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IEW writing brag...

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Can I brag just a little? :o


My 10yo ds hates writing. Really hates it. We did Writing Strands and attempted CW-Aesop. Both were major flops. This year I started the IEW program with him (I watched the dvds...a friend let me borrow them) and I ordered the Ancient-History based writing lessons. Here is his latest writing:


The Plant of Life


Gilgamesh, king of Urek was on his last quest frantically hunting the plant of life. He had been searching for months through massive mountains and dry deserts and had finally discovered that the plant resided in the deep of the icy sea. The Euphrates River would swiftly carry him there. Carefully, he strapped heavy rocks to his ankles so he would sink. Taken by the rush of the current, he descended to the bottom. He spotted the blinding glow of the plant. He realized he only had one chance to grab it. As he drew near, he reached and pulled. He had it! It was covered in prickly thorns and he wailed in pain but he didn’t let go. Once he had it, he loosed his ankles and swam to the surface.


On his way home he stopped by a tranquil pond to collect water, and he gently placed the precious plant on a rock. Suddenly a sneaky serpent emerged out from under the rock, and devoured it. Gilgamesh watched helplessly as the serpent swallowed his treasure. Then, to his amazement, it sprouted new scales. Gilgamesh wailed in despair for there was nothing he could do. It was gone! The plant of life was lost forever.


As he stood there weeping a soft voice quietly called to him. It belonged to his friend Enkidu back from the afterlife. He appeared in the form of a mighty eagle. Quickly, he carried Gilgamesh on his back and smoothly soared over the majestic rivers of Sumer. It was amazing! Gilgamesh beheld the bustling city he had constructed with great temples, many houses, and pretty gardens. Then Enkidu shared with Gilgamesh the secret to immortality: You will live forever in the hearts of your people for the great deeds you have heroically done for them.


This was done over about a week's time, not in one sitting and I know it won't win any Pulitzer's :D but for a kid who threw a fit every time we had to write to produce this is a minor miracle in our family.


Huge thumbs up for IEW!!!!!

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That's great!


Those are some big words for a 10 year old, very impressive. My husband's aunt teaches writing--now at the college level, but she used to teach at the high school level. I'm betting he now writes better than many of her high school students and some of her college students based on some discussions I've had with her.

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I am more than impressed! Great job, and I'm really considering that IEW for next year. I have a reluctant 13ds and he couldn't pull this off right now.






It's a great choice. IEW has my ds writing like this after only a few lessons! I PROMISE they are not paying me to say that either! :D It is a GREAT program.

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This is very exciting to hear! I posted another thread asking for opinions between IEW and CW, but only received two responses so far. My 13yod loves to write and always has, but just didn't have the skills to be able to extrapolate the right amount of information to produce a good paper. She recently took an IEW class over 3 Fridays and learned a lot in that short amount of time. And she LOVED Mr. Pudewa. ;) However, I also know that CW comes highly recommended by some, so I'm looking for more opinions before buying anything.


Really glad to read your "boast"! :thumbup:

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