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Is a Syllabus Required? Update in original post


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Dd is taking an online class that started today.  The professor got good reviews on Rate My Professor but I don't like what I'm seeing so far.  He has links to assignments up (an access code is required - that he JUST listed today).  But no syllabus, course schedule,  welcome,  announcement - nothing about the class at all. 

Dd asked if a syllabus is required.  I never thought about it before but I imagine that it would be.  Does anyone know?  I'm tempted to have her drop this class but she needs it and this professor does have good reviews (although none for this particular class).


UPDATE:  dd heard back from the professor.  Apparently, he sent out an email to the class earlier telling them that the syllabus and class info would be posted this weekend but she hadn't enrolled in the class yet so she never received the email.  It all makes sense now!  

Edited by Kassia
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I live in a sue-happy part of the country where students sue professors. I've been a community college professor for twenty plus years, currently teaching online with one of the largest community colleges in the U.S.

In my field, they've standardized the courses across all campuses and online, and at my Saturday faculty meeting they said that anyone who alters the syllabus other than a little customization will be reprimanded because it is considered a legal document. If you modify the syllabus and are sued, the college will not provide a lawyer for you. That's how serious they consider the syllabus to be.

Obviously not every college views it that way. I like working for them because they can provide more work for me than the previous college I worked for, but they are a bit controlling (LOL).

I would be concerned about no syllabus though. As an ongoing student myself, I need to know the expectations.

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Without knowing more details, I'd be willing to grant the professor some grace.  At some schools, especially with adjunct, or part-time faculty, teaching assignments can be given out just days before classes start.  This doesn't give much time to prepare, especially if it is a class the professor hasn't taught before.

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Also, even if he's taught the class in person before, he might not have taught it online and is still learning the online system.  He may have a syllabus that just hasn't been posted yet.  If she emails to ask and he doesn't respond or says there isn't one, then I'd be concerned.  

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34 minutes ago, klmama said:

Has your dd asked for the syllabus?  


Yes, she sent an email.  No response and nothing additional has been posted for the class. 


17 minutes ago, klmama said:

Also, even if he's taught the class in person before, he might not have taught it online and is still learning the online system.  He may have a syllabus that just hasn't been posted yet.  If she emails to ask and he doesn't respond or says there isn't one, then I'd be concerned.  


He has taught other online classes before but I don't know if he's taught this one.  She did email yesterday but no response. 



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