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The Is Summer Over Yet? Teachers Lounge 6-21-2019


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Morning! And welcome to the lounge! 

I know it's weird, when it's only June, to ask, "Is summer over yet?" But here in the Phoenix area it's over 100*F almost daily and the temps will only get higher as summer goes along.
We are supposed to have a brief reprieve this weekend with temps "only" getting to 99*F. LOL Plus, we have a couple of wildfires glowing and growing about an hour southeast of us.
All of you that are getting too much rain, please send it to us!

What's bugging you this summer? Here: I enjoyed my time up in Wyoming and am now really missing the weather! I don't like high, dry heat!

What's going right this summer? Here: I'm in a rough transition period right now, but I think I've finally discovered my path! Focusing on being an herbalist and a writer from this point forward.

What's on the menu today? Here: while I was in the high desert, my husband, still here in the low desert, bought an Instant Pot, and put some chicken in there before he left for work this morning.
I may also go get the $5.00 lunch special from Little Caesars when they open. 

Talk to me!

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Afternoon, Scrap!
I'd like to see a mix of both of our weathers - nasty bit of rain here, and yet to see real sun in a while.  On the upside, I think I might be able to put away the winter wear next month.

The menu today: it's a lazy day because last night was rather late.  So, eggs, toast, and fruit for brunch, and then for dinner dh is making pancetta wrapped chicken thighs, chili garlic linguine, and a light spring salad.  I will be taking that same time and labeling the youngest's items for camp.  Oh, the fun!

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It's the first day of summer and I'm in the "when will spring ever start?!" mode. It's been cool and rainy for months here. The ground is still very wet. Maybe you can send some of that delicious dry heat my way! Even when it does warm up a little the humidity also "skyrockets" (at least for Canada). 

On the menu today is chicken and avocado for lunch and stir-fry for dinner. I've already done all the prep, which is unbelievable! I'll be heading outdoors this afternoon to walk/hike with a friend. I see blue sky, so it looks promising!

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