did my strength work too. Right now I'm doing timed sets, so I'm not doing a particular number but doing as much as I can within time. I did more reps of push-ups and inverted presses and a harder variation of l-sits and shrimp squat. My bridge was a bit easier. Chin-ups, meh, it is rather up and down but I keep working them.

Awesome!  We removed the chin-up bar when we painted, so no more chin-ups for now. Push-ups are much more flexible that way. You can do them anywhere. 😉

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Finished my bike ride. It was raining lightly, so I was that crazy cyclist out there in the rain. 😉  I went to check on the trails in the woods that I'm not allowed to drive to anymore. There is a lot of ice and snow still on the trails. So if I want to hike in the woods, I have to bike there and bring my crampons to navigate the ice. I think I'll wait until the rain stops before I do that. 

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Not much dedicated exercise since Friday...there were just a whole lot of random things that popped up and I had to deal with.  But starting today it's back to routine.  I'm working at my parents' place this morning (probably weeding and watering) plus I've been forcing my mom to get out an walk around the woods with me now that my dad has improved enough to be left alone some.  I will try to sneak in a run if it gets cool enough this evening, but there's a possibility of bad weather so we'll see.

Fit and Active Pregnancy News (now a regularly scheduled feature!): feeling pretty good.  Energy level is decent despite switching to decaf and dealing with stress.  I'm setting aside my heavy weights for awhile and switching to bodyweight strength training.  I could keep lifting heavy if I wanted to, but I just have an aversion to straining myself that hard right now for some reason.  It's probably irrational, but Imma roll with it.  I did bodyweight only on Friday and I'm still a little sore actually.  Weight has been rock steady at 133.6 for like a month now.  A couple moments of feeling a little weird on the tummy, but eating has been fine and that may have more to do with stress than pregnancy hormones.  My husband has (mostly) recovered from the shock, lol. 

I have def been reading y'all's updates and I'm sorry life was so crazy the last few days that I couldn't respond.  It's nice to feel connected to y'all during this whole virus situation!

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26 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Not much dedicated exercise since Friday...there were just a whole lot of random things that popped up and I had to deal with.  But starting today it's back to routine.  I'm working at my parents' place this morning (probably weeding and watering) plus I've been forcing my mom to get out an walk around the woods with me now that my dad has improved enough to be left alone some.  I will try to sneak in a run if it gets cool enough this evening, but there's a possibility of bad weather so we'll see.

Fit and Active Pregnancy News (now a regularly scheduled feature!): feeling pretty good.  Energy level is decent despite switching to decaf and dealing with stress.  I'm setting aside my heavy weights for awhile and switching to bodyweight strength training.  I could keep lifting heavy if I wanted to, but I just have an aversion to straining myself that hard right now for some reason.  It's probably irrational, but Imma roll with it.  I did bodyweight only on Friday and I'm still a little sore actually.  Weight has been rock steady at 133.6 for like a month now.  A couple moments of feeling a little weird on the tummy, but eating has been fine and that may have more to do with stress than pregnancy hormones.  My husband has (mostly) recovered from the shock, lol. 

I have def been reading y'all's updates and I'm sorry life was so crazy the last few days that I couldn't respond.  It's nice to feel connected to y'all during this whole virus situation!

So glad you're feeling well and that you are taking a scaled-down lifting approach. Have you seen your dr/OBGYN yet to get on pregnancy multi-vitamins? A pre-natal course was highly recommended for my first. Maybe there's something on-line offered in your area. Looking forward to your Fit and Active Pregnancy News! 

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27 minutes ago, wintermom said:

So glad you're feeling well and that you are taking a scaled-down lifting approach. Have you seen your dr/OBGYN yet to get on pregnancy multi-vitamins? A pre-natal course was highly recommended for my first. Maybe there's something on-line offered in your area. Looking forward to your Fit and Active Pregnancy News! 


Thank you!  I haven't had my appointment yet, but I did grab some prenatal vitamins to tide me over till then.  I'm not 100% sure what hospital/facility or provider I'll be using...since we're so rural a lot goes in to making that decision.  But I think all the options on the table offer classes.  This is all still so surreal, aaaaahh!!

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3 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


Thank you!  I haven't had my appointment yet, but I did grab some prenatal vitamins to tide me over till then.  I'm not 100% sure what hospital/facility or provider I'll be using...since we're so rural a lot goes in to making that decision.  But I think all the options on the table offer classes.  This is all still so surreal, aaaaahh!!

You've got a double whammy of surreal going on. I read on-line a mental health expert recommending a project is a good way to stay mentally healthy. You've got a very exciting 'project' to keep your focus away from COVID! You'll be counting the weeks for a different reason than the rest of us. 😁

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35 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Not much dedicated exercise since Friday...there were just a whole lot of random things that popped up and I had to deal with.  But starting today it's back to routine.  I'm working at my parents' place this morning (probably weeding and watering) plus I've been forcing my mom to get out an walk around the woods with me now that my dad has improved enough to be left alone some.  I will try to sneak in a run if it gets cool enough this evening, but there's a possibility of bad weather so we'll see.

Fit and Active Pregnancy News (now a regularly scheduled feature!): feeling pretty good.  Energy level is decent despite switching to decaf and dealing with stress.  I'm setting aside my heavy weights for awhile and switching to bodyweight strength training.  I could keep lifting heavy if I wanted to, but I just have an aversion to straining myself that hard right now for some reason.  It's probably irrational, but Imma roll with it.  I did bodyweight only on Friday and I'm still a little sore actually.  Weight has been rock steady at 133.6 for like a month now.  A couple moments of feeling a little weird on the tummy, but eating has been fine and that may have more to do with stress than pregnancy hormones.  My husband has (mostly) recovered from the shock, lol. 

