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Online AP Latin Courses - need suggestions please

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I can't believe that it's already that time to start searching and exploring online courses again. I feel like I just did this last week. 😅

DD is currently taking Latin 3 through TPS and is enjoying it. Her teacher is DS's AP Latin teacher. I thought we were all set for DD's Latin course progression. Sadly, her teacher will not teach AP Latin next year because it will be too much of a load given her personal situation. So now, I'm restarting what I did last year to search for a Latin class, this time for DD.

I know of Lukeion, CLRC, Memoria Press - but these are in the late mornings or afternoons EST. We need something either early morning EST or evening EST/PST because we live in East Asia.

I've found Veritas Press's AP level Latin course works time-wise, but it is not college board approved as AP. Has anyone taken this course with Ms. Ceaicovschi and can give me some feedback about the class?

Are there any other online AP/AP level Latin providers out there for me to look at?  Thanks!

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Yes, Joanna is in Australia 🙂 and teaches later in the day. Sorry, I thought WHA was still doing AP Latin but last I looked I did notice a shortage of teachers for more than a couple classes, so maybe they took it off since then. 



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Thanks for mentioning Wilson Hill!

You are right, Joanna Hensley is not teaching AP Latin in 2019-20. Their course will be taught by M. Colvin 12:30-2:00PM EST, which will not work for us. Sigh.

I wonder if I can search for Hensley and see if she is teaching else where....

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My son took Latin, history and literature through Lukeion when we lived in Japan.  He had permission to take the class watching the recordings.  He did not take AP, but it might be worth asking.

Edited by rdj2027
Edited for grammar
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Schole Academy (CAP) has AP Latin taught by Mr. Kotynski TuThF at 11 AM. He's the head of the Latin department over there. He edited two of the LA volumes. He took over these classes as Mr. Dubose stepped down from teaching. He sadily passed away last year. Mr. Kotynksi's email is listed in the course description. He's pretty responsive.


The school did an Open House and has recordings of breakout sessions here: 

They are hosting another one on 3/12.

My son is moving on to Latin 1 next year, but he asked to stay with Mrs. Songer at Wilson Hill. I was ready to move him back to Schole and start with Mr. Kotynksi as they were open to taking him as well even though he is slightly younger. We had a good experience at Schole prior to Wilson Hill and only moved because of scheduling issues.



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My son took Latin, history and literature through Lukeion when lived in Japan.  He had permission to take the class watching the recordings.  He did not take AP, but it might be worth asking.


I was going to suggest asking permission for this with Lukeion as well, since she records all the lectures.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Mom0012 said:

If Lukeion’s AP Latin is full, you might be able to do CLRC’s with recordings.  It is a 2-hour class, though.  If you look into that, you might want to ask Anne VanFossen if you can see a recording of the class before enrolling.

Thanks for the tip. I guess recorded class is a last last resort...

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  • 1 year later...

AP Latin classes themselves count for nothing. The only thing that "counts" to colleges and universities is the score on the AP exam itself. So it's not really necessary to take a certified AP class. It's possible, moreover, to pass an approved AP class and end up with nothing if the student doesn't get at least a 3 on the AP exam. Try the AP classes at Udemy.com. They're cheap and self-study. The might work for stand-alone AP prep outside of a structured academic setting. They should also be useful to a student in a classroom (face-to-face, or virtual) as a supplement.

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