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The Discombobulated Teachers Lounge 9-4-2019


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Hello, and welcome to the Lounge!

Today's theme stems from last night! I had plans of working on my herbalist certification course, but my plan included reading the printout
dh was supposed to have for me. I asked for this five days ago. Up until yesterday, the excuse was he needed to buy a ream of paper for the 
copier at work due to the amount of pages I wanted him to print. Then yesterday it was that AND   "I didn't have time." while all of that may be 
true it simply solidifies in my mind that we actually DO need a printer AT HOME. Anyway, I'm discombobulated because I couldn't work on it last 
night due to the fact that by 7 or 8pm at night, my eyes are really just too tired to deal with the backlighting of a computer screen, but are fine with
actual paper. And now this morning, while I have worked on it a bit (on the computer), I just feel all out of sorts. Blah. Someone please pass the chocolate!

What has you discombobulated today? Here: see above.

What are you looking forward to this week? Here: believe it or not, my son's schooling! We've started a new curriculum this year and because it uses some 
older literature, I'm doing a lot of reading aloud so he can get the flow of the language. I love older English and I love learning so hopefully the attitude of this
being fun will rub off on my son, as well! B-) Also, this Saturday I'm scheduled to be in the audience of a video Bible Study filming with Amberly Neese. That should
be fun!

Who has the chocolate?? Here: I have some dark chocolate chips.

Talk to me! 🍫

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Hi ya Scrap!

 I can’t say that I am really discombobulated today. Just putting one foot in front of the other. I never get everything done on my tackle list but at least I am chipping away at it. 

Right now I am supervising DD’s Japanese class. Fortunately I had some time with the textbook before hand because otherwise I would be discombobulated. I knew that what she wrote for one sentence was wrong but it took me awhile to figure out how to fix it. I can be that way sometimes in English too. 😉

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