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Experience with flu meds - Tamiflu??


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DH started some flu-like symptoms last night - with a wheezing that he has never had before.  He aches and is chilled, but no fever (or at least not high if there is one).  He is off to the doctor at 9:45.   Just wondering about effectiveness and/or side effects of taking Tamiflu, etc.  None of us in our family have taken this type of drug before.  I don’t feel great and it feels like I have something in my chest with aches.  Boys seem to be spared so far.  DH and I are wearing masks LOL.  So attractive....

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I used Tamiflu this year for the first time. I changed docs and this practice was like sure, verified flu in kid so you know you got it, have the meds. I have asthma and I've been getting pneumonia/bronchitis four times a year, hence changing the docs and looking for better options.

The tamiflu had side effects, shortened the duration by one day, and lessened the *intensity* enough that I didn't get pneumonia or bronchitis. So for me, as I am the target population, they were a huge win. I would do them again in a heartbeat. I don't remember the side effects, because honestly I was still wicked sick. They definitely were not like oh take them and back to perfect. I just knew, the way I felt, I would have had pneumonia within 2 days (because that's how it happens) and I didn't. It was still a number of weeks afterward before my energy bounced back.

If you have a normal immune system and no recurrence of problems, I have no clue if the doc will offer them. They did for me, but I'm the target population. My side effects were not enough to deter me from taking them again, but I've read others here describing much worse side effects.  I'm not sure it's worth it if you're going to get well anyway, kwim? 

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I'm a "no" when it comes to tamiflu.

For the kids and I, if we get sick, we can just wait it out, no big deal.

When DH was offered it, I advised him not to take it, but he wanted to because the chance of the illness being reduced by a day appealed to him. (also, doc was pushing it, even though he has no immune system issues)

Possibly makes sense, especially if you can't afford to take many days off of work (he could have, but didn't want to, PLUS tamiflu isn't covered by our insurance and cost ~$100 for the course.)

After purchasing the meds, and taking the first pill, his test results came back - no flu. *face palm*


I have a hard time justifying $100 for the "promise" of one day less duration out of who knows how many days + side effects being all the symptoms of flu plus a few more, though possibly less severe...



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My 21 year-old son caught the flu this year. He opted to take Tamiflu because he didn’t want to miss too many classes. He had to stop because he experienced extreme anxiety dreams. It was so bad he called me at 3 am. This is one of the possible side effects. Read up on that just so you can be aware if someone in your family decides to take it.

Flu virus thrives in areas that are dry and cold. So it might help to keep your house warm and humid for awhile.


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My kid took tamiflu once for influenza B and it was pointless.  Still lasted 10 days, etc.  No side affects but not worth the co-pay.  He does not have immune system issues or asthma. 

But honestly, if he does not have a fever, I not would suspect flu first.  Maybe walking pneumonia if there is wheezing involved.  My daughter has had that a couple times with on and off fevers.  We've had dx-ed flu a number of times in this house. It had always hit like a freight train with fever, sore throat, aches, headache, cough, etc.

Edited by FuzzyCatz
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4 minutes ago, FuzzyCatz said:

My kid took tamiflu once for influenza B and it was pointless.  Still lasted 10 days, etc.  No side affects but not worth the co-pay.  He does not have immune system issues or asthma. 

But honestly, if he does not have a fever, I not would suspect flu first.  Maybe walking pneumonia if there is wheezing involved.  My daughter has had that a couple times with on and off fevers.  We've had dx-ed flu a number of times in this house. It had always hit like a freight train with fever, sore throat, aches, headache, cough, etc.

Would walking pneumonia come on quickly?  Although, he didn't sleep well Friday night (said he felt hungover the next day, but without any drinking).  The chest congestion and wheezing came on during the night.  

He is at the doctor now.  He is not one to run to the doctor, but he didn't hesitate when I said he was going today!

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In one case my daughter's walking pneumonia came on quickly.  In another case she had a lingering cold and cough that got worse.  It could be something else entirely too.  I just don't think doctors tend to jump to flu without a significant fever.  I'm sure they'll swab for everything making the rounds.  Wheezing is definitely a good reason to see the doc!  You'll have to report back on the final verdict.  Hope he feels better soon!

Every time we've had the flu here it has been a situation of going to bed feeling fine and waking up feeling like we were hit by a truck with a 101-102+ fever even in the adults. 

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Thank you all!  He is back home.  Negative for flu.  Lungs and everything sound great.  Thinks it's a virus.  He is in bed with chills, but fever only 99.7.  Very achy.  My boys are wearing masks now too because they don't want it -- LOL.

