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Phonetic spelling workbook program? Like AAS but in a workbook?


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 Hi everyone. I’ll be starting a tutoring job soon for a 3rd grader, and his mom wants me to provide work in between sessions. I’m looking for a systematic spelling program he can do independently, in short 10-minute bursts daily, to build his skills while I’m not working with him. My dream would be something like AAS but in a workbook 😜 does something like that even exist? His mom may be willing to give some guidance, but something like AAS would be too teacher-intensive for her (that’s what she wants me for 😄).

Thank you!

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There are workbook spelling programs - Evan Moor's is okay I guess - but there's a reason that all the good programs feature dictation. There's just not a great way to get kids to spell words they can't see on the page in front of them, cold without a ton of clues, without reading them the words.

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Spelling Plus.


I would give the MWIA. If there is any slowdown, the best homework would actually be a few minutes of nonsense words daily.  You could also have him watch my syllables movies for homework, with mom making sure he is watching them, and then you do the exercises with him.  The MWIA is linked at the bottom of my syllables page.

http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html

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1 hour ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I just ordered the Spelling Plus book earlier this week LOL because you recommended it a few times! 

I'm for sight words for spelling!  It makes sense for anyone, but especially a poor speller, to focus on the most common words.  Her book has them all categorized by rule and pattern.  They start out in manuscript and switch to cursive, so there is also practice reading cursive. It's super convenient to have them all sorted by pattern with the rules next to the words.  Her techniques aren't enough for dyslexic students, but you can use techniques learned in other programs with her lists.

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