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The hardest part about Homeschooling is [insert yours here]....

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when the kids have bad attitudes . . .


when I have a bad attitude! :glare:


when I'm absolutely overwhelmed with housework and doing school (which was almost every day)


trying to do upper-level math when it's been too many years


feeling insecure and never quite sure if I'm doing enough.


Those are a few of the complaints I've had over the years. This year it's a different environment, as the kids are all in school. Despite the hassles, I still miss homeschooling!

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getting motivated to carry out the science experiments. Just when we feel like things are flowing smoothly, we come upon a science experiment and I have to put things in a lower gear.


It is difficult to get my ds to read through the experiment before conducting the experiment; :thumbdown:


my ds does not like gathering the materials for the experiment; :thumbdown:


my ds does not like getting dirty or messy during an experiment; :thumbdown:


and my ds does not like writing the report for the experiment. :thumbdown:


The only thing he really likes is glueing his report into his lab notebook because he knows the experiment is over and done with.





Claire in NM

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For me it is the daily personality switch from


Mommy when I wake up (making breakfast and hot cocoa),

Mommy to 2yo

Teacher who sets standards, and holds ds 14 responsible for high school work.

Mommy to 2yo

Mommy who drives kids to classes (....don't forget your lunch :0) )

Mommy to 2yo

Teacher for dd9 who likes to start later, and wants me to help like a good teacher would.

Mommy to 2yo.

Mommy picking kids up from classes (how was your day?)

Teacher to ds14

did I mention mommy to 2yo

Mommy to do a fun trip to the library

Teacher to help pick books that tie into school

mommy to 2yo who is now cranky and tired of all the diversions of the day

Mommy to cook dinner

Mommy to 2yo who is now making a huge mess because I am distracted in the kitchen.

Mommy to drive carpool to swim team, church or what ever is the nights plan


Mommy to sit and do something "family like" with a 2yo climbing on my and screaming at the top of her lungs.

Teacher to remind ds to finish project or to help him with it

Mommy to tuck in...



I feel like I am 2 very, very, very different people. Sometimes I alternate between the two very roughly. We usually ditch school on those days, becuase well frankly we have to.



Ohh and 3 days a week, I get to be "professional" for 6 hours in the middle of it all. Adding that 3rd personality, is too much somedays

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1. ALWAYS having questions...

2. NEVER getting satisfying answers

3. Town days on Friday (we live far away from town and try to only go on Fri)

4. A "highly gifted" child

5. Little to no help...from anybody irl.


7. Getting my school work done...preparing for their school work...(I am a 3/4 time student)

8. meals...dishes...chores...laundry

9. wanting to devote more time then I have to anything


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1. Having the time in a day to get done everything I WANT to do with them. Often the things they have to do everyday take too long then I am finished.


2. Keeping up with my housecleaning.


3. Juggling kids' activities.


4. No me time (except when I go to work 1.5 days a week and even then it is only in the car between patients...other people's kids).

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The hardest part is comprehending our potential and the possibilities that this model of education offers which took hundreds (thousands???) of hours to understand and then realizing that we are never going to reach our potential because of limited resources - time being the element that I NEVER seem to have enough moles of in order to complete the reaction(s).


...and then I stand there and look at this enormous pile of know-how and wonder what to do?


Choice #1 - do all things a little bit and never taste satisfaction. We could produce loads and loads of vanilla ice cream - that doesn't even taste like vanilla. It's just cold with a fatty taste - like store brand ice cream that melts into a greasy puddle in the bottom of the bowl. What is THAT!?!?

Choice #2 - do a few things well. Don't worry about the other stuff: it was going to be a big batch of horrible, whipped-up-nothing anyway.

Choice #3 - Keep wondering and do nothing - or next to nothing.


And yes - as I read your posts, I feel your pain. :001_smile:

Except for my dh - no one understands my job. Being misunderstood causes such extreme moods. Everything seems to slide into either of two ditches: self-doubt or angry confrontation. Neither is pleasant; neither is productive; neither is a natural tendency of my personality.


As I've read your posts, I thought about our journey. I can commiserate with most of your comments. But all's well. Chin up! :001_smile: It really is a grand and glorious journey. The valleys just make the mountain-tops mean THAT much more. Even if you are the only one who feels it! :001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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I also struggle with needing to be "on" almost every single minute. I work too on the weekends so I struggle with wanting time for myself just to be alone and do nothing.


Still, what gets me up is knowing my son's future is in my hands. Both academically and in terms of character.

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