I do wish the people in my house would take be as good to me when I am sick as I do of them them when they are sick -- LOL.  Must be nice :biggrin:.  I have all males in my house...


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We use olive leaf extract.  It has worked for flu, shingles, stomach viruses and 4 cases of chicken pox. It takes a lot of it.  For adults, 3 caps three times per day with food. Weight adjust for a child.

It is truly miraculous. It made extremely painful shingles painless, stomach viruses go away after one vomit, the flu not even develop, and the chicken pox dry up and scab over in three days in all 4 kids.

It wasn’t verified flu. I had a lot of patients come in with the flu about 15 years ago and I started getting a achy all over, really a hallmark sign of the flu.  I took 6 OLE pills right then and in an hour all the achy went away and I never got sick.


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Oh on that note, we've had great luck with elderberry in our house with colds and flu.  We get flu shots too so I'm a fan of western medicine but we've had our 2 healthiest years ever since I started making elderberry.  Through the winter we use it 2-3 times a week and ramp up when any symptoms start.  My daughter had the most minor 2-3 day cold ever last week after starting elderberry.


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We are currently on Tamiflu.  We were told that side effects are nightmares and possibly depression/anxiety.   I asked the PA about it specificlly and she said 1. incidence is pretty small 2. they're not sure if it's a side-effect of the flu or the Tamiflu.  She told us we are to stop immediately if we start having issues.  

But, my son came down with the flu type A on Friday (here my thread about it) .  He went on Tamiflu on Saturday morning. By Sunday  he was feeling good enough to sit at his computer.  Today he's even better.    I'm on a prophylactic dosage.   I'm happy with it so far.  I'm not sleeping well, but no nightmares.  Son is fine.  

I am amazed at how quickly he's recovered.  We've had some friends who were too late to get Tamiflu and they were sick for weeks.  No thank you.  

My daughter (who doesn't live with us) was just dx with flu today (although neither type A or B - some other strain).  She's going to give Tamiflu a try because she really can't miss that much work and she's also in school.  

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1 hour ago, FuzzyCatz said:

Oh on that note, we've had great luck with elderberry in our house with colds and flu.  We get flu shots too so I'm a fan of western medicine but we've had our 2 healthiest years ever since I started making elderberry.  Through the winter we use it 2-3 times a week and ramp up when any symptoms start.  My daughter had the most minor 2-3 day cold ever last week after starting elderberry.


We've also had good luck with Elderberry.  I keep it on hand.  As soon as son started presenting sick I was downing that stuff.  It was too late for him, though.  

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OP here again.  Fever now (102.7).  His flu test was negative after 15 minutes and the dr. said there were coming back with a positive very quickly in her experience.

We love elderberry here.  My boys take the gummies regularly.  I usually take the liquid regularly, but have been remiss lately.  Started again this morning.  DH normally only takes when he feels someone coming on or if someone in the house is pretty sick.

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1 minute ago, mlktwins said:

OP here again.  Fever now (102.7).  His flu test was negative after 15 minutes and the dr. said there were coming back with a positive very quickly in her experience.

We love elderberry here.  My boys take the gummies regularly.  I usually take the liquid regularly, but have been remiss lately.  Started again this morning.  DH normally only takes when he feels someone coming on or if someone in the house is pretty sick.

my daughter was at the clinic this morning.  Tested neg for both A & B.. but they said there's another strain going around where she is (DE) that isn't picked up on the test.  However, she had the symptoms.. so they put her on Tamiflu.    She only had a low-grade fever though. 

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Just as a total aside, I think the price for me before insurance was around $65 and after insurance was only $30. I have an HSA, so that was just the insurance price. Usually one of those GoodRX cards will get you pretty close. 

Can it happen that the op's dh just went in too early and that now that the fever has hit he would test positive? I don't know. And are there home tests for the flu or do you always have to see the doc? Home would be nice, wow.

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5 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

Just as a total aside, I think the price for me before insurance was around $65 and after insurance was only $30. I have an HSA, so that was just the insurance price. Usually one of those GoodRX cards will get you pretty close. 

Can it happen that the op's dh just went in too early and that now that the fever has hit he would test positive? I don't know. And are there home tests for the flu or do you always have to see the doc? Home would be nice, wow.

I was thinking the same thing about home tests when we were in the clinic.  My son was very contagious.  Seemed a shame to bring him into a public place (CVS) to have him tested.    She put a mask on him before the test was even done because she knew it was the Flu. 

I don't know how early one can test positive, but the PA told me that son was contagious up to 2  days prior to symptoms... so I would think it should show up as soon as symptoms appear. 

Edited by PrincessMommy
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