I have def been reading y'all's updates and I'm sorry life was so crazy the last few days that I couldn't respond.  It's nice to feel connected to y'all during this whole virus situation!

Glad to hear you are feeling well, that is good, and do whatever feels good for you. Maybe you will get lucky and bypass the bad feelings. I don't know if I threw up with any of mine but had feelings of nausea for sure here and there. I remember needing more naps in pregnancy, just from fatigue and not sleeping as well, with hormones and with the body getting so big at the end it was uncomfortable.  I took Bradley classes with dh with my first and found it very helpful. I had several books too but have since got rid of them and can only vaguely remember them now, who knows what is out there now, probably lots of great new things.

15 hours ago, wintermom said:

Finished my bike ride. It was raining lightly, so I was that crazy cyclist out there in the rain. 😉  I went to check on the trails in the woods that I'm not allowed to drive to anymore. There is a lot of ice and snow still on the trails. So if I want to hike in the woods, I have to bike there and bring my crampons to navigate the ice. I think I'll wait until the rain stops before I do that. 

Just a little crazy 🙂

14 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

A short walk at lunchtime, then yoga after work. My arthritic knee is having a moment - maybe because of increased hill walking. I had to adapt the yoga to avoid stressing it, so ended up doing extra planks.

How is the hand feeling? Hopefully, the knees adjust and don't give you much more trouble.


I did not kayak, it still was not quite warm enough and I'm not skilled enough to not splash myself and don't own a wet suit. I did 30 minutes of biking and I guess I'm more out of practice than I thought as my butt was feeling sore (no soreness today though). I rode a loop up this long hill twice, it isn't the worst hill around but considering it has been awhile I was proud to see I made it up it not once but twice without being totally winded.

The kids and I did some adventuring in the woods as well and found a new spot, it will be too thick in the summer but is pretty for the time being.

Today is body combat and some yoga later.

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33 minutes ago, soror said:

I did not kayak, it still was not quite warm enough and I'm not skilled enough to not splash myself and don't own a wet suit. I did 30 minutes of biking and I guess I'm more out of practice than I thought as my butt was feeling sore (no soreness today though). I rode a loop up this long hill twice, it isn't the worst hill around but considering it has been awhile I was proud to see I made it up it not once but twice without being totally winded.

The kids and I did some adventuring in the woods as well and found a new spot, it will be too thick in the summer but is pretty for the time being.

Today is body combat and some yoga later.

Hope you can get out paddling soon. Adventuring in the woods sounds awesome! Enjoy your biking, adventuring, yoga and body combat!

When do you start painting? We've almost finished the entire upstairs. Dh is finishing the 2-story staircase today. That's the worst bit.

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3 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Hope you can get out paddling soon. Adventuring in the woods sounds awesome! Enjoy your biking, adventuring, yoga and body combat!

When do you start painting? We've almost finished the entire upstairs. Dh is finishing the 2-story staircase today. That's the worst bit.

We are hoping to start this weekend, if the rain holds off. We are painting the exterior of the house so have to wait on the weather. We have a bit more prep to do but less than a days worth of that. We shall see! I am not looking forward to doing it but sure want it done. We had to get the roof redone due to hail damage so I went ahead and changed colors as my house needed to be painted anyway and I have never loved the color I picked. 

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58 minutes ago, soror said:

🙂How is the hand feeling? Hopefully, the knees adjust and don't give you much more trouble.


I did not kayak, it still was not quite warm enough and I'm not skilled enough to not splash myself and don't own a wet suit. I did 30 minutes of biking and I guess I'm more out of practice than I thought as my butt was feeling sore (no soreness today though). I rode a loop up this long hill twice, it isn't the worst hill around but considering it has been awhile I was proud to see I made it up it not once but twice without being totally winded.

The kids and I did some adventuring in the woods as well and found a new spot, it will be too thick in the summer but is pretty for the time being.

The hand is getting there.  I got in a good number of forearm planks yesterday while avoiding bouncing on my knee and putting pressure on my hand.

The knee is just one of those facts of life.  So long as I exercise regularly, it doesn't bother me most of the time.  Sometimes I stress it and then it does.  My physio says that I'll need a knee replacement at some point, but staying as fit as possible until that time makes the operation more likely to be successful.

Kayaking sounds great when it's possible!  And I love finding areas that are too dense (often with stinging nettles) in summer but that open out in winter.

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51 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

The hand is getting there.  I got in a good number of forearm planks yesterday while avoiding bouncing on my knee and putting pressure on my hand.

The knee is just one of those facts of life.  So long as I exercise regularly, it doesn't bother me most of the time.  Sometimes I stress it and then it does.  My physio says that I'll need a knee replacement at some point, but staying as fit as possible until that time makes the operation more likely to be successful.

Kayaking sounds great when it's possible!  And I love finding areas that are too dense (often with stinging nettles) in summer but that open out in winter.

Aw, I see, it is good you are in such good shape and a good weight, I'm sure that helps tremendously.

We don't have a lot of stinging nettles (ouch) here but lots of thorn bushes (blackberries and wild roses) and also with the thickness come greater exposure to ticks, they're already out now but not nearly as thick yet. Because I live in a area not well traveled the trails are often not very clear. My legs got cut up a little yesterday from some of the thorns and I found a tick on me last week but it is a pretty quiet area and it is nice to be able to walk straight out my door. They are talking of closing parks in my state because so many people are congregating there and not obeying social distancing rules but luckily the land around us is not parks. 

Body Combat- 30 min- done and felt great


Edited by soror
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I got in dog walk #1, my indoor exercises (i.e., push-ups, etc.), and a nice 1 hr bike ride. I didn't actually think I'd last that long as my seat was really sore to start. 

I'll do one more dog walk and hopefully bring my dd along. She's not been getting a lot of exercise lately. 

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